Question: I have candida. What do you recommend?
Answer: This is the third question today on candida. It’s obviously time to post an answer on the blog.
First of all, it’s probably worth briefly discussing what a candida infection is. Candida is a yeastlike fungus commonly found in the normal flora of the mouth, skin, intestinal tract, and vagina, which can become clinically infectious in people with compromised immune systems.
Keep in mind, that you can never totally rid yourself of candida. It’s present in everyone…always. What you want to do, though, is shut down candida overgrowth — to push it back to normal levels — and build up your immune system so that it stays there. To do this, I usually recommend:
- Clean out your intestinal tract with an intestinal detox.
- Do a heavy metal detox in combination with the intestinal cleanse. Heavy metal toxicity contributes to candida problems. Check out this article and Metal Magic.
- Boost your immune system.
- Take supplements with a heavy dose of garlic and/or olive leaf extract such as Super ViraGon. I suggest starting with a bottle a day for the first two days, then 10 droppers a day for the next two weeks.
- Oil of oregano and grapefruit seed extract are also useful. Also in Super ViraGon.
- A product called Kolorex, which is a specific for candida.
- Rebuild your intestinal flora with a beneficial bacteria formula (a probiotic) — that works for you.
- And of course, diet matters. Candida thrives on sugars and alcohols. At least while trying to get rid of the infection, you need to eliminate all high glycemic foods.
- Finally, you might consider incorporating digestive enzymes that contain BOTH cellulase and hemicellulase as they work by digesting the cell wall of the candida, which is comprised primarily of fiber.
You also might want to consider aloe vera juice, which has traditionally been used for alleviating digestive problems, it gently encourages the growth of friendly bacteria, and soothes irritated tissues throughout the intestinal tract.
I am on an anti-Candida diet and taking supplements as well. How long does it usually take to get rid of oral thrush? My practitioner recommends being on this diet for at least 4 months. After one month, I ate some food that wasn’t permitted for a few days and the thrush returned. Also, I am taking GSE. Do I need the oil of oregano in addtion, or is GSE enough?
Again, candida never totally goes away. It’s always present. If you’re body is functioning normally, it prevents overgrowth — of which thrush is a manifestation. The fact that the thrush returned so quickly in your case means two things. One, the candida was not truly under control. It was just in a state of lesser overgrowth. It can’t return that quickly if you really had eliminated the overgrowth. And two, your immune system is not up to speed. Ultimately, it’s your immune system that keeps candida under control. In answer to your question, if you are agressive with the antipathogens, it is possible to beat the candida back in one to two weeks. Then if you keep your immune system running at peak, it should not come back easily — even if you eat badly for a few days. With a strong immune system you can be quite abusive in your diet (not recommended, by the way) for quite a long time and still not have candida problems.
I was told once if you gargle your mouth with Baking Soda and Water you can keep thrush away from your mouth.
It is the cheapest and best mouthwash there is.
Jon, when I use proteoltic enzyme supplements
I have pressure, and eventually so much pain when I urinate, seems like my urine becomes so concentrated that the last time I continue taking them it caused a tear in the urethea entrance. Could you possible tell me why this happens (I took 2 tablets morning an nite, your product)I notice the same type of problem when I use the product coral calicum. Please give me some answers
Normally, I wouldn't post a
Normally, I wouldn't post a product testimonial on the blog, but I think it's important to see that the protocol outlined above actually works, and besides, not all the products listed are mine. Anyway, this is an email that was sent to Baseline Nutritionals, which they then forwarded on to me.
"I just had to write you so you can pass this on to Jon. For almost a year, I had problems with my digestion with bloating, etc. In Feb 2007 I found out I had Candida (3+ out of 5). After being on Super ViraGon and Kolorex for 4 weeks, I had another test done and it came out NEGATIVE! I also did 2 weeks of Magic Metal and Colon Detoxifier with the Super VirGgon, and, of course, the Candida diet. Unbelievable! I was told that it could take MONTHS to get rid of this infection."
"Please tell Jon that his products and advice saved my life! Thanks.""
