Everyone produces up to 10,000 cancer cells every single day of their life as part of the normal metabolic process. Don’t be frightened. Once you understand it, it’s possible to work with your body to prevent those cells from ever taking root – or reverse them if they do.
There’s no question that over the years the largest number of questions we receive at the Baseline of Health® Foundation concern cancer. Questions like:
- I have prostate cancer, what should I do?
- I have breast cancer; I’m taking drug X from my doctor; is it okay for me to take graviola?
- My friend has cancer. Her doctor has already cut off her breasts, but the cancer has metastasized to other parts of her body anyway. What can I tell her so she’ll stop listening to her doctor?
Unfortunately, for obvious legal reasons, we cannot diagnose and prescribe for specific medical conditions. But even beyond the legal issues, there’s no way we could offer specific protocols for each individual situation based on a casual email exchange. And on top of all that, we receive thousands of emails a month at the Foundation, with hundreds of those being requests for me to personally play doctor. For all kinds of logistical reasons and time constraints (above and beyond the legal issues), it’s simply impossible to respond to all of these emails individually.
However, that said, what I can do legally is offer a general protocol for dealing with cancer — a protocol that pretty much applies across the board to all cancers, with some specific exceptions such as waiting to build your immune system until after your treatment if you are undergoing medical treatment for leukemia. What I want to do, then, is offer a protocol that is not so much expected to cure cancer by itself, but rather, serves as the foundation for any program you are using to treat your cancer — natural or medical. (And, of course, if you are already working with a doctor, you will want to run everything by them before making any changes to your program.)
So, with that in mind…
What causes cancer?
I cover the nature of cancer, what causes it, and the reasons behind those causes in great detail in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors. But for now, let me summarize the key point concerning cancer.
No one (from the pool of intelligent doctors) really believes that cancer somehow magically appears in isolated spots in your body for no particular reason. And yet somehow, these same doctors operate as if they do in fact believe that removing or destroying that “isolated” cancer means that you’ve cured it. One hundred years of medical experience has shown that this concept is both silly and absurd. And yet, virtually all modern cancer research and treatments are based on it. Think about it. The “cure” for cancer as practiced by the medical establishment is to surgically remove it, burn it out with focused beams of radiation, and poison it with chemotherapy — or all of the above together. Astonishing!
If we truly want to end the cancer scourge, we must look elsewhere for answers. In fact, we need to shift to an entirely different paradigm.
I submit to you that cancer is fundamentally a disease of the immune system. What do I mean by that? In your body, as part of the normal metabolic process, you produce anywhere from a few hundred to as many as 10,000 cancerous cells each day. Everybody does. So, why doesn’t everybody “get” cancer? Because your immune system has the ability to recognize each and every one of those aberrant cells and remove them from your body…if it’s functioning properly. That’s what a healthy immune system does. Then why do some people get cancer? Because one of three things happens (and, more often than not, all three together):
- You expose yourself to toxins and outside influences (such as heavy metals, radiation, rancid fats, viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.) that dramatically increase the number of cancerous cells that your body produces so that not even a healthy immune system can handle the load. (Incidentally, even as I am writing this, new studies have just been published connecting the XMRV virus with prostate cancer.)
- You compromise your immune system to the point that it can no longer handle all of the cancerous cells your body produces, thus allowing some of them to take root and establish themselves.
- Circulation (blood, lymph, energy) is impeded, leading to both 1 and 2 above.
And yes, genetics can play a role, but much less than you might think — or that doctors would have you believe. And, in fact, the primary role of genetics in cancer is not okayed by genes or DNA, but epigenetics, the way your genes express themselves in response to changes in the environment — or to put it another way, how your body responds to number 1 above.
For more details on:
- understanding the state of cancer in the world today and the limitations of medical treatments in dealing with it
- getting a handle on the multi-billion dollar cancer industry and how it severely impacts the treatments you receive and the information you get that informs the decisions you make concerning those treatments
- an expanded discussion of the actual causes of cancer
- why the “War on Cancer” has failed…and will continue to fail
- why most research on cancer is dead-ended before it starts
- and how the deck is stacked against alternative health treatments, and why you will never receive an unbiased analysis of the efficacy of any of those treatments from either the medical community or the mass media
Check out either Lessons from the Miracle Doctors or the audio file, Cancer, the Big Lie.
