2011 Natural Health Newsletters

tural Health Remedies | Natural Health Newsletters

According to The World Health Organization, at least 171 million people worldwide have diabetes, and this figure is likely to more than double by 2030. Around 3.2 million deaths every year are attributable to complications of diabetes; that is six deaths every minute! Many do not realize that diabetes is largely a self-inflicted disease and can, therefore, be controlled naturally — and in the case of Type II Diabetes, even be reversed. Below is a list of resources to help you understand the natural alternatives for regulating diabetes safely.

1. The Nature of Diabetes — It’s Echo Effect
Type 2 diabetes is not like any other disease. Most diseases such as cancer and MS are linear. In other words, you get the disease and it progresses in a straight line, from point A to point B. It may have regressions and remissions in which it backs up on its linear path for a bit, but then it picks up steam and once again proceeds on down the same track to its ultimate conclusion. Diabetes does not do that. Diabetes actually follows multiple, mutually reinforcing paths — an echo effect if you will, with each echo reinforcing and amplifying all the other echoes, or “effects”. This distinction is of vital importance because it mandates multiple points of intervention if you wish to reverse diabetes and not just slow its progression.

2. Natural Alternatives to Regulating Blood Sugar Metabolism
Once you begin to explore the world of herbs and supplements that relate to metabolizing blood sugar, you soon discover that there are literally dozens and dozens of them. The trick is in identifying which ones are most efficacious – and how they work in combination. If done correctly, these nutraceuticals don’t just reinforce each other’s benefits, they actually amplify them.

3. Diabetes Myths and other Fatal Mistakes
Forcing blood sugar levels down with medications does nothing to relieve the underlying diabetic condition. It merely suppresses just one of its manifestations. If you want to prevent and reverse diabetes, you have to reduce sugar intake, reduce insulin resistance, improve beta cell function in the pancreas, and protect and repair insulin/sugar damage to mission critical organs in the body. And you have to do all of these things all at once. Since diabetes is not a single straight-line progression disease, you need to stop every single “echo” simultaneously so that no aspect of the disease can reverberate and start the whole process moving downhill again. You need to stop it all or it will all start again.

Continue reading other educational Newsletters on Diabetes, blood glucose levels and associated risks:

Blogs for Review:

The Odds on Good Health – 

Niacin and Cholesterol – 

A recent study proving that niacin doesn’t help prevent heart attacks and strokes actually rips the facade off one of the biggest medical rackets in the world — statin drugs.

Trimming the Fat from Weight Loss Studies – 

A recent obesity study out of Australia has concluded that when people lose weight, their metabolism automatically slows down and they experience hormonal changes that increase appetite. The researchers theorized that these changes, not portion size, the types of food eaten, or lack of exercise, etc., explain why most dieters so quickly gain back what they lost.

Vitamin E Does Not Cause Prostate Cancer – 

On October 12th, the researchers conducting the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial  published the results of their eight year investigation  by announcing that vitamin E supplementation not only does not help prevent prostate cancer; it actually increases your risk of getting it — substantially. As it turns out, the study is based on false logic. It is sophistry. It is bad advice.

Getting Hysterical with Apples and Arsenic – 

In mid-September, Dr. Oz, announced on his nationally syndicated show that apple juice imported from China may be slowly poisoning children because the Chinese spray their apples with arsenic pesticide. But the issue is not necessarily what Dr. Oz implied.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 4 – 

In our concluding segment on the immune system, we progressively step outside the box and draw a clear line between the medical view of the immune system and the holistic view. And ultimately, we arrive at the primary point of separation.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 3 – 

In this part of our series on the immune system, we talk about the complementary immune system, how your immune system communicates, and how we build immunity.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 2 – 

In our last newsletter, we explored the elite half of the immune system: cell-mediated immunity.  These are the T-cells and Cytotoxic NK killer cells. To use a military analogy, these are the officers of the immune system — those educated at West Point. In this issue, we explore humoral immunity, the grunts of the immune system, the draftees who man the front lines and do the bulk of the fighting.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 1 – 

Understanding how your immune system works and how to optimize it, while at the same time keeping it in balance so it does not run out of control, turn on you, and attack your own body, is essential to good health…if not your very life.

