Yoga Exercise Benefits for a Stroke Victim | Natural Health Video

Yoga and Balance

According to a recent study that took place at Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center and Indiana University in Indianapolis, yoga classes can improve balance, an essential ability that may be diminished by stroke as well as with age.

The effects of a stroke can be devastating, both to mental and physical capabilities.  Those who experience a stroke may lose their ability to speak clearly or at all, certain analytical functions, depth and distance perception, and their use of one or more limbs. And strokes are now occurring in younger people more frequently than ever before, due to risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity being on the rise.

According to a recent study that took place at Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center and Indiana University in Indianapolis, yoga exercise classes can improve balance and provide other benefits for stroke victim health. Jon Barron discusses the benefits to stroke victims that yoga can provide.