Lifestyle Changes Cut Breast Cancer Risk
Even though, I referred you above to my book and talk for a more complete discussion of how environment affects cancer, I would still like to cite a study released earlier this month that supports that very premise. The American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund analyzed 1,000 studies to get a better handle on the risk factors for breast cancer. Their conclusion was that lifestyle is a strong modifiable risk factor for breast cancer, and that the role of genetics is significantly overestimated (something I’ve been saying for years — even as doctors begged to differ). In the end, the study concluded that 40% of all cancers could be prevented with “simple” lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating well, exercising, and limiting alcohol consumption. And keep in mind, that 40% figure is based on namby pamby “simple” lifestyle changes. Just imagine how much higher that number would be if you add in regular juice fasting, detoxing, and the judicious use of strong doses of anti-cancer herbs and supplements. Incorporate those protocols and you start approaching a number closer to the 90% reduction I’ve been citing for years.
Cancer screening may do more harm than good
There’s one other medical bugaboo I need to deal with quickly before moving on to my recommended options. The standard bromide is that testing for cancer saves lives. Get tested regularly. Test for colon cancer. Test for breast cancer. Test for prostate cancer. In fact, testing is hardly the panacea promoted in the media, and while there certainly may be benefit to testing and identifying cancer at an early stage, the process is far less reliable then you have been lead to believe.
Mammograms, for example, produce up to a 90% false positive. That’s not good, but it probably could be justified if regular mammograms could at least catch all of the real cases of cancer and allowed doctors to accordingly save those lives. If only that were so! In fact, mammograms regularly miss 20-30% of all breast cancer incidents they are imaging. Even worse, mammograms often detect cancers too late to help, because the tumor is growing so fast by the time it is detectable in a mammogram. In fact, a 2001 study found that “there is no reliable evidence that screening decreases breast cancer mortality — not even a tendency towards an effect.” But wait, it gets worse. According to a study just published in the New England Journal of Medicine, imaging tests such as CT scans and nuclear imaging may actually be provoking the very breast cancer women are trying to avoid, without providing any real benefits.
But it isn’t just breast cancer. Testing for prostate cancer comes with its own set of problems. For example, there’s the new study indicating that PSA testing for prostate cancer may actually be doing more harm than good. Yes, you read that correctly. And how much harm and how much good are we talking about?
Well, according to study co-author H. Gilbert Welch, MD, MPH, “For every man who avoids a prostate cancer death due to PSA screening, about 50 men have to be treated unnecessarily — and a third of these men will have serious problems with treatment.”
In fact, we’re talking about 943,500 men out of every million diagnosed with prostate cancer unnecessarily getting treated with surgery and radiation. In Vegas, those would be referred to as very long odds! But enough about medical testing and treatments for cancer! Let’s now look at the alternatives that can dramatically change your odds. The following information is taken from the new, expanded, hardcover edition of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, which is available at bookstores everywhere.
Preventing cancer is easier than reversing it
It is much easier to prevent cancer than to reverse it. The reason is simple: isolated cancer cells are not very strong and have no built-in support mechanisms, but once they take root and begin to multiply, they build awesome support systems and acquire a life of their own. In the case of tumors, for example, this includes the development of fully functional, complex vascular systems capable of providing tremendous amounts of nutrition and sustenance (unfortunately, at the expense of your body’s vital organs). Also, once they take root, cancer cells are able to manifest their most important attribute — immortality. Unlike normal cells in your body, which have a limited life span (one of the main reasons we age and die), cancer cells generally do not age and die. Functionally, they can live forever, and this gives them a major competitive advantage over healthy cells in your body.
Nevertheless, your body is capable of reversing an established cancer — doctors see it all the time and call it a “spontaneous remission” — but it takes considerable effort. You do pretty much the same things you do to prevent it, just more often, more intensively, and at higher doses. Instead of doing four detoxes a year, you might end up doing several in a row, back to back, or even simultaneously if needed. Instead of fasting on juice and green foods for three to five days, you might do 30. Again, you do the same things, just more often, more intensively, and at higher doses. So exactly, what do you do to prevent or reverse cancer? This is the big question, isn’t it? But unfortunately I cannot prescribe or recommend any particular treatments. That would be against the law.