Dietary Supplements under Attack by the AMA, Again – 

A recent “commentary” article concerning dietary supplements, written by Bryan E. Denham, PhD was published in JAMA, thus carrying the imprimatur of the American Medical Association. If you were to hazard a guess, what side of the issue do you think the good doctor and the AMA came down on — pro or con vis-à-vis alternative medicine and dietary supplements? Good guess!

How Health & Environment Change Your Brain – 

Seemingly unrelated external events or circumstances can literally alter our brains for good or ill — sometimes permanently, unless somehow deliberately changed back.

Consistently Unhealthy – 

Why is it that in the world of “scientific” medicine, deeply ingrained beliefs (e.g. flu shots, statin drugs, antidepressants, hormone replacement therapy, fluoridated water, and amalgam fillings) are seemingly beyond challenge — no matter how much evidence you present to the contrary?

MRSA Is Building Momentum – 

MRSA accounts for some 19,000 deaths annually in the United States, and an equivalent number in Europe, more than all the deaths from HIV/AIDS and almost 400% more than all the deaths from food poisoning – from all bacterial sources. Treating MRSA in U.S. hospitals costs upwards of $3 billion annually, and it is only one of several widespread deadly pathogens that are becoming drug resistant.

E. Coli Outbreak – 

E. coli is back in the news and once again causing hysteria beyond its actual threat. Yes, this latest outbreak has sickened a couple of thousand people in 12 countries since it first appeared on May 1st and killed, at last count, 24 people, all in Germany so far. But to put that in perspective: about 16 times that many people have died in German traffic accidents during the same time period. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at E. coli, what it is, what it does, and why this new strain is particularly alarming. At the same time, we’ll also explore some of the more alarmist statements now populating the blogosphere, and finish by offering some recommendations.

Alternative Medicine Is Valid – 

The May 19th issue of The Economist ran TWO stories debunking alternative medicine. The first story carried a subheading that read, “Virtually all alternative medicine is bunk.” And then later on in the issue, it expounded on the same theme as the main science story of the week, with the subheading, “Alternative medical treatments rarely work. Personally, I love The Economist, but these stories are way off base and filled with innuendo, not to mention a good bit of distortion.  Learn the other side of the story…

The Paleo Diet – 

Diets come, and diets go. And like fashion, if you wait long enough, what is now out will eventually return — but with a twist, so you can’t dust off the old books, but instead have to buy new ones. And now it is the turn of the Paleo Diet (also known as the Paleolithic Diet, or caveman diet) to sweep the nation. What exactly is the Paelo Diet? What does it involve? Does it actually work? And are there better alternatives? All is revealed.

Predicting Diabetes – 

Earlier this month, Nature Magazine published the results of a study that found that a simple blood test can spot diabetes a decade before even the first symptoms appear.Currently, doctors have no way to accurately predict the onset of diabetes other than generally observing weight and rising blood sugar levels. Obviously, ten years of early warning represents a huge advance in dealing with diabetes and could help prevent complications like heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation. But the real treasure of the study may lie just below its”press release” results in the revelatory information concerning diet and diabetes.

Aspirin — What is it Good For? – 

Think Aspirin is good for your heart?  Maybe not so much. Think the only danger from Aspirin is stomach upset?  Think again. In this issue, Jon explores Aspirin, probably the best selling drug in the history of the world. Find out what it actually does, and what options you have that just might do those things better — and safer.  It just might save your life.

Oil Pulling Detox? – 

Given what we now know about oil pulling, it might be better to refer to it by its less common name, oil swishing, since there probably is no “pulling” of toxins from the body involved. On the other hand, given its low cost and potential benefits in terms of eliminating gum disease and all of the problems that creates throughout the body, it probably makes sense to add it to your arsenal of health maintenance protocols.  Learn everything you need to know to maximize the effectiveness of this potentially lifesaving technique.

