Lessons From The Miracle Doctors

Book Testimonials: Lessons From The Miracle Doctors

Natural Health Book Testimonials | Detox Program

We get so many testimonials and “thank you” emails on a daily basis from people who have read Jon Barron’s book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors and found this website to be a great help to them. It would be nearly impossible to post every single testimonial on this page. More or less what we have decided to do is post some of the most recent testimonials here so that anyone who is interested in reading Jon Barron’s book, or even anyone who is just wondering what all the hype is about, can see what everyone else is saying.

We love hearing from our readers and anyone who has benefited from Jon’s knowledge so if you have something good to say please don’t hesitate in doing so! If you have your own testimonial please visit the contact us section of the site and send us an email via our contact form. Chances are we will end up posting it on the site. Please be sure to include your name and location when sending us a testimonial!

By upgrading every system in your body to optimum health, you could actually eliminate our most feared diseases. Seems like a daunting task, doesn’t it? But that’s where Lessons from the Miracle Doctors really succeeds. It’s one of the most straightforward, clear guides to health I’ve read in a long time.

Continue reading Health Sciences Institutes’ Lessons From the Miracle Doctors book review.
  • Health Sciences Institute
    Baltimore, MD

Quite simply, the best book ever written on alternative health.

  • Aris Awitan, MD
    Houston, TX

Jon Barron is probably the greatest mind in alternative health today.

  • Roy Brabham, MD
    Baton Rouge, LA

Of all the books I’ve read on alternative and complementary therapies, this may be the overall best.

  • Robert Kephart, Director
    Agora Publishing

As someone who has worked in the healthcare field for over 25 years, I found this little white book with less than 200 pages, which spoke volumes to me. After having many health issues for years, this book taught me a system of wellness that works. I’ve been able to lose weight for the first time in years, and bring my blood sugar and blood pressure down to normal levels. My energy has skyrocketed! Anybody with a serious health issue should take a leap of faith and experience Jon’s program. I am grateful to him everyday because he’s given me a simple, honest and easy way to find my way back to a baseline of good health!

  • Patty C. “Soaring eagle”
    Monte Sereno, CA

Living with arthritis at age 30 is not something to brag about, but having lived with it and to now be able to say that it’s gone, is definitely something to shout from the mountain tops! The philosophies Jon shares in this cutting-edge health book are so incredibly simple, yet life changing that I can’t think of a single person who would not benefit from the information he provides. Now, I am at ‘ease’ in every sense of the way – thanks to Jon Barron!

  • M. C. Petrini “Moe”
    Fremont, CA

I followed the step-by-step principles in the book, which were incredibly easy to follow and mainly just involved a few modifications in my diet. I could not believe it, but when I went back to the doctor, the test confirmed no thyroid antibodies. Of course, all the doctors could say was “we don’t understand.” I gave the book to two friends with cancer and it is now turning their cancer around. In fact, one friend would not let me have my book back when I asked for it! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this information.

  • Shelly M.
    Los Gatos, CA

I have bought and studied hundreds of books relating to health issues over the past 25 years. This book is all I ever needed – all in one. It is so full of common sense – all the things you need to do to stay healthy and vital are there for you in language that is easy to understand. I have ordered the supplements and eagerly await my new life! (As an aside – I have been taking unopposed Estrogen for 15 years and I took the book to surgery, to ask my doctor for natural progesterone cream. Not only did he agree immediately, but he rates the book as one of his all-time favorites! Thanks for a fantastic, truly life changing book.

  • Dancing Girl
    Isle of Man

I have read a lot of material related to health, most recently due to a life threatening illness that is currently in remission. Here is the one book that sets everything out as succinctly as possible in a sensible and easy to read manner. It is definitely something I would give to everyone I care about. Strongly recommended!

  • Susan Bowers
    Kingston, ON

This is absolutely one of the best books on health that you can buy. I’ve spent years accumulating bits and pieces of health knowledge that Jon Barron has conveniently placed in one fantastic book. You will not regret having purchased it. Put his ideas and suggestions to work for you and live a better, healthier life.