However, it is not inappropriate to give you some guidelines.
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery
First, surgery might play a role in treatment if a tumor is so large, for example, that it impinges on another organ, thereby threatening near-term death. In that case, surgery might make sense to give you the time to pursue alternatives. But keep in mind, surgery has its own risks. Anything can happen while under a surgeon’s knife, including death. In addition, there is the risk of collateral damage such as impotence or loss of bladder control as is experienced as a result of prostate surgery. But most significantly of all, surgery dramatically increases the risk of spreading cancer cells from the original site throughout your entire body. Nevertheless, there are times surgery makes sense.
On the other hand, I would be very leery of any chemotherapy or radiation treatments and would need to see very convincing statistical evidence that those particular treatments were indeed effective for my particular type of cancer, at my particular age. The success rate for chemotherapy is highly age-dependent. It is much more likely to be effective with the young who have strong immune systems, dropping to about 50/50 by age 50. And by 50/50, I don’t mean that it’s effective 50 percent of the time, but rather that it’s a 50/50 call as to whether doing chemotherapy or nothing at all is the better option in terms of survivability. And by age 55, there’s no question; you’re statistically better off doing nothing rather than subjecting yourself to chemotherapy. Remember, chemotherapy and radiation are “subtractive” treatments, a single role-of-the-dice crap-shoot. You either win the big pot on the table or end up bankrupt since those treatments destroy your body’s natural ability to fight the cancer. It’s also worth, mentioning that although chemotherapy is “more effective” in the young, they do not escape without consequences. Chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment early in life tend to have major ramifications down the road, regardless of what happens to the original cancer in the short term. These include:
- Long term brain impairment
- Chronic illness
- Up to a threefold increase in the risk of subsequent cancers (1,2,3)
- Chromosomal abnormalities in their own children
As any gambler will tell you, the odds are always with the house. Understand, when medical treatments are incorporated for dealing with cancer, you are playing against the house. If you opt for chemotherapy or radiation, it is absolutely imperative that you do something to improve your odds. You need to repair your immune system concurrent with your treatment. Check with your doctor about using natural immune enhancers during your therapy as they have consistently produced spectacular results in similar circumstances. Unless you have a specific cancer, such as leukemia, that requires the destruction of your immune system as part of your treatment, any doctor who does not recommend natural treatments to support your immune system while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation is acting irresponsibly — or ignorantly.
Alternative therapies for preventing and reversing cancer
It’s now time to take a look at the “additive” therapies — the ones that remove the toxins from your body, while at the same time building your body’s natural defenses against cancer.
These therapies are additive in the sense that they can all build off each other. Do everything, do it all at once, do it intensively, and repeat it. And once you have the cancer on the run, keep doing it until there is no sign of cancer for at least six months (so it doesn’t sneak back in).
By everything, I mean the Baseline of Health® Program, which is specifically designed to clean out and nourish virtually every major system in your body. It is by no means a specific cancer treatment but rather a system for optimizing the health of all your major body systems so that your body can do what it was designed to do: prevent and eliminate cancer. For that reason, it serves as the core of any program you use to deal with catastrophic illness, including cancer.
Following the Baseline of Health® Program is the best method available for preventing cancer from taking root in your body, and it also offers the best base from which to launch any program intended to reverse cancer once it has taken root. It can play a significant role in removing from your body the toxins that promote the growth of aberrant cells and in rebuilding and optimizing your immune system.
When using the Baseline of Health® Program as part of a regimen for reversing cancer, you need to do it completely (no exceptions), intensively, and repeatedly. Be sure to change your diet. As we discussed above, at a minimum, 40 percent of all cancers are linked to food, lack of exercise, and body weight. Specifically, excess body fat and red meat are linked to an increased risk of common cancers. The liver cleanse and detoxification are crucial, and don’t forget supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids, juice fasting, mental exercises, and physical activity. These are all key elements of the program.
In addition, there are specific anticancer protocols that you might want to check out in the library or on the Internet. The following are listed in no particular order:
- The Budwig diet.
- Specialized antioxidants like curcumin, green tea, selenium, and L-carnosine.
- Supplemental acemannan and beta glucans can help build the immune system.
