According to two just released studies, a treasure hunt for genes has found that up to three-quarters of people of European descent have DNA that raises their risk for heart disease — and these genes are close to a stretch of DNA linked to diabetes.
People who have the SNP DNA sequence variation cited in the deCODE study had about a 60 percent raised risk for heart attack compared to non-carriers, while people carrying the two SNPs in the Canadian study had a 30 percent to 40 percent increased risk of heart disease.
“I think this is a stunner,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, told reporters. “It seems like this one place carries all of that weight for two very common and very dangerous diseases.”
A stunner?????
What planet are these people from? That genetic factors give predisposition for certain diseases can hardly be considered stunning information. Heck, I’m not a medical doctor, and I said as much over ten years ago in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. But let’s get real here for a moment. Having a genetic predisposition is hardly a guarantee of disease and doesn’t even qualify as the primary factor. We’ve covered this issue before. Women with the “breast cancer gene” have the same odds of getting breast cancer as women without the gene if they don’t live the same lifestyle as their families.
The biggest problem with the studies is that they compared the odds associated with the SNPs with “known” risk factors such as “smoking” and “high cholesterol.” And even at that, the researchers admitted that when push comes to shove, “The effect (of the genetic material) is less than that of smoking or having a high cholesterol level.” But what about risk factors such as high homocysteine levels, systemic inflammation, and NEFAs resulting from an imbalance of Omega fatty acids? Add in those factors, reassess the odds, and the impact of the studies becomes less than “stunning.”
Make no mistake, genetic material may give you a predisposition, but ultimately when it comes to heart disease (or diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or osteoporosis, et al), what we do matters far more than what we’re born with.
The biggest problem with the studies is that its compared the odds associated with the SNPs with “known” risk factors such as “smoking” and “high cholesterol.”
So many things could be done
So many things could be done with dna. As a race we could be molded into superior beings. With no sickness, pain or aging and dying. Super smarts, strength and robust health. The possibilities are endless with dna. Its time we seek our own destiny. Let us strive to be better. By restructuring the gnome pattern manually, we can make real supermen and superwomen eventually. There is genes they give test mice to make them stronger, faster and smarter. Even glow! Like the glow fish they sell now. They are genetically modified animals marketed to sell. The next step is us to get better from these experiments. So its coming soon. Take out the bad and put in the good. And then the pharm companies can clime the clock tower. lol. They only take care of the symptoms not the root of the problems, which is dna. One shot should be able to fix us forever. Exercising and changing our habits can keep us healthier for longer but dna can fix it for good. Be kind, courteous and peaceful to each other and be a fellow helping human. Lets create, not destroy. Have a nice day. Thank you