The wheatgrass supplement has been called one of nature’s finest medicines. Its benefits are enormous, and it’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals.
This healthy ingredient should be very familiar to fitness and exercise smoothie drinkers. Wheatgrass is young grass in the wheat family that grows in moderate climates throughout the United States and Europe. It is sold in a variety of forms from fresh grass to fresh squeezed wheat grass juice to dietary supplements. The wheatgrass supplement has been called one of nature’s finest medicines. Its benefits are enormous.
Wheatgrass Is a Natural Source of Chlorophyll
Many of the health benefit of wheatgrass can be attributed to the high amount of chlorophyll it contains. Chlorophyll has been shown to increase the count of red blood cells, alkalize the blood, improve blood pressure, eliminate carbon dioxide, and increase metabolism.
Wheatgrass Is Extremely Nutrient Dense
Since wheatgrass contains a large amount of amino acids, it can help in the regeneration and growth of the body’s cells. It is also extremely nutrient dense. It contains nearly all of the nutrients a body needs for energy and survival. In fact, 90 minerals can be found in wheatgrass including potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium.
Wheatgrass Alkalizes the Body
The high levels of chlorophyll in wheatgrass help it provide a major health boost to your body by providing alkalizing benefits. Modern diets are high in foods that cause our body pH to become more acid, which can contribute to cancer and other chronic diseases. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps your body balance its pH levels and protect your cells.
Wheatgrass as a Cancer Fighter
Some studies have shown that wheatgrass helps destroy cancer cells and boosts the immune system. But in addition to having strong antioxidant properties often associated with cancer prevention, wheatgrass also helps to reduce chemotherapy side effects.
Even More Natural Health Benefits of Wheatgrass
In addition to providing essential nutrients, it is also helpful for cleansing and detoxing your body. It can help aide the body in removing crystallized acids, fecal matter, and hardened mucous.
If that’s not enough, wheatgrass is a natural health remedy that:
- Helps stop tooth decay
- Enhances hemoglobin production
- Neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the body
- Cleans drug deposits from the body
- Purifies the liver
- Improves blood sugar disorders
- Improves the body’s capability to heal wounds
- Helps the digestion process
- Helps address the graying process of hair
- Removes heavy metals from the body
- Helps with acne
- Helps eczema
- Soothes sore throats
- Improves strength & endurance
- Purifies the blood
- Rebuilds the bloodstream
- Enhances the action of the capillaries
How to Take Wheatgrass
Good wheatgrass supplements are available in a variety of forms including tablets, capsules, liquid extracts, and tinctures. And then there’s the old standby — you can buy the wheat berries, grow it yourself in trays, and then run it through a wheatgrass juicer. It’s surprisingly sweet. Because wheatgrass is young, it has not yet formed gluten. It is indeed gluten free. However, unless you are growing and harvesting it yourself, there is the possibility that it could contain some sprouts and seeds that do contain gluten — or that the equipment used to process it has come in contact with gluten containing ingredients. If you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or are allergic to wheat or grass, you should consult your doctor before using wheatgrass.
Best juicing site I have ever found online. They have a lot of information and sell products right from their site. Go check them out!
Hi Jon, Thank you for your work. How much Wheatgrass (if I am growing and juicing it myself) should I consume?, and One more question.
I use your pHi-zymes and have for a couple of years. I take three in the middle of the night on an empty stomach. I resently started taking 200 mcg of vitamin K2 along with it. I have had no problems at all, but wondered if taking them together is the right thing to do. By the way, I love the pHi-zymes, and just purchased another years worth. Thank You
Hi Rick,
Hi Rick,
We do not diagnose or prescribe, merely provide information. That said, the amount of wheatgrass depends on body weight and health goal. In general, Jon uses 250 mg of dried wheat grass in one scoop of his SuperFood Formula, and that is considered a complete dose. Glad you are enjoying their products! For product related questions, please contact their customer support at [email protected].
Hello, I used to drink wheatgrass everyday until I reviewed not only articles but a you tube video by a Dr. Steven Gundry one if the top heart surgeons in the world that states that wheatgrass is one of the 3 superfoods that you should never put into your body. Apparently it had to do with lectins in this food. The other two nonos are soy and Gogi berries.
It is so very difficult nowadays when one great doctor tells you one thing and another great doctor tells you he exact opposite. I can only go by my body and I used to have to force myself to take wheatgrass juice as my body would not naturally want it or accept it. The same went with the other two nonos on his list. Intuitively, my body was just simply off whenever I came into contact with any of these three products. Therefore I have stopped taking wheatgrass as this is one thing that my body does not like.
Yes, it is difficult because
Yes, it is difficult because so many come up with new diets and health fads to sell a new book or idea — but it does not necessarily mean it has real science behind it. We typically promote natural health solutions that are heavily researched or used throughout time successfully with healers. In the end, if your body didn’t like it, then you have to listen it. But also remember that the mind is a powerful thing too.
From Jon:
From Jon:
The claims by Dr. Gundry are nonsensical on multiple levels. First, you don’t actually eat the grass so you don’t need multiple stomachs to break down the cellulose to reach the nutrients. You eat the juice from the grass–or a dried and powdered form of the juice—so there is no cellulose to break down. No special stomachs needed. For Dr. Gundry not to know this calls into question everything else he has to say about wheatgrass. And you don’t have to take anybody’s word for what it does. There are a number of studies that show that consumption of wheatgrass juice is beneficial. Quite simply, if you couldn’t digest it, you couldn’t have any results. How could Dr. Gundry not understand this?
Dr. Gundry also complains about lectins, but I dealt with this issue in extensive detail in my series on the anatomy and physiology of blood. It’s a non-issue.
And finally, if you’re still not convinced, check out this video.