Hug it Out to Prevent Colds
12/30/2014According to new research, getting hugs can help you lessen your chances of getting sick.
Read MoreWalking Yourself with the Dog
12/27/2014New research suggests that owners who are made aware of the health dangers of their dog's weight appear more motivated...
Read MoreAlcohol Calorie Counts To Be Posted
12/25/2014The FDA has finalized a law that requires all establishments that sell prepared food to post the truth about calories--and...
Read MoreHigh-Fructose Corn Syrup Leaves You Hungry
12/23/2014New research has shown that consuming sugar in the form of fructose appears to have only a minor impact on...
Read MoreWhatever Happened to the Male Pill?
12/20/2014Despite the enthusiasm of women, the media, and even many scientists, the research institutions and pharmaceutical companies have almost no...
Read MoreSleep Apnea Affects Fitness Levels
12/18/2014Individuals who have sleep apnea appear to suffer from decreased aerobic fitness levels compared to those without the condition.
Read MoreMidnight Munchies Mean Weight Gain
12/16/2014The timing of our intake of calories may be every bit as important in weight control as the number of...
Read MoreSmartphones Killing Relationships
12/13/2014By allowing technology to interfere with our time with romantic partners,individuals may be sending implicit messages about what they value...
Read MoreEarly Puberty Brings on Depression
12/11/2014Children who have an early onset of puberty are more likely to experience depression and a host of related problems...
Read MoreTexting is a Pain in the Neck
12/9/2014new research suggests bending your head forward while texting may lead to early degeneration of the spinal discs in the...
Read MoreForce-Feeding Health
12/6/2014Since implementation of Michelle Obama's school lunch plan, the press has been carrying reports indicating that children don't like the...
Read MoreSlow Down Putting on Your Condom
12/4/2014New research suggests it is actually quite risky to put a condom on in a rush because it increases the...
Read MoreSlim Down With a Weight-Loss App?
12/2/2014The use of popular weight-loss apps do not appear to result in any significant loss of weight for most people.
Read MoreWe’re Still Getting Heavier
11/29/2014According to a new report, virtually every state has been underestimating its obesity rates, meaning that obesity in this country...
Read MoreHospital Risks to Preemies
11/27/2014Premature infants who spend the beginning of their lives in an NICU are placed in contact with a significant amount...
Read MoreContacts Causing Eye Infections
11/25/2014According to new research, bad hygiene habits with contact lenses may be the cause of a multitude of eye infections...
Read MoreTeen Smoking Still a Worry
11/22/2014Youth tobacco smoking rates putting millions at risk of premature death. One quarter of all high school students in the...
Read MoreSecondhand Smoke Promotes Weight Gain
11/20/2014A new study out of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, found that exposure to secondhand smoke over time can...
Read MoreMilk Drinkers Face More Fractures
11/18/2014A recent study has found that a higher intake of milk was associated with an increased risk of bone fractures...
Read MoreGyms Breed Pollution
11/15/2014New research tells us that the air inside you gym might not be any better than the air on the...
Read MoreSex for Prostate Protection
11/13/2014Researchers are making a pretty good case for the prostate health benefits of having more sex.
Read MoreWomen Disregard Heart Problem Symptoms
11/11/2014According to new research, women are much more likely than men to shrug off chest pain and other signs of...
Read MoreObesity, Accidents, and Crash-Test Dummies
11/8/2014A study last year found that the more obese you are, the more likely it is that you'll die in...
Read MoreMusic Makes a Workout Better
11/6/2014When people listen to songs they enjoy, even the most high-intensity, difficult workout becomes easier to complete.
Read MoreCold Sores May Double Alzheimer’s Risk
11/4/2014Two separate studies have found that the presence of the herpes simplex virus may be associated with a higher risk...
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