Enhance and Improve Athletic Performance

Strength Training & Athletic Performance Program

Many of our readers are competitive athletes and use nutrition and supplements to give them a competitive edge. Also, a number of our readers rank among the world’s top mountain climbers, body builders, martial artists, hockey players, football players, and golfers – to name just a few – and already use the Jon Barron strength training program and natural health formulations to improve athletic performance. It seems that people suffering from catastrophic illness and top athletes share something in common: their bodies need extra support to rebuild to get back to their natural health.

As Jon Barron says, “Move or die”. We all know the reality; exercise is an important key to health. It promotes weight loss, builds muscles, bones, and joints. Improves the cardiovascular system, mental well-being, and reduces the risk of almost every major chronic illness known today.

Here are some performance pointers for athletes and weekend warriors, taken from Jon Barron’s writings:

Proper nutrients – take in enough appropriate nutrients for energy during and after a workout. Make sure your diet has a rich amount of antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids, and healthy fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Use whole, naturally occurring vitamins and minerals and not isolates. Make sure you are getting enough minerals, especially Magnesium and vitamin A, B6, B12, B3, C, D, and E for proper carbohydrate, protein, and amino acid metabolism and muscle growth. Nutrition and supplements are essential.

Watch the timing of your eating – If you want to lose weight, don’t eat until 3 hours after a workout or at least stay away from sugars. And don’t eat right before a workout since the blood will go to the stomach instead of the muscles. If you are a competitive athlete, this may be difficult. Bottom line, watch your body and use common sense. Note: if you do eat right before a workout, make sure that what you eat is easily digestible, provides quick energy, and does not produce an allergic response.

Pure water – drink at least 8-12 glasses of PURE water per day. A good filter should remove organic toxins and chlorine, heavy metals and fluoride, and pathogens such as Cryptosporidium. Steam distillers are also good, but make sure they incorporate a charcoal filter to prevent volatile toxins from re condensing in your water and re mineralize the water before you drink it. As for bottle water, remember that bottled doesn’t always mean “pure.”

Suggested formulas to look for to enhance your fitness program:

Superfoods & Low-Glycemic Body Fuel – used by both dieters and top athletes, a mix of Aktivated barley, stabilized rice bran, sugar management herbs, and guarana, can stabilize energy and satiate the body for hours. For more information on the importance of these ingredients please review: The Shake of the Gladiators. For an extra protein kick, look for formulas that use a hypoallergenic and bio-available protein source to reduce gastrointestinal distress. The standard sources most athletes use don’t necessarily fit the bill. Meat is not tremendously bio-available. Steak, for example, is only 22% protein, 15% of which us usable by the body. Whey, egg, and soy, on the other hand, are far more usable, but also are all highly allergenic. Keep in mind that even a low level allergic response (one that you may not even consciously notice) can degrade athletic performance. That does leave things things like rice and pea protein, spirulina, and chlorella, which all place just under egg and whey when it comes to bio-availability – but are all hypoallergic, making any or all of them a great choice for athletes. For more information, see Designing a Superfood Formula.

Trace Minerals – you will want to look for a complete source of liquid trace minerals to sustain your body and to alkalinize it to counter the build up of lactic acid in your muscles. A formula like this will also include a water optimizing agent that improves the ability of liquids in your body to transport nutrients into cells and cellular waste out – most needed by all athletes or those new to an exercise program. To understand what a ‘complete source of trace minerals’ means, please review: Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals.

Proteolytic Enzymes – designed to reduce systemic inflammation and improve blood flow, these turn out to be the ultimate athletic performance and training enhancer. Proteolytic enzymes will increase energy, enhance endurance, and accelerate recovery time. For detailed information about the dynamics of proteolytic enzymes, please go to: The Enzyme Story.

Antioxidants – you will want to find a full-spectrum free radical scrubber that quickly repairs the oxidative stress on your body caused by intense physical activity or high intensity workouts. To read more about the importance of antioxidants, please review the following: The Ultimate Antioxidant.

Hormonal balancers – without testosterone, you can’t build muscle or strength. You will want to look for a formula that will free up the natural testosterone bound in your body, once again making it available for maximizing strength, enhancing your zest for life and augmenting performance. To continue reading about hormonal balancers, please read:The 30,000 Mile Tune-Up.

Neural Tonics – some athletes such as golfers and those needing a extra lift in concentration need a formula that stimulates the brain and body to release tension, and enhance concentration and energy. Herbs to consider include: Mulungu, Bacopa, Green Tea and Stevia. For more information, read: The Energizing, Feel Good, Weight Loss Tincture.

Baseline of Health® Sample Strength Training Program

A body builder/black-belt martial artist who used it with extraordinary results for over 30 years recommended the following strength training work out to Jon Barron. It is a dynamic weight lifting system, meaning no one gets used to it so you’ll always be challenging and toning your body—no matter what type of body you have. Jon has forwarded this workout to many others who also reported fast results, especially if done while following the Baseline of Health® Program. Below is a copy of the routine that was initially sent to Jon. It is broken up into four parts

Please be advised that here at the Foundation we are merely a source of information and do not promote products. Jon Barron avoids making product recommendations for the simple reason that it’s impossible for him to track all of the thousands of available alternatives. However, notable exceptions are found on our Products page and mentioned on Jon Barron’s blog.

Readers Testimonial

“Founded on 'Lessons from the Miracle Doctors,' JonBarron.org is a wonderful site. First, the book - the most concise, complete...” Continue

Samuel J. Weisgal, Costa Rica

Jon's Guide To Supplements

Check out Jon Barron's comprehensive guide on supplements. Learn what you should consider taking, when, and why. Also gives a list for special health needs.