  • Dennis S. Eberly
    Lancaster, PA

Incredibly informative book. If you value your health, you have GOT to read this book. Kevin Trudeau’s book was an initial eye opener for me; however, this book goes into the WHYS of what is being recommended by many of today’s holistic practitioners with very well written explanations and references. Although it quickly becomes apparent that the author is no less than brilliant, in the midst of reading this material, I found myself cracking up out loud. The information is comprehensive, yet delivered in an easy to understand and humorous style. I also liked that this book cuts through a lot of “fuzziness” and tells you the bottom line on a number of issues. I have started some of the changes the author recommends as it relates to diet and have seen almost immediate results. I have also recommended it to friends and family. You need to read this book.

  • Y. Hopkins
    Randallstown, MD

This is the best book I’ve read about health. It is so easy to understand. I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Everything in this book is clearly written. It just makes so much sense. Just buy it!

  • N. Koy “I just want to be healthy”
    Houston, TX

With so many charlatans and self appointed gurus in the market it is refreshing to find someone who writes so clearly and to the point, explaining each view simply and completely. After reading Jon Barron’s book I began practicing the preventive measures he recommended. After seven months I no longer suffer from Fibromyalgia nor Diabetes. I am 70 years old and have fought both of those diseases for many years. How wonderful that Jon’s advice has done what a dozen doctor’s couldn’t do! I have given a copy of this book to every member of my family – and would have even if it cost $100. Aside from the Bible I know of no more important book.

  • J. Abbott “Well Again”
    Deep Southern Texas

This is an amazing piece of work and I agree with another reviewer in that I would not want to lend it out – I would however HIGHLY recommend it to anyone. Not only does Jon organize the material in a logical way, dealing with the various body systems and how and why they work as they do. He helps us stay above water with the myriad of conflicting information we get from the mainstream doctors and media. Another thing that is helpful is that Jon actually practices what he preaches and makes a high quality product available to aid us in our path to a healthy body.

  • P. Motown “technut”
    Los Angeles, CA

Jon Barron shows us in this book that the human body needs to be addressed as a WHOLE, not just as parts or sections. That the root cause of a disease needs to be treated, not just the symptoms. I myself have been sick and found relief with using some of Jon Barron’s suggestions, while drugs that doctors gave me only worsened my health. I have seen medical doctor after medical doctor, and none of them have even come close to improving my health like Jon Barron has. Medical doctor’s education is almost entirely pharmaceutically based, and on surgery. There is very little education on nutrition, something that is ESSENTIAL for the human body, not only to sustain life, but to prevent and heal sickness. We live in a society where we have processed and altered our natural food into something foreign, toxic and devoid of nutrition. And then when we become sick, we just add to it with toxic drugs! This book is a WAKE UP CALL to Americans that nutrition is the only way to achieve and sustain REAL health! Without nutrition we would die. We were born onto this Earth with all the essential life sustaining plants, food, and nutrients that our bodies need. For us to ignore that gift and try to sustain and achieve health with chemicals and toxic drugs is to deny this precious gift that was given to us. This book shows us how important that gift of nutrition is, and has REAL answers about sickness and health, something that is lacking in our Medical Industry today. I am so grateful for people like Jon Barron who are compassionate enough to educate us on what REAL HEALTH CARE is REALLY all about!

  • Brenda C. Gudiel
    Chicago, IL

I found Jon Barron’s book to be a most welcome guide in the ever burgeoning field of alternative medicine and self-healing. His concise, no-nonsense approach presents a clear and easy to follow program for those either seeking to overcome a serious illness or those looking for optimum health. By thoroughly researching the programs and approaches of healers who were in fact obtaining very positive results with major illnesses and then looking for the common threads Mr. Barron came up with a concise, logical program called “The Baseline of Health”. The research he conducted found that the body, in it’s own innate wisdom is the best healer of all. The program attempts to raise the body’s various systems to their peak operating levels (i.e. digestive, immunity, hormonal, liver…etc) the body, then free of roadblocks, will create it’s own healing miracle. The beginning stages will focus on deep cleansings of the digestive system and liver, these steps on their own usually create some remarkable results. As part of the program you will also learn of the importance of a balanced approach. How to limit damaging toxins, great advice on diet and nutrition and the importance of our attitudes and perceptions in the healing process. All in all I found the book to just make sense! It’s direct and to the point; condensing quite a bit of useful information in an easy to read format. I’d give it two thumbs way up… while standing on a ladder!

