Contact Us
In March of 2007, we received over 12,000 emails. At that point it became undeniable that we could no longer personally answer each and every individual email that arrived. Also, of those 12,000 emails, fully 95% contained questions that were already answered on our website. So, if you have a question, first try using the search function located at the top of all pages on our site. If you have a question about any of Jon Barron’s formulas, you need to contact where a full-time customer support staff can assist you.
Commonly Asked Questions
- I just found your site and want to turn around my health, where do I start?
The simple answer is to read Jon Barron’s book, “Lessons from the Miracle Doctor”. This book provides a step-by-step guide for achieving optimum health. You can download a free copy (or listen to a free online audio version of the book). After you read the book, check out the Baseline of Health® Program page for assistance in applying what you’ve read. - I got your newsletter, but I forgot to download your book from the link on the newsletter.
The link to download the book is contained in the confirmation email you received when you signed up for the Baseline of Health® Newsletter. If you are unable to find that email, you will need to unsubscribe from the newsletter and then resubscribe to receive a new copy of the original email. - Where do I find a product mentioned in your newsletter?
Recommendations can be found on our Product Page. - I want to do a detox, where do I start?
You are in luck. We have created a self-guided Detox Program on our website that is loaded with daily tips, recipes, product recommendations, and answers to specific questions about detoxing. Enjoy!
If you still cannot find an answer to your question above, or if have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email us. Again, we will no longer be able to respond to personal health questions on an individual basis, but Jon will use his health blog to address many of these issues (or the newsletter if a more detailed response is required) so that everyone with similar questions will be have access to his responses.
Readers Testimonial
“This is a miracle!! I would not be alive today without the Baseline of Health.”
Howard Ritter
Jon's Guide To Supplements
Check out Jon Barron's comprehensive guide on supplements. Learn what you should consider taking, when, and why. Also gives a list for special health needs.