After years of having adult acne, I learned about Candida, which I have due to prolonged use of antibiotics from my dermatologist. It has been 2 weeks and I am pumping myself with Candida Cleanse products, probiotics, green superfoods, Traditional chinese medicine herbs, burdock root, olive leaf, aloe vera juice, garlic, apple pectin, and other herbal supplements. I have been using an enema once a week. My question is, how do I know if the yeast is being killed, how do I know if it is leaving my body or not, and how long does it generally take for the Candida overgrowth to be under control, like a regular person’s?
This question was actually answered above.
Again, candida never totally goes away. It’s always present. If you’re body is functioning normally, it prevents overgrowth. Ultimately, it’s your immune system that keeps candida under control. You know it’s under control when you have no symptoms — assuming the symptoms are actually coming from candida.
In answer to your question, if you are agressive with the antipathogens(assuming they are of sufficient quality), it is possible to beat the candida back in one to two weeks. Then if you keep your immune system running at peak, it should not come back easily — even if you eat badly for a few days. With a strong immune system you can be quite abusive in your diet (not recommended, by the way) for quite a long time and still not have candida problems.
Incidentally, in the supplements you list I don’t see any immune builders or probiotics.
Thanks for the data thus far. Is systemic candida capable of infecting the lungs and esophageal passage?
Also, have you heard of or can recommend ThreeLac? I hear its pretty good.
Yes, candida can absolutely move into the esophagus. It’s actually quite common in HIV/AIDs patients. And candida spores can make their way into the lungs too. Treatment remains the same.
As for ThreeLac, give it a try. Then come back and let us know how it worked.
Hi Jon,
Just getting back to you on the Three-Lac thing to report my conclusions.
It’s been a few months on the product, take 2-3 minimum a day up to about 5 total. I believe the stuff does work. But I believe that it’s effectiveness is amplified by a multi-faceted approach.
In other words, concurrent to taking Three-Lac, I also cut out all sugars (things with oses) and even fruits initially. I also cut out alcohol (wines here and there). I also cut out flours, ie. breads, tortillas, etc. I never really had soda or chips type stuff before so nothing to cut.
But I also took (and still take) your Private Reserve in the afternoons. I instituted some exercise into the regimen and took enzymes with means and proteolytics before bed on an empty stomach (your proteolytics and enzymes).
This multiple approach took me physically out of the red. Since that time I also then cut out carbs totally and have just had less than about 130g of different meat or fish and veggies – all organic of course. Occasionally I will have fruit between meals. If you don’t eat the fruit with the meat then it tends to digest fast which is anti-candida friendly for touchy systems.
ThreeLac is a definitely winner … it targets the candida specifically, but like waging a war, its good to have a commander, communications, and other supporting troops on the flanks and I believe the above are the things which helped me to take a multi-faceted approach to resolving my problem (which was definitely systemic).
By the way, while it is believed that it takes several months to handle systemic candida one can get it under control rather quickly with some changes, like those above. (I haven’t reverted to sugars or anything either). And on top of this I lost 30 pounds by changing the eating habits which definitel helps with the elimination of candida.
Hi Jon,
Are the probiotics taken at the same time as the anti pathogens?
Or are the probiotics taken after the antipathogen regimen?
I heard that many of the antipathogens will also kill off the friendly bacteria.
Also, can you take the antipathogens while doing the intestinal cleanse?
I guess…… there a specific order in which to carry out the assault?
Thank you.
It depends somewhat on which antipathogens you use. Some are more damaging to good bacteria than others. Colloidal silver, goldenseal, and pharmaceutical antibiotics tend to be more aggressive. Garlic, on the other hand, tends to be much kinder to probiotics. In any case, it’s best to separate the times you take them. If you’re using Super Viragon, for example, take your probiotics an hour after taking the Viragon — preferably before bed, which allows them time to establish themselves in the intestinal tract. And yes, you can take antipathogens while doing the intestinal cleanse. Just be sure to take them 20 minutes before, or an hour after, using the intestinal detox formula — to minimize the chances of the detox formula absorbing the antipathogens.
I have stuggle with lung candida for over 2 years. It really started with my lips burning and than my tongue.I have try just about every thing including supplements mention here. Of course I have gone the medical route too. Every kind of specialist too. I am on a low carb diet and have lost about 35 lbs. (use to weigh 155) I am very depressed and at a low point in my life. Where do you think I went wrong?
Joe R.
