Pomegranate Fights Cancer
2/28/2021A study published in Cancer Prevention Research found 10 phytochemicals in pomegranates that seem to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive...
Read MoreEat Mushrooms To Prevent Cancer
12/2/2020Research has found that mushrooms may help prevent prostate cancer!
Read MoreCan Broken Hearts Cause Cancer?
9/3/2020New research suggests that a broken heart, or any emotional trauma, might contribute to the development of cancer. Learn why...
Read MoreRed Clover
8/10/2020Red clover has a long history of not just medicinal use for cough and cancer, but, on a whole different...
Read MoreBody Fat and Breast Cancer
1/11/2020Research shows that, for at least one form of cancer, just having a little excess body fat might be a...
Read MoreYogurt for Colon Cancer Prevention
7/17/2019New research suggests that men might get some protection from colon cancer with regular consumption of yogurt. Find out why...
Read MoreThe Dark Side of Home DNA Health Tests
6/18/2019DNA home health tests provide information about vulnerability to a range of hereditary diseases. But are home DNA tests safe,...
Read MoreChemotherapy, Long Term Brain Impairment
6/6/2019Chemotherapy promotes a lingering intellectual deficit. The question remains: is Chemotherapy worth the risk of the side-effects such as cognitive...
Read MoreCalcium D-Glucarate An Anti-Cancer Supplement
2/16/2019By supplementing the diet with D-Glucarate, we can block glucuronidase activity, and the body can rid itself of carcinogens, thus...
Read MoreHow Laetrile Works, B17
10/25/2018In most documented cases in which any benefits were associated with laetrile, the laetrile was used as part of a...
Read MoreRadiation Therapy, What Comes After?
10/23/2018Whatever benefits radiation therapy may have in terms of treating cancer, it is profoundly damaging to the tissues, cells, and...
Read MoreMissing Gallbladder, Lost Functions
10/19/2018If you had your gallbladder removed several years ago and just haven't felt the same since. What can you do?
Read MoreProphylactic, Voluntary Breast Removal
10/14/2018More and more women are now opting for voluntary breast removal (bilateral prophylactic mastectomy) after testing positive for what is...
Read MoreDoes Exposure to Germs Prevent Cancer?
8/4/2018Being obsessed with cleanliness only makes you more vulnerable to infection--and as new research shows, most likely to cancer as...
Read MoreIs Medical Science Winning the War on Cancer?
7/7/2018On May 22nd, the latest Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer was released. Very interesting!
Read MoreSugar and Cancer–Facts and Myths
11/4/2017Although sugar plays a role in the progression of SOME cancers, there is no compelling evidence that it is THE...
Read MoreBreast Implants and Cancer
10/31/2017We live in a very appearance-conscious world. Hence, the vast popularity of so many forms of plastic surgery. However, now...
Read MoreStart Checking More Than Moles
9/12/2017Most check their moles for changes that might signal the possibility of cancer, but new research suggests that we need...
Read MoreNighttime Lights and Cancer Risk
9/5/2017According to new research, nighttime lights might be contributing to the development of breast cancer.
Read MoreMake the Most of Melon Day
8/8/2017August 9th is Melon Day! Enjoy a few of the health benefits of melon consumption from immune enhancement to cancer...
Read MoreHealth Perils of Hair Products
7/6/2017Love that new dye on your hair? According to new research, certain hair products might raise a woman’s cancer risk.
Read MoreCommon Sunscreen Mistakes
5/31/2017If you are in the sun all day, especially during peak hours, you may want to rethink sunscreen and how...
Read MoreAntibiotics and Colon Cancer
4/27/2017New research now suggests that longer-term antibiotic use may promote abnormal growths in the colon that can lead to cancer.
Read MoreCancer, Mostly Bad Luck? Not Really!
4/15/2017Reducing the environmental factors that cause cells to mutate and optimizing your immune system to destroy rogue cells dramatically changes...
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