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Jon Barron’s Natural Health Podcast, with Dr. Axibal & Jon Barron

Join the thousands world-wide who want a fun, entertaining and highly informative way to keep up on natural health remedies for common health issues through Jon Barron’s free Natural Health Podcast!

To view our latest Radio Show podcasts, visit our Natural Health Podcast page.

These health podcasts are the health news segment of the “Healthy Trends” radio show with Dr. Romel Axibal and Jon Barron.  The show is aired live on 1680 AM radio in LA, but you can listen to them now for free, any time, any place!  These 20-30 minute bi-weekly natural health news segments will have you laugh, cry, and sometimes run for cover! Don’t miss out on health tips for natural anti aging, how to detox, diabetes preventionheart health and much more!

Interested in listening before you subscribe to this one of kind natural health podcast? Our most popularly viewed segments include:

You can also check out a complete list of all natural health podcasts from Jon Barron’s radio segment!

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Manually: Right-click the podcast’s ‘POD‘ button in the list above, select ‘Copy Shortcut’ or ‘Copy Link’, then paste the link into your podcast software.
iTunes: Click the podcast’s ‘iTunes‘ button to be automatically subscribed in iTunes.
Zune: Right-click the podcast’s ‘Zune‘ button, select ‘Copy Shortcut’ or ‘Copy Link’, then paste the link into your Zune software. .

Readers Testimonial

“I want to let Jon Barron know that he may have saved my sister's life. I came across his newsletter...” Continue

E. Fletcher, United Kingdom

Jon's Guide To Supplements

Check out Jon Barron's comprehensive guide on supplements. Learn what you should consider taking, when, and why. Also gives a list for special health needs.