I also have struggled with lung candida, in fact my candida was everywhere in my body effecting more than I realized. I had a chronic migrane headache that would never go away. Floaters in my eyes, a vaginal yeast infection that I’ve had for years, it also caused me to feel like I had a mild bladder infection all of the time. I was drinking up to a gallon of water every day just to stay comfortable. Not to mention extreme fatigue. I had tried everything, threelac for a year or better. I’d been on fluconasole for over a year. I’d even tried some different homeopathic remedies, nothing even touched what I had. My candida was so entrenched in my tissues I thought I would never be free of it.
My friend told me about a 30 day program she and her daughter had gone on for candida and fibromyalsia and that the results were excellent. I was scepticle but desperate. I started the program through the M’lis company with mixed results. My headaches went away and I felt alot better but I was still having some symptoms. After 2 months and alot of frustration I realized the soy milk I was drinking had organic cane juice in it (or in other words, sugar).
The M’lis company worked one on one with me to resolve my candida. When we realized why I hadn’t been clearing they had me start the program over again. I’m currently half way through and I’ve been symptom free for a week or so now. This is the first time in years that I haven’t had symptoms. This program works. It’s not easy, but it does work. I’m living proof. I hope this helps.
I have a history of candida infections and recurring fungal sinusitis. I believe these two are related to some degree. I have suffered through numerous treatments for both, including antifungals and dioxychlor infusions for the candida, and prednisone and 7 surgeries for the sinuses, but the problems seem to keep returning. I am facing another 2 weeks on prednisone and possibly another surgery, neither of which I want to repeat. Then they want to put me back on allergy shots (already tried that 3 times). In my efforts, I try to use only quality supplements (and yeast free, soy free, etc). I take a probiotic, vitamin C, D, and E daily. I have trouble with B vitamins and multi-vits (probably due to the source of many being from yeasts [yeast free only means no complete yeast organisms]). I have started using potassium iodide (which can only be used short term), Jon’s protoelytic enzymes, and alkalol nasal wash, but only been on it about 10 days. What I need is a program to rid myself of fungal sinusitis and candida and then a maintenance program to keep it away that actually works. Just diet and probiotics have not been sufficient. I have used Threelac, Candigone and similar products in the past with no noticeable benefit. I wonder if Jon’s ViraGon will work on these issues? And what else would I need to include in a plan? I welcome any suggestions.
I have candida and so does my 19 month old daughter, I am still breastfeeding her so taking on the candida in full swing is hard to do because I have not tried to detox. Should I attempt to balance the candida while still nursing so she can get some of the products in the milk or is it safer to wait. And if so how would I find out proper dosage and balance her candida levels? I have been taking very small amount (1/4t threelac every 3 days along with coral calcium) to try to elviate the candida symptoms but I am worried about any toxins transferring to her. What should I do Please help. I plan to wean her off breastmilk soon but I need to know if it would be better to take care of her candida while still nursing. Thanks for everything you really do spread miracles.
Did you ever get a response
Did you ever get a response to your question? I know this post is really old, but I have the same problem with my 10 month old and I. I am desperate to find an answer, but can’t seem to find anything! What did you end up doing?
Hallo Jon – can you advise on 2 year scalp problem doctors have diagnosed as seborroea (dandruff) which is a form of yeast infection, i later discovered. It is NOT, however, a ‘crust’ which has formed, but a complete covering of the scalp with tiny granules that are actually embedded in the skin. I have not been back to doctors, and refused the strong chemicals they advised. I then 6 months ago sufferred a complete breakdown in systems, severe liver/kidney pain, suspected gall stones. I refused hospital, and after 8 weeks of severe anc continuous vomiting, with literally no food that would stay down and almost no liquid, fo same reason, recovered. After 65 years of almost perfect good health, i beleive my immune andf several other systems have succumbed to the past few years extreme stress, and i now intend to put this right. Meanwhile, any info and insights on this scalp prob, and what it is? Thanks so much for your site, glad i found you.
Hi Jon, First I want to thank you for your wonderful site and the information you provide for everyone. You are truly a wonderful person.
My question is this. I am a healthy sixty two year old woman. Most people think I am in my mid to late forties. I take no medications.
In the past I did have a serious yeast problem throughout my system. They said I had Fibromyaliga; only when I did my own research did I find that the symptoms for the yeast and fibro. were about the same. So I treated myself for the yeast and with in a week My tongue went from white to a pale white pink now pretty normal except for the crack in the front which is getting better.
