

I am Dr Ameen, a Naturopath, practicing in Malaysia since last 13 years. I am writing this long due email to express my immense gratitude for the knowledge and experience you shared through your book " Lessons from Miracle Doctors". In last 5 years, I have started applying the principles and foundation you laid in your great work and results are nothing but amazing. My whole practice and life have transformed and I managed to save so many lives by just always going back to your book and look for solutions. I have read your book at least 20 times and I know I will read hundred times and still find new things to learn. The results and efficacy of Baseline of health is so immense yet very simple. I have recommended your work to so many of my friends and colleagues and all have great things to say about your book and spread heath and healing effectively to the community.

Thank you all so much for being instrumental in influencing practices and protecting many lives! I am so immensely grateful to you Dr Jon!

You are the best.

God Bless!

Dr Ameen
Director (Naturopathy Physician)
Holistic Ayurose Sdn Bhd

Dr. Ameen, Naturopathy Physician, Houston, TX

Jon is one of the remaining pillars of nutrition wisdom who shares so much valuable health information with the public and professionals.

Rick Malter, Ph.D., Houston, TX

I would like to thank you all for the immensely great newsletters. I enjoy reading them and more importantly, spreading them around to my friends. You are doing the entire humanity a favor and most people may not even realize that. Once again, many heartfelt thanks.

Yezdi, Houston, TX

I have been doing research in the health and wellness field for around 9 years. I do some research, but mostly I search for articles that can help others. Articles that the average person never sees. I pass the articles along in a newsletter every few days. I receive letters from everything from NEJM to Alternative sites and MDs. I consider myself very good at sifting crap from jewels, and I have passed many of your articles on to my readers, and I want you to know that I consider your articles top of the line! I have always been impressed by the time you have had to spend to produce the quality of work in your newsletters. A devoted reader. Keep it up!

Ray Cessna, Houston, TX

Your articles on health have opened a new way of understanding why we are constantly under attack from viruses and germs. We salute your courage in an age those who should know what to do to heal us are rather helpless. We are indeed blessed to have people like you around to explain to us that health is truly in our hands, and what we need to do to be disease free.

Eteng Otu, Houston, TX

I'm grateful for your columns and your tutorials on how the body works, your debunks on mainstream studies, and the "Lessons from the Miracle Doctors." You are an inspiration.

Daniel Arnaud, Houston, TX

I think Jon Barron's website is a plethora of information on health issues and wellness. He's very informed and gives good advise. He's obviously passionate about health and has made a rather good range of natural supplements that he sells. I'm a DO Doctor and ND and I enjoy my daily E-mails from Jon Barron.

Dr. Robbie Goodrum DO.ND, Houston, TX

Jon, I've learned so much from your book and posts, can't thank you enough!! God bless.

Cielo, Houston, TX

Very thorough, thank-you for your work, it is a wonderful resource!

Jeffrey Bergey, Houston, TX

Thank you for all the good info I have read on this site and in my newsletters!

April Koning, Houston, TX