  • David A. Carney
    Tucson, AZ

This is truly one of the most amazing books I have ever read. Mr. Barron’s keen insight into many health issues effecting all of us is a God send. This work is very well organized and very detailed. The knowledge he presents is truly timeless and he is to be commended for this excellent work. If you have not read this book it is a must! Jon is a wonderful man and even offers this book as a free ebook on his website! jonbarron.org or for those who prefer a hard copy this book will not disappoint you. I highly recommend it!!!

  • Robert A. Marks “RR”
    Midlothian, VA

Thank you for providing an Excellent Book that can be referred to in the years to come, I would recommend this Book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors to all people who realize that our health is in serious neglect and if we don’t take the time to read informative books like this one we are in trouble, both us AND our children. The so called ” Health System” that we have in place is not working and if we are not educated by reading and taking to heart well documented information as in the “Lesson’s from the Miracle Doctor’s”, we can not expect to live long and healthy lives

  • Mrs. Sherril Bainbridge “book sponge”

I couldn’t put it down! It’s not the type of book you will want to pass on to your friends – you will want them to have their own copy. It’s like a “bible” that you need to keep handy for reference. There is so much information, you will need to keep referring back to make sure you are doing all that you can do, to live the healthiest life possible and to get the most quality out of your life.

  • C. Barbagallo
    Hickory, NC

In June 2000, I received Gallbladder (Laproscopy) surgery. I was treated for inflammation before surgery with Cipro in an IV, and given Cipro 500mg after dismissal from the hospital and the results was a major reaction (causing ligaments in my legs to retract until I thought they were going to break). I finally refused to take any more. I used Chiropractic and Massage therapy for the next year to get it stopped. I tried taking prescription med’s for 2 yeas until I figured out that any one that I took would create more pain or sickness. I then turned to searching the internet for an alternative. It was three years before I found HSI and Jon’s audio files. I started the 21 day flush in November 2003 and when it was completed I started maintenance using Baseline Proteolytic Enzymes. The healing process was harder for me than the flush. It is now the end of Jan 2004 and “WHAT A MIRACLE”; it is hard to believe. I am 79 and I feel like I have regained 20 years. The Miracle Doctors I rate is just below my Bible. I thank GOD for HSI; Miracle Doctors; and Jon Barron.

  • Henry Wilhelm
    Foss, OK

The most objective and credible voice in alternative health today. Reading this book will help you better understand the bigger picture in your health. Please pick up and read.

  • Christopher D. Scott
    Bloomington, IN

This is the ONE book that finally pulls it all together. There are many pieces to the alternative health field puzzle. Jon Barron is brilliant … I’ve met him, and he can talk for hours on the subject. He is “cutting edge,” no doubt about it. He has found all the pieces and put them together in one awesome book. If you read no other book on this subject ever, this is the one you need.

  • Mary Jo

As a Radio Talk Show Host for more than ten years, I have read and interviewed many so-called experts, in the Alternative Health Industry. No person, has ever impressed me with their knowledge, their expertise, the way Jon Barron has. If you have any shot at healing a catastrophic illness, slowing the aging process or just becoming healthy and vital again, this is it. Jon Barron, yeah!!!!

  • Dr. Rain Morgan
    Phoenix, AZ

Jon Barron’s book is a safe harbor in the sea of conflicting and confusing medical “advice” that’s out there. In both this book and his website, I have found a truly intelligent source to help me understand and deal with all the common medical challenges that most of us face. I’ve been an avid student of alternative/complementary medicine for over 25 years, and I can honestly say that my health has improved more from following Barron’s principles than from many of the Doctors I’ve gone to or the many hundreds of books that I’ve read in the past.

  • M. Phillips
    New York, NY

Stephen P. Wittry “Steve Wittry” This book is easily one of the most informative pieces I have read regarding health issues. I tend to be suspicious of most ‘self-help’ books but this book explains how the body works in a clear and logical manner so that I can draw my own conclusions. No easy, quick-fixes here – just solid, logical approaches to taking good care of yourself. Fascinating…this kind of comprehensive information could be the basis for a mandatory high school course that would give all young adults the opportunity to understand the full impact of the things they eat/drink/breathe on their bodies and minds. The changes I have made as a result of reading this have produced great results – I use it constantly as a reference tool. THANK YOU!

  • Stephen P. Wittry “Steve Wittry”

I have been using your Proteolytic Enzymes since the end of 2003. At the time both of my thumbs were pretty much disabled, due to an accident in which one of my thumbs was crushed by a door causing a “trigger thumb”, the other thumb had developed what the Doctor described as a Mucosoid Ganglion Cyst right below the first joint. The cyst was the size of a marble, clear and you could see gel inside. The Doctor told me it was a precursor to arthritis; he wanted to remove it immediately, He explained, if I knocked the top off of it the resulting infection could cause me to lose through infection, my finger or my entire hand. Between the two thumbs I was in a lot of pain, often staying up half the night with the cyst which caused an aching and burning sensation. When I did knock the top off the cyst I would put colloidal silver on it to stop an infection. I lived with these conditions for 2 years. Then I started taking your Proteolytic Enzymes. The “trigger thumb” lost the pain quickly, 3 months later it was back to the way it had looked before the accident. The cyst on the other thumb began to recede, through the 9 months it reduced to pea size and then disappeared! There should be a scar but I can see no trace of one now. I was also in a lot of pain from no cartilage in my left knee and within a few days of taking the Proteolytics I was free from most of the pain, Since I was supposed to have a total knee replacement I can live with a little discomfort (No operations for me!). I do not have to pull myself up the stairs with my arms anymore and can clean my house again. My 20 years of back pain from two herniated discs has also been much reduced. My quality of life has been greatly enhanced with the use of your products. Thank you Jon Barron and God Bless you real good!

  • Barbara E.

We’ve all heard about the Miracle Doctors, Natural Healers that stand against the face of Medical Convention at so many levels. If it wasn’t for their hard fight to keep their message alive, we wouldn’t have, what I call it the “Bible” to your health in this book. Prudent, intelligent, discerning readers will appreciate the obvious truths found in this book and will not only be greatly edified, but will also find that it is a book to be embraced, I have a copy in our library, in my office for reference, even our children which are all home-schooled, are required to read it. You simply cannot find a more concise read on your health and the ones you love. And best, Jon doesn’t leave you hanging at the mercy of others to take care of even catastrophic illness, but clearly points you to the sources where you can turn to take back your health! I simply cannot overate this book! Read it and buy it for your family!

  • Deborah A. Lohkamp
    Seattle, WA

The most concise, understandable, information filled, book written on nutrition I have ever read. The Miracle Doctors provides enough information to manage your health and nutrition without have an education on this subject. Summarization at the end of each chapter and at the end of the book is a perfect tool to use as a list to shop for the nutritionals you chose. The Miracle Doctors spells out which nutritionals you can benefit from on an individual level.

  • Cindy
    Dallas, Texas

This is the ONLY book on health and alternative medicine that I keep on my desk daily for referencing purposes. It is truly a masterpiece. Jon takes the effort to go into almost every aspect of achieving good health, and steers away from all the commercialism and hype that we see nowadays. If you only get one book on health, get this now because it will change your life.

  • Yeo Feng

I absolutely love this book. The author makes the basic principles of health building understandable for anyone. My favorite part is the chapter on herbs. Jon Barron understands that herbs are not just a bunch of chemicals still in their original wrapping, but powerful energetic entities. This understanding is rare. Five stars and all thumbs up!

  • Ieneke van Houten
    Kootenays, B.C.

This book presents information distilled from decades of research and is presented in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-follow style that even the most uninformed can grasp. This book is a must have for those wanting to initiate lifestyle changes yet aren’t sure how to start, or are inundated with too much information. Jon Barron has cut out the unnecessary and written a very concise book to show you how you can compensate for the unhealthy environment in which we live and within which we must function. I am thrilled to have this resource. Thank you, Jon.

  • R. S.

I have been a Vegetarian for 35 years and over that period of time I have read hundreds of books related to alternate and allopathic medicine. If I had to recommend only ONE such book to someone this would be it. He writes in an extremely clear and convincing manner, and backs up what he says with convincing documentation. This book has changed how I will treat my body for the rest of my life.

  • Brian Rose
    Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Jon Barron, is undisputedly the world’s greatest nutritionist. I have been giving copies of his books to unhealthy and sickly friends for years. I have seen changes in their lives. I went on the Baseline Diet because of severe liver damage from hepatitis. I was delighted to hear that Jon Barron’s formulas have been made available at baselinenutritionals.com. My health now is remarkable! I can run a marathon every day! Read this book, do the baseline diet, and live the life you’ve dreamed of.

  • Sharon

Jon’s Lessons From The Miracle Doctors is the premier guide to regaining ones vitality, no matter what ails you. Recapturing your health is as easy as changing the way we view food and herbs. Food may be seen as fuel for daily living, however with proper diet and supplementation, we can literally reprogram our immune systems with these powerful medicines, I discovered Jon’s wonderful program and products in the early 90’s and I’ve been a loyal customer since. He is an incredibly gifted natural healer and creator of, in my opinion, the finest herbal formulas in production. I recommend this book to all who are ready to feel great again, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, this is the answer.

  • Robin Monahan
    West Warren, MA

I am a 1972 premed at the age of 53. In 96 I began having acute and chronic pain from arthritis. Until 2003, I had done nothing more than run around looking at the snake oil and vanity products being sold with the modern covered wagon and pistol approach. There is no doubt that Miracle Doctors is the definitive source for optimal health and maintenance. Once I began to see “again” what I had learned in undergraduate study, I was convinced we had missed the application of science to living a balanced life through appropriate diet and supplementation.

  • Patrick J Hatwan
    Lincoln, Nebraska

Out of some hundred or so health-related books I have read, this is the easiest to read and most informative book I’ve ever read on the subject of taking charge of your health. This appeals most to those who are ready to make changes in their lives, and that’s usually when a REAL teacher appears (Jon Barron).

  • Obie Warren
    Madison, AL

This is by far the most concise and well written book I’ve read on how to get well. It’s easy to read and lays out the facts as they are. I recommend it to all of my patients who have either chronic illnesses or who just want to feel better. Don’t skip ahead because he doesn’t repeat himself. Well done.

  • Robert C. Brooksby, D.O.
    Zionsville, IN

Jon Barron’s Lessons from the Miracle Doctors is the single best abstract I have read in 30 years of investigating human health. It is the clearest discussion on what to look for in world-class nutraceuticals. I even amaze myself making that statement, but it is true. I’ve been an avid student of alternative medicine for 30 years and have studied some of the best nutritional researchers in the world and complied a personal library on just about every published nutritionist alive or dead – Jon Barron cleanly summarizes what I have been studying for 30 years in his book. Lessons from the Miracle Doctors should be the first book you read, whether you are a health practitioner or just remotely interested in a higher quality healthful life. It will be the single best investment you will ever make.