I feel that is pretty much under control now. I am careful as to what I eat and drink and where it comes from! However, for the past three and a half years I have had a situation. My mid tongue area has a burning sensation. When I sleep at night it is worse, it also feels like my upper chest is on fire. That goes away once I am up and have had something to eat and drink. It scared me so bad when it first started that I went to the emergency room. They took a few test and said there was nothing wrong, everything looked fine.
I did find an old text from the early nineteen hundreds that talked about woman going through menopause would get this. I have tried to find it again with no avail.
I see that there are quite a lot of woman that have this but never any mention as to why or the true cause. Do you have any information on this? Or where I can look? I think if I remember the info. I found said it was a nutritional deficiency or vitamin of some kind.
Thank you for you help.
I have a toenail fungus in my right foots big toe nail. It is very red and sore around the area and a little swollen. What products would you recommend?
Hi Jon,
What health category would sarcoidosis fall into to? Would it be considered an autoimmune disease or what?
Thank you for all you do…Roy.
Probably not. Although the cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, there is strong suspicion that some toxic substance (bacterial, viral, environmental) that enters through the lungs plays a key role. Given that trigger, an out of balance immune system may then play the dominant role in the expression of the disease as an autoimmune disorder. As always, regular use of immunomodulators such as CMO, L-carnosine, and colostrum is probably well advised — as is a complete body detox and an immune system regimen that both builds the immune system and that directly attacks pathogens.
Hi Jon,
I have a chronic fungal infection of the toenails and have tried every treatment I can find both oral and topical, to absolutely no avail, in fact they just get worse by the day. However I was intrigued to discover that a recent stool test (done by Metametrix in the UK) showed no presence of Candida in the gut.
My nutritionist has told me that probably the candida is now systemic. I have done some nutrition training myself and was under the impression that Candida remained in the gut even if it migrated to other body systems (in my case this would appear to be my toenails and other the mucosal linings )
I would be interested in your thoughts as this is fast becoming a complex situation that seems to have no obvious conclusion.
I know you must be very busy and get lots of questions – but would really appreciate a short response to my question above as it feels as though I will never find an answer to my problem
There are many factors that
There are many factors that can cause fungal infection, so it does not help to any of these factors to focus on just. Many conventional treatments for fungal infections using individual remedies such as antibiotics, pills or even detox diets. These often fail because they only address one part of the disease focus. The natural 3-step system provides you with important information not only on the treatment of fungal infection.
The response somehow sits
The response somehow sits several comments above this. "Roy: Probably not. Although the cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, there is strong suspicion that some toxic substance (bacterial, viral, environmental) that enters through the lungs plays a key role. Given that trigger, an out of balance immune system may then play the dominant role in the expression of the disease as an autoimmune disorder. As always, regular use of immunomodulators such as CMO, L-carnosine, and colostrum is probably well advised — as is a complete body detox and an immune system regimen that both builds the immune system and that directly attacks pathogens."
Also, get in touch with Linda
Also, get in touch with Linda Mcartney. She’s been dealing with candida for a while too and has written about it on her site.I found Lady Soma as well to be very helpful. Ive been using it for 1 month and having great results. Its effective.
I’ve been fighting vaginal candida for years now that I lost count. I’ve been always thin and have not much fat on my body, so all these diets really make lose weight, which in my case is no good. I’m 36 and my skin feels saggy and I normally look 10 years older every time I tried this diet. My alternative doctor prescribed me to go on a anti-yeast protocol, which consist in eliminating completely for 30 days any sugar, carbs and dairy products, but also taking Nystatin 3 times a day, flocunazole (150mg) for the first 5 days and again fluconazole for the last 5 days of the diet. Also probiotics. I did it one time religiously, lost weight and it did not work. After few months, the candida was bad as it was before. I even mentioned with the doctor’s assistent about a detox and she replied that this diet was a detox (I don’t think so). I’ve been always reading your articles and even bought some of your products for my dad, but after coming across your article about candida I realize that I really need a detox. I’ve been miserable for years, my sexual life has decreased considerably and no regular doctor could ever help me about this. In fact, I’ve heard a lot of “I’m sooooo sorry, but there is not much we can do to help you” that has brought me to tears and desperation. I’ll try your way now and I’ll report how things go. Thanks!