Pathogens, Pathogens; Everywhere Pathogens
4/27/2021I have always marveled at the mindset of germophobes—as though you could somehow escape pathogens.
Read MoreLongevity Depends on Your Lifestyle
3/23/2021Lots of people like to blame their families for every negative aspect of their health. However, new research suggests we...
Read MoreFasting to Reverse Diabetes
3/16/2021In the United States, more than 100 million adults estimated to be diabetic or pre-diabetic. There is new hope coming...
Read MoreWhy Eat More Fermented Foods
3/15/2021Scientists have recently learned how fermented foods increase our immunity. Find out why you should eat more fermented foods!
Read MoreSix Tips For Fighting The Blues
3/15/2021Fifteen percent of us will endure paralyzing depression at some point in our lives. And 18 percent of us have...
Read MoreFight Bone Cancer with Turmeric
3/11/2021New research shows that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been found effective in treating bone cancer.
Read MoreNaturally Relieve Lower Back Pain
3/9/202140 million American workers experience chronic lower back pain. What are some of the natural remedies?
Read MorePrevent Gallstones by Drinking Coffee
3/3/2021Good news for coffee lovers! Daily consumption of coffee is linked with a lower risk of gallstones. Learn More...
Read MoreVitamin D Deficiency Plagues Adults Over 50
3/2/2021Vitamin D deficiency is widespread even among older adults living in tropical climates, and the negative effects of deficiency can...
Read MoreGoing Bald, Men and Women
3/1/2021To reduce hair loss, maintaining proper ratios of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids is important. The proper ratio helps control...
Read MorePomegranate Fights Cancer
2/28/2021A study published in Cancer Prevention Research found 10 phytochemicals in pomegranates that seem to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive...
Read MoreThe Health Risk of Meat Diets Confirmed
2/27/2021People who eat processed meats like bacon, sausage, and deli meats have a 42% higher risk of getting heart disease...
Read MoreSnoring’s Health Dangers
2/22/2021If you’re a woman, even if you’ve never been diagnosed with sleep apnea, your snoring could be unhealthy. In fact,...
Read MoreThe Loneliness Virus
2/14/2021A study has found that the closer a subject is to a lonely person, the greater the likelihood that the...
Read MoreBipolar Disorder in Children Through the Roof
2/14/2021Bipolar Disorder in children has grown 20 times faster than the growth in the diagnoses of adult bipolar-disorder over the...
Read MoreHard Plastic Water Bottles Not Safer
2/10/2021It seems that polycarbonate containers tend to leach the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), an estrogen-mimic that has been linked to cancer,...
Read MoreIBD is Much More Common
2/8/2021New research suggests that inflammatory bowel disease affects triple the number of people as was previously estimated and puts them...
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