Steroid Shots Linked to Worsening Arthritis Pain
12/13/2019New research shows that corticosteroid injections may speed the deterioration in joints with arthritis.
Read MoreCan Eating with Others Make You Fat?
11/13/2019If eating with others increases your calorie consumption, should you eat alone to maintain weight loss? Not necessarily.
Read MoreHead and Neck Melanomas are on the Rise
11/4/2019New research shows an increase in head and neck melanomas in young people.
Read MoreMenopausal Night Sweats Mean Trouble for Your Thinking
10/23/2019New research shows that menopausal night sweats are linked to difficulties in thinking and paying attention.
Read MoreSciatica, Compressed Nerve Pain
10/21/2019Sciatica is a symptom, not a diagnosis. It is a non-specific term commonly used to describe pain that radiates from...
Read MoreVideo Games for Dementia Detection
10/9/2019New research suggests that playing popular video games may help diagnose dementia at an early stage.
Read MoreC-Sections, Autism, and ADHD
10/2/2019New research suggests that children delivered by C-section may be at higher risk for developing autism and attention deficit hyperactivity...
Read MoreCompetition Boosts Your Activity Level
9/26/2019New research shows that you can increase your fitness by introducing an element of competition to your exercise routine.
Read MoreShort Stature Raises the Risk of Diabetes
9/23/2019New research suggests that being short in height increases the likelihood that a person will develop diabetes. Is this true?...
Read MoreUsing Mouthwash Post-Workout Negates a Big Benefit
9/16/2019Did you know? Using mouthwash after exercise lessens the positive effects of exercise on blood pressure!
Read MoreTattoos are Tainting Lymph Nodes
9/13/2019New research suggests that metals may transfer from tattoo needles into the skin and then travel to the lymph nodes,...
Read MoreMDMA (Ecstasy) for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
9/12/2019For PTSD patients who don’t get better using psychotherapy and/or SSRIs, MDMA has been shown to have up to an...
Read MoreVacuum-packed Food Ramps up Listeria
9/2/2019Hermetically sealing cheeses, lunch meats, and the like in plastic vacuum packs may be ramping up the potency of Listeria...
Read MoreFlesh-Eating Bacteria Lurk in Warm Waters
8/2/2019Warm seawater breeds flesh-eating bacteria. As seas get warmer each year with global warming, more cases are reported along beaches...
Read MoreYogurt for Colon Cancer Prevention
7/17/2019New research suggests that men might get some protection from colon cancer with regular consumption of yogurt. Find out why...
Read MoreAre We Growing Horns Because of Our Smartphones?
6/29/2019Recent research suggests hornlike structures, born spurs, may grow on the skull from smartphone use. Poor posture when using smartphones...
Read MoreSTDs Among Seniors
6/25/2019Seniors not only are having sex well into their golden years, but at least some are being reckless about it....
Read MoreFour Things to Know About Room Temperature
6/21/2019If you’re female and shivering inside your air-conditioned office building, it's time to turn up the temp. New research shows...
Read MoreThe Dark Side of Home DNA Health Tests
6/18/2019DNA home health tests provide information about vulnerability to a range of hereditary diseases. But are home DNA tests safe,...
Read MoreFour Things You Might Not Know About Crying
6/13/2019Learn four things about crying. Is crying healthy? Do pets cry? How does crying impact mood?
Read MoreElderly Fall Prevention
6/12/2019Deadly falls among the elderly are on the rise. How do we protect ourselves and our loved ones from a...
Read MoreCoffee May Impact Heart Health
6/11/2019New research suggests that heavy consumption of coffee is associated with a greater likelihood of developing heart problems. But what...
Read MoreMyth or Fact: Is Canola Oil Healthy or Bad?
6/9/2019Canola Oil: there are myths and facts about Canola oil all over the net, but that doesn't make it true....
Read MoreMen and Low Bone Mass
6/7/2019Men can also lose bone density and experience osteoporosis. Learn some natural prevention techniques.
Read MoreChemotherapy, Long Term Brain Impairment
6/6/2019Chemotherapy promotes a lingering intellectual deficit. The question remains: is Chemotherapy worth the risk of the side-effects such as cognitive...
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