- Ellagitannin extracts from red raspberries and pomegranates are proven powerful anticarcinogens, as is graviola (1,2).
- Using high doses (12 tablespoons a day) of stabilized rice bran.
- AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compounds) (1,2,3).
- Modified citrus pectin has demonstrated effectiveness against prostate, breast, and skin cancers.
- Anvirzel and its low-cost alternative oleander soup.
- Over 20 peer reviewed studies have shown that Avemar (a fermented wheat germ extract) enhances the effects of the standard treatment agents and is particularly effective in reducing the chances of cancer recurrence.
- Consider eliminating all forms of propyl alcohol (internal and external) from your life since there are indications these may play a role in fostering the growth of cancer-promoting parasites in the body.
- Despite tremendous resistance from the FDA and various medical organizations, Dr Burzynski’s antineoplaston therapy has proven effective in many cases.
- Ozone therapy has been shown to be from 40-90% effective in inhibiting certain cancers. It’s administered using rectal insufflation.
- Rife technology is available in several machines that have expanded on the work of Royal Rife. The basic premise is that cancers can be eliminated by frequencies tuned to the individual electromagnetic signature of that particular disease. The medical establishment and self-appointed “quackbusters” try to discredit these machines. Nevertheless, they work if you find the right machine, perhaps not as consistently as some proponents would have you believe, but the technology can be a powerful addition to any cancer therapy.
- Track down a scalar-energy charging-chamber or consume large amounts of scalar-enhanced products to help raise cellular energy levels.
- Supplementing with Poly-MVA can assist in raising the electrical potential of human cells
- And you still want to alkalinize your body. Cancer thrives in an acid environment.
- Cesium is the most alkaline mineral in nature. Cesium chloride is a salt form of cesium. If you’re working with a healer who understands it and can regularly monitor your body’s pH, supplementing with cesium chloride can be extremely helpful in improving your body’s pH very quickly. Other methods include the use of “ionic” water machines that separate tap water into acid (for washing) and alkaline (for consuming) streams, coral calcium supplements, and alkalinizing drops added to your drinking water — and, of course shifting your diet to more alkalinizing foods.
A cure for cancer?
Let’s be clear — the above program and therapies are not a cure for cancer. Anyone who says they have a “cure” for cancer is misinformed. A “cure” is a simple impossibility, even within the medical community. When I see advertisements for hospital-based cancer programs where patients talk about being “cancer free” for five or seven years, I always wince. As we’ve already discussed, the simple truth is that no one is cancer free, ever — an important point to keep in mind. Why?
First of all, not everyone gets well, no matter what program they use.
That’s the nature of life. Sometimes it’s simply because there are so many variables. For example, if your house is concentrating radon gas seeping up from the ground below and you never checked for it and didn’t know, then you could be doing every therapy program in the world and your odds of overcoming lung cancer would be significantly lessened. Then again, if you live in the middle of farm country and are continually exposed to pesticides, that too lessens your odds, no matter what you do. Sometimes, you just don’t know all of the factors influencing your cancer. But even in those cases, your odds are still significantly better on a program designed to detoxify your body rather than on a program that adds more toxins (chemotherapy and radiation) to it.
Also, as we discussed earlier, it’s important to remember that every day of your life your body produces anywhere from a few hundred to as many as 10,000 cancerous cells as part of its normal metabolic processes. That’s why I say that you’re never completely cancer free. The only question is: can your body deal with those cells and prevent them from taking root and multiplying? That’s it, pure and simple. Any program that reinforces your body in that agenda is good and will improve your odds dramatically. Any program that undermines it is “questionable.” The choice is yours.
Place your bets.
What is your opinion on the
What is your opinion on the use of oleander to kill cancer (raising the immunity?)
Oleander can be useful in
Oleander can be useful in fighting cancer, but it is not a cure-all. Check out Jon’s talk on cancer https://jonbarron.org/sites/default/files/talkr15.mp3
What do you recommend as a
What do you recommend as a treatment regime for Acute Myeloid Leukemia? My Father is combating this with Chemo and a alkaline/exercise (rebounder.minitrampoline) regime.
Kind Regards
We can’t offer medical advice
We can’t offer medical advice, but I would do a search on cancer on this site, read Jon’s book, and you will have plenty to consider.