Pharmaceutical Hormones for Women – 

In the early 2000s, the YAZ® birth control pill hit the American market in a huge advertising blitz claiming that YAZ® was not only the primo, number-one birth control pill in the world (backed by studies), but also offered the additional benefits of eliminating acne and reducing the effects of PMS/PMDD. Unfortunately, YAZ® comes with a host of side effects — all blithely laughed off at the end of the ads. A few years down the road, and now many women wished they had paid more attention to those warnings.

Radioactive Fallout Update: Fear is the Mind Killer – 

Since I first wrote about the nuclear disaster in Japan, many things have changed — and yet little has changed. By that I mean there have been countless breaking news stories and changing events appearing hour by hour. Panic is spreading. But the bottom line is that little has changed since I first wrote about the situation. It is indeed a great tragedy for the Japanese people, but it is still primarily a local event for Japan, with only the smallest of chances that there will be any substantial health impact on the rest of the world. With that in mind let’s quickly look at some of the events and rumors that are circulating and what the truth is behind them.

Preparing for Nuclear Fallout – 

There is some degree of risk, no matter how small, that substantial amounts of radiation may leak from one or more of the Japanese reactors, make its way into the upper atmosphere, and ultimately drop down on the United States and the rest of the world. The amount of exposure to citizens outside of Japan would ultimately be small; but unfortunately, in the case of some types of radiation, small amounts of exposure can have significant health consequences — particularly for the vulnerable.  Learn what you can do to protect yourself from nuclear fallout.

Fats and Oils Made Simple – 

The world’s establishment health experts still don’t get it when it comes to fats and oils. They oversimplify and misrepresent the case against saturated fats. They are clueless when it comes to trans-fats, which in some cases are actually healthy. And they are dangerously wrong when it comes to polyunsaturated fats, actually encouraging you to take a course of action that will lead to more heart attacks and cancer. The bottom line is that your life really does depend on understanding fats.

Growth of Cancer – 

Cancer has always been with us, but the important debate concerns whether or not its incidence has been constant throughout the history of humankind or has climbed dramatically since the introduction of modern diets, lifestyles, and the release of industrial toxins into the environment. And when you think about it, your very life depends upon the answer to that question.  In this article, Jon discusses the New York Times published article that explores the incidence of cancer in prehistoric times and its implications for those of us living today.

The Growth of Cardiovascular Disease – 

A recent report from the American Heart Association on the future of heart disease in the United States contains more truth than nonsense. Unfortunately, it ultimately succumbs to the weight of its medical bias – the bias that says you can control disease by managing symptoms. In truth, cardiovascular disease will never truly be controlled until medical doctors think more like holistic physicians and deal with the causes of cardiovascular disease rather than just its symptoms. In his newsletter, Jon explains exactly how you can do just that.

Distilled Water – 

Contrary to what Dr. Mercola says in his recent article on distilled water, a good water distiller is actually a fine option and will provide the “cleanest” water you can get.  And, if you drink distilled water, you will absolutely want to add quality liquid trace minerals to your water before you drink it. But it is not the only option, and not necessarily the best option. Drinking the right water is too important to leave to chance. It’s fundamental to your health.  Read more about how to get the purest drinking water possible.

Vitamin D Nonsense – 

Recent recommendations for vitamin D are absurdly low. In this health newsletter, Jon explores how the Institute of Medicine’s recent recommendations ignore the fundamental differences between vitamin D2 and D3. And because they ignore those differences: (1) their analysis of existing data is totally flawed; (2) their assessment of optimal blood levels is based on fantasy and flies in the face of mounting scientific evidence; and (3) their caution on maximum safe levels of supplementation rests on mind boggling logic. If you rely on their recommendations, you will severely compromise your health.

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J. Abbott, "Well Again"

Jon's Guide To Supplements

Check out Jon Barron's comprehensive guide on supplements. Learn what you should consider taking, when, and why. Also gives a list for special health needs.