Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Baseline of Health® Foundation?

The Baseline of Health Foundation is an alternative health information web resource, containing dozens of articles, lectures, Q&A, and a free download of Jon Barron's remarkable book, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Although the site emphasizes the health program outline in Jon's book, it also offers impartial commentary on research, product trends, and current events in alternative health.

Do you accept contributions to the Baseline of Health Foundation?

The Baseline of Health Foundation was created by Jon Barron as a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to providing support for the research and development of natural health formulas according to the guidelines expressed in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors and to serve as an information resource on natural health alternatives. The Foundation is supported in entirety through donations provided by Jon Barron. Fortunately, Jon's consulting work for health companies and private label formulations fund the following: 

- Subsidize Baseline Nutritionals
- Subsidize the Baseline of Health Foundation
- Offer his book and newsletters for free through the Foundation
- Contribute articles to health magazines throughout the world.
- Participate in a large number of radio shows and television appearances to educate and elaborate on various topical health issues.
- Oversee all communications and content involving the Baseline of Health Foundation.

Does Jon Barron do any private health consulting?

Of the 10,000 emails we used to receive every month, probably close to 1,000 were requests for personal consultations with Jon -- not only requests to treat illness, but also requests for endorsements and to promote new products. For practical reasons (the overwhelming numbers involved), it is impossible for Jon to respond to these requests on an individual basis (either by phone or email). That is why he established the Baseline of Health Foundation – as a free information resource and allows his book to be downloaded for free. And now we have the searchable blog to assist with individual questions.

Does Jon Barron recommend alternative health physicians?

There are many, many excellent natural healers throughout the world. Unfortunately, here at the Foundation, we just don't have the resources to track them and monitor them to be in position to make recommendations.

Does Jon Barron recommend specific brands of supplements?

With few exceptions, the answer is no. It is simply impossible for Jon to monitor the ingredient sourcing and quality control of every nutritional company in the world. A company selling great products today may be sold tomorrow, with the new owners suddenly compromising the quality of their products in order to save money. It might take Jon months to discover the changes, and yet his endorsement would still be on the brand. Instead, Jon has found it more useful to provide guidelines on how to evaluate a particular type of formula so that you can make your own informed decision. Besides, what's that old saying, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." In general, the only formulas that Jon specifically endorses are his own since he can guarantee their quality and ingredient sourcing. For information on those formulas, go to

I have a specific health issue, where can I find detailed info for this problem?

For obvious legal reasons, we cannot diagnose or prescribe for specific medical conditions – merely provide information. Nevertheless, most questions will be answered if one reads Jon's book or searches through the free newsletters. For several years, the staff at the Foundation answered all emails personally by assembling answers through Jon's vast research database. However, once the number of emails crossed 10,000 a month, that was no longer possible. Now all questions are submitted through our contact form (to eliminate spam), prioritized according to general interest, and answered through our daily searchable blog. If your question does not get answered immediately, keep in mind that most health problems can be fixed by just getting your "baseline of health" to an optimum level – by removing compromising toxins from your body and then providing your body all of the nutritional support it needs to rebuild and repair itself. Search our newsletters, blog, podcasts, radio shows, and reports for more details.

What’s the difference between Baseline of Health Foundation and Baseline Nutritionals®?

The Baseline of Health Foundation website is purely an informational health site whereas Baseline Nutritionals sells supplements. Jon is adamant that the Foundation and its website and newsletter not be commercialized -- even in regard to his own products. Although the newsletters will occasionally feature articles on formulations Jon has been working on, the Baseline of Health Foundation itself does not sell any supplements. Jon Barron, the founder, has over 40 years experience formulating high-end nutraceuticals for major international health companies, and still formulates and consults for many companies world-wide. He sells his own high-end line of formulas through Baseline Nutritionals.

What is the Baseline of Health® Foundation?

The Baseline of Health Foundation is an alternative health information web resource, containing dozens of articles, lectures, Q&A, and a free download of Jon Barron's remarkable book, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. Although the site emphasizes the health program outline in Jon's book, it also offers impartial commentary on research, product trends, and current events in alternative health.

How is this detox program different from others?

The road to natural health begins with cleansing and detoxification -- no matter what the disease or problem. The Baseline of Health® Foundation's Natural Detox Program uses the tools Jon Barron learned from the "miracle doctors" in his life. Click on the following link if you want to know more about Jon Barron's natural detox program.

Where do I buy the products for this detox program?

Jon avoids making brand recommendations for these formulations for the simple reason that it's impossible for him to track all of the thousands of available alternatives, or to continually monitor the ingredient sourcing and manufacturing procedures for all of the various companies. There are, however, a few notable exceptions. First and foremost is: