Customer loyalty is often a fleeting thing. For many of us, something more convenient, or at a better price, or that offers more will have us switching brands in a heartbeat. You may not consider your medical care to be in the same category, but what happens when you have to wait several weeks to get an appointment or someone on the office staff is rude? Chances are good that you start looking for another doctor. But new research suggests that you might want to hesitate before making that decision because it might actually make a difference in your lifespan.
The study, which was conducted at the University of Exeter in England, found that remaining with the same primary care physician over time may help you live a healthier and longer life.1 Pereira Gray, Denis J.; et al. “Continuity of care with doctors—a matter of life and death? A systematic review of continuity of care and mortality.” BMJ Open. 28 June 2018. Accessed 4 July 2018. These results are based on an analysis of 22 separate investigations that took place in nine countries with a variety of healthcare systems and cultural disparities. Eighteen of the studies clearly showed that staying with one doctor for an extended period substantially decreased early mortality rates from all causes.
By reviewing the length of time spent under the care of one physician against death rates of the subjects for a 21-year span from 1996 to 2017, the researchers were able to determine that remaining in the continuous care of one doctor increased the likelihood of a longer life. What’s more, there was considerable evidence that this was true not only for primary care physicians but for specialists as well, including surgeons and psychiatrists.
Why might seeing a single doctor over the years benefit your health? There are two reasons, both of which probably have to do with the relationship you develop over time. First, if you have been going to the same doctor for many years, chances are good you are very comfortable with him or her and therefore more likely to discuss any issues that come up, big or small. That can potentially lead to the discovery of a health problem at an earlier point.
And second, it works positively from the other side of the desk as well. If a doctor knows your medical history, he or she might notice a change or a difficulty you are having that a less familiar doctor would not even be aware of. That’s also why it makes sense for whatever specialists you use as well, since someone who knows your particular background and history may be able to spot a problem much sooner than a new doctor who’s only met you a handful of times—or never before, for that matter.
Now that medical records are shared electronically, any doctor you visit should be able to access your health history. However, that doesn’t change the personal nature of a face-to-face appointment and the fact that someone who has known you for years might recognize a difference in demeanor or behavior that someone new could not.
Of course, this is not to say that you should stick with a doctor with whom you have a completely different health philosophy, one you have little confidence in, one with a terrible bedside manner, or one who’s just a plain bad doctor. The point is to do some research on your own and shop around until you find a physician whom you trust and feel can help you make the best, most informed medical decisions. Many doctors nowadays are becoming more open to complementary medicine and like seeing patients who are interested in taking charge of their health. If you’re not finding one in your neighborhood, consider looking instead for a doctor of naturopathic medicine, as they emphasize wellness strategies and holistic care more than most traditionally trained M.D.s.
When you do find that physician who is right for you, stick with them. In an ideal world, you can develop a good relationship with all of their colleagues as well, so you can feel similarly comfortable with any nurses and physician assistants in the practice too. It will make your visits to the doctor a more pleasant experience and quite possibly help you live a longer life.
↑1 | Pereira Gray, Denis J.; et al. “Continuity of care with doctors—a matter of life and death? A systematic review of continuity of care and mortality.” BMJ Open. 28 June 2018. Accessed 4 July 2018. |
The title of this article is
The title of this article is most misleading. Only toward the end does it begin to make sense, i.e., that we should take responsibility for our own health, and not mindlessly trust a routine drug dispenser, who does much more harm than good.
I think the title of the article could do a lot of people a disservice, especially if they don’t bother to get to the end part!
Actually, the title caught my
Actually, the title caught my eye and on an emotional level this could be very helpful but in an age of HMOs, doctors transfer or leave completely for whatever reason, or retirement requires that you leave the HMO. It’s easy to say take responsibility for your own health but the doctors’ knowledge and training are more vast and why not check in once and awhile, since a blood test will reveal a lot. Using a drug Rx is only an option, natural, herbal remedies are another. Take it from me, start with a colon cleanse first. But don’t suffer like I did with an inflamed knee before seeing my doctor who noticed I was ignoring a simple detail, ice not heat!!!
Perhaps this data should be
Perhaps this data should be viewed from a slightly different angle: perhaps people who feel they have found a gp/surgeon who meets their needs and expectations live longer. Perhaps people who get good care from their doctor live longer. People often change gp when they aren’t happy with the service or level of trust with their gp/surgeon. Maybe people in the care of good doctors live longer. Staying with a bad doctor might not have the same effect!