  • Richard G. Cosky
    Powell, OH

This book tells the shameful truth about the AMA and general medical practices in the USA today. It goes on to explain exactly how to take control of your health through proper nutrition and supplements. The origins of diseases and health maladies are discussed, with natural remedies provided for treating them and preventing them. This book is the most informative, concise one of it’s kind that I’ve ever read, and I’ve read over 100 of them. If you suspect there is a better way to health than drugs and surgery, you’re right. This book can improve your health and save your life. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. The information in it is priceless. The author, Jon Barron, is 55 years old but doesn’t look a day over 30. He practices what he preaches. Do yourself a big favor and get this book.

  • Mike Edward Delong
    Decatur, GA

When I received a copy of Lessons From the Miracle Doctors, I couldn’t put it down! It is absolutely the BEST reading material I’ve read in a long long LONG time! Jon pulls no punches in this book. He is very straight forward and tells it like it is! I’ve used this book to learn more about taking better care of my body AND how to lose weight effectively and SAFELY and believe me, it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Thanks Jon…..you are simply brilliant!

  • Christi Honaker
    Fort Atkinson, WI

Jon Barron has been studying nutrition and alternative health for over 30 years. This book is the culmination of all that he has learned. (As he learns more it is updated-see JonBarron.com) I stayed up until 2AM reading this book the moment I found it. I was so excited to have finally found someone who has put it all together. It is the best book on alternative health and nutrition that has ever been written in my opinion. Finally someone has put everything (and more) that I have learned into one place in a cohesive manner, so that we have a BLUEPRINT or PLAN for taking care of our health. It is an easy read and usually only takes 1-2 days. It is very understandable by the lay person. I could not more highly recommend that ANYONE interested in health should READ THIS BOOK IMMEDIATELY! My health has changed dramatically from applying the easy to understand advice that I have gleaned here. Thank you Jon, what a pleasure to have finally found this book.

  • Candis A. Ross
    Hawthorne, CA

If I had only known the things that are revealed in this book years ago, I would have established better habits at a younger age. Don’t let another day go by without knowing the things that are hidden by government programs and pharmaceutical companies.

  • Tony Givens
    Boonville, IN

Jon Barron, this is an awesome book. This information is so much needed for all. We all suffer from so many, many illnesses all due to a lack of knowledge. I wish this book was in my hands, 10 years ago, prior to the death of my mother from “cancer”. Thanks!!! Jon Barron, we now can change the lives of her grandchildren and their’s.

  • Mary Harris Johnson
    Hartsville, SC

After reading Jon’s book NOW I understand why I could not take back my health, I was trying to do it one supplement at a time. Jon’s book tells it like it is, you have to look at the whole baseline of health to be able to take back your health entirely. Any one that reads Lessons From The Miracle Doctors WILL get a better understanding of how to take back your health and live again. Thank you Jon for the time that you have spent in preparing this book.

  • Gene Folyer
    Spencer, WI

With over 34 years of experience as a Master Instructor in traditional Tae Kwon Do, I have been exposed to several modes of alternative healing, accupuncture, herbal medicines, spinal alignment, Ki manipulation, ect. from teachers and practitioners whom are in the top of their fields. Now we have the book Lessons From The Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron as a definitive guide for everyone in the prevention and treatment of many of the ailments and conditions plaguing man today. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own health and here is everything in one book addressing the “Baseline of Health®”. Your complete guide to rebuilding your health. No longer do you have to search through hundreds of sources for the information that has eluded you. Jon has done the work for you and compiled it in a form that enables the layman to grasp an understanding of the often complex and interrelated systems in the body. As he says, “there is no magic bullet”, your health is only as strong as it’s weakest link. This book puts forth a program to fortify and rebuild your entire “Baseline of Health” across the board so that your body can deal with the ailments and diseases as nature intended. I recommend that everyone read Lessons From The Miracle Doctors and then read it again! Then put these lessons into practice. To your good health.

  • Brandon Baker
    Central City, KY

Lessons From The Miracle Doctors is nothing less than Excellent. It produces a simple, easy to understand plan for optimum nutrition for every system of the body as well as how nutrition can prevent, relieve and sometimes even reverse disease and illness. This book is a must for all concerned about their health and the health of their loved ones.

