Mobile Phone Addiction Revisited
1/24/2019Today, one out of every four adults checks his or her cell phone less than a minute after waking up....
Read MoreCompulsive Buying Disorder
6/15/2017Did you know that one in every 20 adults has “Compulsive Buying Disorder?" Find out what it is, if you have...
Read MoreVideo Binge-Watching Trouble
4/29/2017Ever binge-watched on Netflix or Amazon Prime? Take heart: it's quite common. Unfortunately, it might be just as detrimental to...
Read MoreFive Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder
10/18/2016Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) has finally reached the status of a mental health disorder. Now the problem is acknowledged, and...
Read MoreBig Rise in Alcohol Deaths
1/7/2016Last year in the US, alcohol-related deaths outnumbered those from painkillers and heroin combined.
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