Aloe vera is an amazing mixture of more than 200 constituents, including polysaccharides, enzymes, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
If you get a sunburn, have dry skin, or suffer from other skin related issues, aloe vera is typically one of the first things you reach for. Its beneficial effects for skin are well known. However, what isn’t as commonly know outside of alternative health circles is that aloe vera also has huge benefits when consumed as a juice or supplement. Then again, when you take a closer look at what aloe vera contains, this may be less surprising.
Aloe vera is an amazing mixture of more than 200 constituents, including polysaccharides, enzymes, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals – including vitamins A, C, E, and B12, as well as minerals like potassium, zinc, and magnesium.
Aloe Vera for Natural Colon Health
One of the main active ingredients in aloe is anthraquinone (aloe-emodin), which works as an effective natural laxative and colon cleanser. Cape aloe, in fact, is one of the strongest of the colon stimulating herbs, which is why Jon Barron uses it in his Colon Corrective formula. Even better, laboratory experiments have shown cape aloe stimulates the growth not only of lymphocytes, which are an important part of the immunological defense mechanisms, but also of fibroblastic cells in skin and connective tissues and can thus help soothe and heal tissue in the intestinal tract. And an in vitro study published in 2014 shows that aloe-emodin induces apoptosis in human colon carcinoma cells. That said, most aloe products, other than cape aloe, have had the anthraquinone removed so that you can consume higher doses without the purgative effect and thus receive more of aloe’s other benefits.
Aloe Vera for Natural Healing
Although aloe is almost legendary for its healing and regenerative powers, the true potential of aloe vera was waiting to be tapped.
It is only within the last decade, however, that scientists have learned how to concentrate the active ingredients in aloe to levels far, far, far beyond what was possible before – while at the same time preserving the integrity of the key ingredients. And then, within just the last few years, that process has been significantly enhanced to almost unimaginable levels.
Aloe Vera for Overall Cell Health
The active polysaccharide fractions in aloe are called galacto-mannans or beta- glucomannans. These polysaccharides have been shown in laboratory studies to act as a bridge between the proteins found on pathogenic invaders (such as viruses) and macrophage cells in the human body, facilitating the destruction of the invaders by the macrophage. Activating the receptor sites of the macrophages is also a key to the overall boosting of cell-mediated immunity, which, significantly, is deficient in HIV infection and other immune disorders. In addition, aloe polysaccharides also protect the bone marrow from damage by toxic chemicals and drugs.
These various effects, while seemingly widespread and unrelated, are in fact due to one simple process that occurs at the cell membrane. Acemannan (the name often used for aloe beta-glucomannans, acetylated polymannans and mucopolysaccharides) is a long chain sugar that interjects itself into all cell membranes. This results in an increase in the fluidity and permeability of the membranes allowing toxins to flow out of and nutrients to enter the cell more easily. This results in improved cellular metabolism throughout the body and an overall boost in energy production.
More Benefits of Aloe Vera
Following are a few of the vital functions acemannan and the other constituents of aloe have been found to perform. They…
- Make cells more resistant to viruses and pathogenic bacteria, by incorporating themselves into cell walls
- Improve overall cellular metabolism and functioning
- Reduce inflammation
- Provide critical lubrication of joints; helping to prevent arthritis and to heal it once it has developed
- Aid in the absorption of water, minerals, and nutrients in the GI tract
- Reduce pain
- Improve vascular flow
- Reduce scarring
- Improve macrophage activity as much as tenfold
- Enhance macrophage effectiveness in modulating the entire immune system
- Enhance macrophage effectiveness in stimulating, producing, and releasing antibodies
- Increase the body’s own production of iinterlukins, particularly nterferon
- Increase the number of antibody forming T-cells in the spleen
- Increase the number and activity of killer T-cells and increase monocyte activity
- Fight fungal infections, such as: Athlete’s foot, Ringworm, Pruritus Anivalvae, Balnea, Essential Pruritus, and Vaginal yeast infections
- Help heal athletic injuries such as: Muscle cramps, Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Swelling, Soreness, Tendonitis, and Bursitis.
- Soothe and promote the healing of intestinal disorders such as: Indigestion, Heartburn, Hyper-acidity, Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers, Colitis, and Hemorrhoids
- Promote the healing of kidney disorder
- Help with diabetes
- Kill parasites such as: Pinworms and Threadworms
- Speed wound healing by as much as 35%
- Reduce allergic reactions
- Stimulate bone marrow activity
- Stimulate fibroblasts to release collagen and elastin to make new tissue
And if that’s not enough, aloe vera has also been used to treat:
- Epilepsy
- Asthma
- Colds
- Bleeding
- Absence of menstrual periods
- Depression
- Multiple sclerosis
- Varicose veins
- Osteoarthritis
- Glaucoma and other vision problems
How to Take Aloe Vera
Your need for the plant will more than likely dictate how you use it medicinally. For sunburns or topical issues, the gel from the plant would be most beneficial. For other health issues, aloe vera is available in capsule, powder, concentrate and juice form. The bottom line is that the aloe vera benefits found in concentrated fractions enhance the functioning of the entire immune system, detoxify the body, promote the repair of a wide range of tissues and organs, improve digestive functions, and help with the destruction and elimination of invading bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These are a few reasons you’ll find it in Jon Barron’s Private Reserve Superfood formula.
Learn more about maintaining a healthy immune system.
aloe-vera (Acemannan)
Can it be bought in tablet form
I have been meaning to try one of the powdered aloe vera products on the market now, but it would really be more for the convenience than anything else, because I have been buying 33 pounds of fresh organically grown aloe vera leaves from Aloe Labs in Harlingen, Texas every month, and using about a pound of the fresh gel in my morning smoothie for years now, and it’s the most important part of my health regiment, I think. Occasionally it’s hard to get a shipment in the winter because of hurricanes, etc, so it would be good to have the powdered stuff on hand in case of such an emergency. But the fresh leaves are cheap, easy to store (don’t require refrigeration for up to a month as long as they are kept cool and dry with good air circulation), and I would imagine the fresh gel is superior to any other form. For one thing, there is a lot of oxygen in the fresh gel, and I don’t imagine that would survive the processing, even for the new products. But I don’t know for sure how the fresh and the powdered gel would compare, and would definitely like to find out. Thanks for any useful input.
Aloe vera
How to use the plant itself? Can we eat it, use it as such? I suppose ancients did not have the technology to do much else but to use the plant as such?
You do not want to consume
You do not want to consume the whole aloe leaf—just the meat and gel. To prepare aloe for internal use, you first slit the leaf in half, lay it open and carefully skim out the internal gel and meat with a spoon. It takes a bit of time and work, but one leaf is all you need per day. You can add it to a bit of juice or a smoothie for digestive benefits.
Does aloe produce healthy bone marrow within our body How does aloe produce brain function does it clear blood vessels does it create brain tissue
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You may be intrested in these links on bone marrow and cognitive function.