Dance Your Way to Long-Lasting Fitness
11/16/2020Are you the type who will start dancing around the kitchen as you are cook? According to new research, dancing...
Read MoreHappiness is Contagious, Study Shows
5/26/2019Happiness has a significant impact on health, and given how it spreads, your own happiness has a significant impact on...
Read MoreCan Marijuana Make You Go Crazy?
4/7/2019Back in the 50s, public schools dissuaded students from experimenting with marijuana by saying it caused insanity. Are such reports a...
Read MoreChildhood Trauma Impacts Health in Adulthood
9/26/2018New studies show that childhood trauma has such a profound effect on a child’s physiology that they continue to affect mental and...
Read MoreHerbal Remedies For Stress & Depression
8/1/2018For years, stress and/or depression have been suspected of increasing the risk of contracting numerous infectious diseases, not to mention...
Read MoreThree Hopeful Paths to Reversing Alzheimer’s
2/15/2018Popular intelligence tells us that once mental decline starts, Alzheimer’s is like a locomotive that derails brain function in a irreversible...
Read MoreA Hug a Day
2/10/2018Sadly, many of us don’t enjoy nearly enough physical contact in a typical day, and that, perhaps, is a key component...
Read MoreMinister of Loneliness
2/3/2018Today, loneliness is a major public health problem, and one that becomes more problematic by the year. Continuing research adds dimension to...
Read MoreCan Your Friends Protect You from Diabetes?
1/5/2018Friends are a valuable resource in so many ways emotionally and mentally. And now new research suggests that having friends...
Read MoreA 10-Minute Workout Boosts Brainpower
1/4/2018What is the number one thing you can do 10 minutes before a test, lecture, speech, or anything that involves brainpower? ...
Read MoreGenerosity is Good for You
8/31/2017Be Generous! New research shows that our brains actually respond more positively to giving than receiving.
Read MoreFeeling Like an Exercise Slacker Harms Your Health
7/31/2017Comparing yourself to your friend who is running that marathon? Don't, it can reduce your life expectancy. Here's why...
Read MoreAre You Less Helpful in the Heat?
7/11/2017According to new research, being hot can actually make you react less cooperatively with others.
Read MoreWhere to Live for the Best Well-Being
3/28/2017The location of your home can make a big impact on your health and well-being. Find the best places to...
Read More10 Ways to Think More Positively
3/15/2017Outlook can save your life! A new study revealed that those who maintain a positive outlook have a significantly reduced risk of...
Read MoreBe Here Now to Keep the Doctor Away
1/24/2017A study found that when people focus on the task or situation at hand, be it driving, doing dishes, or...
Read MoreBoost Memory While You Sleep
12/19/2016New sleep studies are being released about 'sleep programming' or 'sleep learning', to improve memory and boost productivity. But could...
Read MoreBeer, Brains, and Happy Behavior
11/1/2016New research, out of Switzerland, concluded that beer makes you cheerier all around. Other studies show some real health benefits...
Read MoreHealing by Pen
10/14/2016Numerous studies have shown that journaling can contribute to emotional health and that it even can boost physical health in...
Read MoreThe Great Dog Day of Summer
8/26/2016Today is National Dog Day, a holiday set aside for our canine companions. Celebrate your furry friends, appreciate their positive...
Read MoreThe Health Benefits of Forgiving
8/18/2016August 25 is "Kiss and Make Up Day," and August 27 is "Global Forgiveness Day." Turns out letting go of...
Read MoreCold Showers, Hydrotherapy, To Overcome The Blues
8/10/2016Popular wisdom tells us to control passion by hopping in a freezing cold shower -- but research shows that icy...
Read MoreThe Power of Positive Thinking
7/12/2016Thinking you can enhance your performance appears to lead to improvements in the way you do a particular task.
Read MorePsychotherapists Without Heartbeats
4/9/2016Virtual therapies with a computer app are probably going to become increasingly common in the years to come.
Read MoreMild Concussions Can Trigger Suicide
2/23/2016Suicide rates among concussion victims are three times higher than suicide rates among those who never had a concussion.
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