MERS Coronavirus Redux
7/27/2013There may be something coming in the fall that could change the equation regarding MERS (MIddle East Respiratory Virus).
Read MoreH7N9 and MERS Pandemic Scares
6/15/2013If you believe the World Health Organization, H7N9 and MERS are "a threat to the entire world." In truth, every...
Read MoreMandatory Flu Vaccines for Health Care Workers
1/26/2013Four states currently have legislation on the books requiring all health care workers to get annual flu shots no matter...
Read MoreDangers In The Bathroom
10/27/2012Few things evoke revulsion and complaint the way dirty public restrooms do. Even sparkling clean public restrooms make many of...
Read MoreNew Guidelines for Treating Strep Throat
9/23/2012For doctors treating strep throat and sore throat symptoms, unnecessary tonsilectomies and the dishing out of antibioics may be a...
Read MoreTattoo Ink Warning
9/1/2012 Coverage of the health risk of tattoos has been revisited after contaminated tattoo ink ingredients have caused an outbreak of...
Read MoreParenthood Keeps You Healthy
7/28/2012Researchers have found that people who have no children are roughly twice as likely to catch colds as those who do...
Read MoreRisk of Bacteria Infection Due to Beach Pollution
7/6/2012Jaws isn’t the only predator lurking in the water. Beach pollution in the form of bacteria too small to see...
Read MoreThe Superbug STD
6/21/2012Recently, according to the World Health Organization, strains of gonorrhea have appeared that are resistant to all of the antibiotics...
Read MoreWhooping Cough Outbreak in Washington State
5/17/2012Whooping cough, otherwise known as pertussis, has reached epidemic proportions in Washington (state). There have been more than 1,100 cases...
Read MoreMad Cow Found in the United States
5/8/2012A cow in California has recently been identified as having mad cow disease…leading once again to the question of just how...
Read MoreOral HPV Fears
3/20/2012New research has found that HPV can be carried within the mouth, and may be present there in approximately seven...
Read MoreOh, the Places Germs Go!
12/15/2011According to new research, it seems that we are all surrounded by germs pretty much wherever we go. A study...
Read MoreScreening Tests Screened Out
11/8/2011It's been a bad month for the lucrative health-screening-test industry. Those of us who have been poked, prodded, scraped, and...
Read MoreUniversal Flu Vaccine on the Horizon?
11/5/2011A team of researchers from England and Switzerland have discovered a "super-antibody" called F16 that appears to disable all of...
Read MoreTick Parasite in Blood Transfusions
10/22/2011New research has found that there is a tick parasite that has been transmitted through blood transfusions appearing in the...
Read MoreA New Swine Flu Strikes
10/4/2011A new version of the swine flu has been identified in two children in the United States. his H3N2 swine...
Read MoreAnatomy and Physiology of the Immune System, Part 4
10/3/2011In our concluding segment on the immune system, we progressively step outside the box and draw a clear line between...
Read MoreWhat Resides on Hospital Workers’ Clothing
9/22/2011A recent study that took place at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, found that lab coats, scrubs, and...
Read MoreHow To Fight Colds, Flus, and Infections
7/1/2011Colds and flus are not only inconvenient and uncomfortable, they can also be extremely dangerous -- especially to the very...
Read MorePertussis is Back
8/24/2010Pennsylvania's Department of Health just issued a health warning of unusually high levels of pertussis, and California has reported an...
Read MoreDiseases Of The Respiratory System
3/2/2009The focus of this newsletter is on diseases that affect the bronchioles and alveoli. We're talking about COPD, emphysema, bronchitis,...
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