  • Gina Cergnul
    Beaverton, Michigan

This book, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors is one of the most informative books on the market in helping a person to take back their health. If you’re interested in taking care of yourself please read this book.

  • Gerald A. Bowman
    Stevens Point, WI

Reading Jon Barron’s book Lessons from the Miracle Doctors is a real eye opener. Never again can you say ‘I didn’t know’. This book explains clearly and concisely what the body needs, what it doesn’t need and what happens when we fail to give our body what it requires to work effectively. Ignorance of nutrition is no longer an option. Jon explains clearly in layman’s terms what our bodies require for optimum health. He targets and advocates ‘The Baseline of Health’ – a way in which every organ of the body is raised to optimum efficiency. It makes brilliant sense. Buy this book – put what it says into action – and you will never be the same again.

  • Shirley Caldwell
    Blackpool, Lancs United Kingdom

Quite simply the best book I have ever read on health. It was easy to read, written in plain english and yet so packed with practical and eye opening information that it has changed our lives in the last year! We have reversed physical conditions we thought we had to live with by using this information. IE: Acid Reflux, Menopause, Back pain, weight loss and much more. You can see why I say it’s changed our lives. Thank you for this book. I’m so glad to see it on Amazon.com!

  • Carol King
    Quincy, Indiana

I am 36 years old. For years, I have noticed an increasing amount of people around me becoming sick. Is there anyone who does not know several people who are suffering from some condition? It seemed that I couldn’t get through the day without running into several ill people. Even those relatively symptom free looked tired and didn’t have much spunk. At the time, I was living in Costa Rica and really looking for something meaningful to do. I learned that with cancer alone, 1 in 2.5 were predicted to be affected in the US. Logically speaking, if you add every other possible disease or condition in, it appears inevitable that almost all of us are now assured of getting something debilitating or fatal. So I began searching the web looking to develop some basic understanding that made sense. If you have done this, you know that it could take several lifetimes to sort through everything on the web. I won’t even go into the millions of claims being made throughout the world. While looking for these answers one day, good fortune visited me: I ran into Lessons from the Miracle Doctors as a result of a friend referring me to the book. It took me about five hours to get through the book once I got it in my hands. After the first 40 pages, though, I knew that I had the single most important book on health that I had ever read. I had been involved in the casual study of health for many years, but this was truly different: no magic bullets; no outrageous claims – just facts – facts that had a ring of truth and common sense. I have always had a rule that if I can’t explain it to my nine year old daughter, then I probably don’t know what I am talking about. She is sharp as a tack, and it all made perfect sense to her. What kind of price can I put on her knowing this information at this age? The book is profound, and I began implementing Jon’s suggestions almost immediately. About six weeks later, I realized for the first time in my life that I didn’t know what “healthy” really is. I knew what it was like to be “symptom free,” but not “healthy.” A revelation came to me after reading the book. In the past, I had great difficulty changing habits I knew were totally unhealthy. Afterward, with clear knowledge that made sense (the whole truth), I found that I really did have the inner strength to change. Unlike in the past where I would make an effort to do something and it wouldn’t take. I suppose there was a part of me that could no longer listen to recommendations, or trust the claims of “scientists” or “doctors,” even if they meant well. That was a year ago. Jon’s work has been an important inspiration to me. I have personally witnessed hundreds of lives changed by Jon Barron’s work. I continued my research, changed careers, and am now formulating my own super food to help people “on the go” to obtain quality nutrition. In short, if you are looking for a complete (but succinct) explanation of why people are sick, and how they can prevent or reverse virtually ANY condition, including cancer, this book is pure gold. Thank you Jon!

  • Vance
    Seattle, WA

After reading Lessons From the Miracle Doctors I decided to take charge of my health and reversed Hepatitis C. I recommend this book to every one I meet. It is a fast easy to read common sense book on health and nutrition.

