Smoking, Colon Cancer, and Curcumin
12/30/2010People who smoke cigarettes might actually increase their risk of developing colon cancer by eating a larger quantity of fruit...
Read MorePumpkin Pie for Immortality
12/28/2010New research indicates that people who eat lots of dark green and orange vegetables outlive their peers by a huge...
Read MoreTasting What You Breathe
12/23/2010Researchers have learned that there are taste receptors not only in our mouths, but in our lungs as well.
Read MoreThe Smoking-Dementia Connection
12/21/2010Research has established a link between smoking and the development of dementia in later years.
Read MoreBirth Order Studies
12/18/2010Studies show that the oldest child in a family typically scores higher on IQ tests than the children born after...
Read MoreOverweight…and Oblivious
12/16/2010Studies show that 25% of overweight subjects rated their weight as normal. 70% of the obese and 40% of the...
Read MorePolitics in the Genes
12/14/2010Recent research shows there is definitely a genetic factor to political leanings.
Read MoreBMI and Blood Pressure in Kids
12/11/2010Research shows that small reductions in an overweight child's body mass index (BMI) are likely to yield big improvements in...
Read MoreThe End of Rinderpest
12/9/2010Rinderpest, a deadly malady that would strike cattle, yaks, water buffalo, and other similar animals, is no more.
Read MoreDiabetes Breakthrough
12/7/2010Researchers have discovered that a patient's own stem cells can be put to work to restart insulin production in those...
Read MoreBreast Cancer, One More Time
12/6/2010The reduction in incidence and mortality rates cited to show the great strides made in treating breast cancer had little...
Read MoreDental X-Ray Worries
12/4/2010Cone-beam CT scanners provide three-dimensional images of the teeth, roots, jaw, and skull -- a much higher doses of radiation.
Read MoreFate Decided in Womb?
11/30/2010According to fetal origins scientists, everything your mother did while you were in her womb affects you throughout the rest...
Read MoreHypothyroidism, Removal or Radiation?
11/28/2010If you suffer from hypothyroidism, removing your thyroid or blasting with radiation or trying to balance it out with synthetic...
Read MoreTeen Binge Drinking Depression
11/27/2010A recent study has found that teen drinking increases vulnerability to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety later in...
Read MoreHunger Now a Thing of the Past
11/27/2010In a stunning announcement this month, the United States Department of Agriculture announced that hunger has been totally eliminated in...
Read MoreBreast Cancer and Meat Connection?
11/25/2010A new study published in the Harvard University Gazette has found that women who had more than one and half...
Read MoreExercise Builds Your Brain
11/23/2010The latest research out of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, shows that brain circuitry is improved by exercise.
Read MoreBone Mineral Density Tests Can Wait
11/20/2010Bone mineral density (BMD) tests may be superfluous for many patients.
Read MoreBenefits of Video Gaming
11/18/2010Action video games enhance decision-making abilities that carry over into real life.
Read MoreViagra Less than 50/50
11/16/2010Less than half of the Viagra (sildenafil) currently being prescribed for men is actually working.
Read MoreDogs and Fitness
11/5/2010A study from England that suggests owning a dog may encourage children to become more active.
Read MoreRestless Legs Syndrome Linked to Fibromyalgia
11/4/2010A new study published in the October issue of Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed a strong link between RLS...
Read MoreAnemia and Procrit Side Effects
11/3/2010There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long-term, and it can...
Read MoreAre Children Drinking Enough Water?
11/2/2010Recent research conducted by the NHANES, which is a branch of the CDC, seems to suggest that children across America are...
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