Blood Pressure Guidelines Revamped
12/31/2013The recommendations for hypertension treatment have been questioned by a committee of scientists who just completed a five-year study of...
Read MorePhysical Activity and Kidney Stones
12/28/2013Walking for approximately three hours per week or jogging for just an hour a week may lower the chance of...
Read MoreStress Risks of Watching the News
12/26/2013It seems that merely viewing traumatic stories on the news for too long can actually produce more stress in individuals...
Read MoreCamera Impairs Memory
12/21/2013Two new studies just published in Psychological Science reveal that taking photos dims our memory of those very things we...
Read MoreMen and Women Really Are Different
12/19/2013Researchers have discovered that brain scans taken of children and young adults are different depending on the gender of the...
Read MoreEthnic Pride Enhances Latina Body Image
12/17/2013According to research, Hispanic girls who express pride in their ethnicity have a much more positive attitude about their appearance...
Read MoreSmart Bras Control Emotional Eating
12/14/2013It seems that researchers at Microsoft have developed a bra to help women control emotional eating by measuring their moods.
Read MoreHigh-Sodium Medication Dangers
12/12/2013New research has found that a number of common medicines are so high in sodium that they can markedly increase...
Read MoreConsistent Parenting–Thinner Kids
12/10/2013Parents who set strict boundaries as to what is appropriate behavior for their children tend to have kids who are...
Read MoreGMO Study Retracted
12/7/2013Recently, a study critical of GMO corn and Round-Up was retracted under dubious circumstances--and it looks like Monsanto was involved.
Read MoreBirth Control Pills and Glaucoma
12/5/2013New research has found that the use of oral contraceptives may raise the risk of developing glaucoma as a woman...
Read MoreEat Nuts to Live Longer
12/3/2013Regularly consuming nuts may offer some protection from cardiovascular disease and certain cancers and make you less likely to die...
Read MoreMilk Tied to Hip Fractures…Again
11/30/2013Scientists from the Harvard Medical School have concluded that milk does not necessarily help girls resist bone problems later on....
Read MoreSoda and Kidney Disease
11/28/2013Adults who drink more than two sodas daily face a greater chance of showing early signs of kidney damage.
Read MoreExercise Helps Teens with Depression
11/26/2013New research has found that depression can be eased significantly in teens by having them do something we should all...
Read MoreDangers of Frying, Baking, and Roasting
11/23/2013The darker and crispier you cook your potatoes, the more likely it is that they'll be laden with a carcinogenic...
Read MoreCutting Back on Antibiotics
11/21/2013According to Dr. Arjun Srinivasan, Associate Director of the CDC, we have reached "the end of antibiotics, period. We're in...
Read MoreFibromyalgia Brain Differences
11/19/2013A recent study found that there are functional variations in the brains of fibromyalgia patients that influence the physical manifestations...
Read MoreHospital Lighting Keeps Patients Sick
11/16/2013A recent study has found that hospital patients exposed to the lowest levels of light during the day reported more...
Read MoreLess ADHD in Sunny Climates
11/14/2013It appears that sunshine affects children's health: sunny areas may have a lower rate of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than areas...
Read MoreSmoking Ages the Skin
11/12/2013In addition to all the other ways smoking is bad for you, now there is new evidence linking smoking to...
Read MoreDining with Friends Helps
11/9/2013It seems the choices we make at a meal may be much more highly influenced by the choices of our...
Read MoreFilthy Spices
11/7/2013According to the FDA, if you consume spices regularly, you’re also getting a fair dose of insect parts, rodent droppings,...
Read MoreDevelop New Skills to Improve Memory
11/5/2013Learning a new skill is an even more effective method of preventing cognitive decline than keeping your mind active by...
Read MoreSaturated Fats Reclassified
11/2/2013According to a paper published by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra of the Croyden University Hospital in London, virtually everything the...
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