  • Jerry Mapes
    Pryor, OK United States

This book is a must for anyone looking to take control of their own health. It is written in simple, easy to understand terms, no medical mumbo jumbo. Gives a step-by-step starting point to cleanse and rebuild the body, easy to implement. Give the Gift of Health to those you love, give them this book. They’ll thank you for it.

  • Nancy Stone
    Burke, VA

Stop! I would not read a single chapter if you aren’t prepared to confront some cold hard facts about your health and if you aren’t prepared to challenge most of what you’ve been told up until now. This is a factual ‘in your face’ approach to long-term health. Mr. Barron shoots straight from the hip – drawing on over 30 years of experience in the alternative health arena. Jon begins by exposing some frightening statistics about the modern medical system making no apologies along the way. However, rather than curse the darkness, he offers the reader a true understanding of just how their body works, how it is affected by internal and external factors, how their health has been “STOLEN” from them and how they can ultimately begin to take it back. This is not a lick and a promise, it is a roadmap. It is by far the most thorough yet concise work on the subject of natural health I’ve ever seen. If you have given up on “Magic Bullets” and are ready to take responsibility for your own health buy this book today!

  • Martin St John
    Los Angeles, CA

About 18 months ago I was given a preliminary copy of this book by a friend who uses the products formulated by the author. I had no idea who the author was, and have yet to use any of these products, but have used the book continuously since. This book is among the best and most succinct overviews of health I have encountered, and I read in this field voraciously. It is a bargain at the price. The author covers a huge amount of ground in a very understandable manner, setting up a superb overview and filling various areas in with practical information. This is an eminently usable book. Mr. Barron includes not only foods and vitamins, but exercise, emotional health, water, and more. His summaries and final summary chapter make review of the material easy. I will be recommending this book frequently now that it is available.

  • Walter J Chao, OD, AP
    Pembroke Pines, FL

Fantastic ! Diseases are our own creation, nobody is to be blamed for all this. Never are we aware that the object we use in our daily life and the food we consume with relish are in fact hastening our death every day. What a tragedy ? My kudos to Jon Barron for exposing these facts before mankind. Mankind will always remain grateful to him. I feel for his selfless service to mankind he deserves to be awarded , if there is any higher award than noble prize. In fact, the more I read Jon Barron, the more I feel indebted. I had a notion before reading Jon that I know more on diet and toxicity than anybody else, but after reading Jon now I feel that I am not even a child in front of his vast knowledge. The more I express my appreciation for Jon, the more I feel it is not enough. Never will it be enough!

  • Dr P K Chhetri

Finally, a no-nonsense way to help you take charge of your health. This book is quick and easy to read, easy to understand and simple to follow. And best of all it really works! My husband is alive today because of the information detailed in Lessons From the Miracles Doctors. It is quite simply the best book on health that we have ever seen.

  • Cynthia Schaumburg
    Langlois, OR

If I can name a book that is on one side, extremely interesting and breathtaking and on the other side, concise and sincere, providing answers to most if not all of the health questions and concerns for which we have been blind for years due to the mainstream medical approach, then it is Jon’s Lessons From the Miracle Doctors. Apart from the Holy Bible, it is the single book that I would recommend to just about everybody. In fact, if I had any power, I would have made it as mandatory reading for anyone who really cares for his health and for the whole humanity. Just think of the number of lives that could have been saved if at least some of the truth from the book was widely available and accepted. I regularly read Jon’s newsletter and I am happy to hear about the Blog update. If you are in doubt on what to read regarding alternative health then go for the ‘Lessons’ with no hesitations. I can just say one great, infinite THANKS to Jon, may God bless you and your work. And for the end, directly to Jon, please stay on the track of truth and wisdom!

  • Nenad Mickoski
    Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic

Readers Testimonial

“I did your intestinal cleanse and I loved it...thank you so much....Not only did it help me loose weight but...” Continue

Melissa S.

Jon's Guide To Supplements

Check out Jon Barron's comprehensive guide on supplements. Learn what you should consider taking, when, and why. Also gives a list for special health needs.