Probably nothing else you do (including even the colon detox) will make a greater difference in your overall health than the liver detox and gallbladder/blood cleanse
By cleansing the liver, we’re talking about inducing the liver to purge all of the fats, old cholesterol deposits, gallstones, poisons, drug residues, and toxic waste stored therein. Probably nothing else you do (including even the colon detox) will make a greater difference in your overall health. The liver is so important to our well-being that many healers maintain that most diseases cannot develop in the body (that, in fact, no form of cell degeneration can occur) if the liver is functioning in an efficient, healthy manner. Conversely, an unhealthy liver is very likely at the root of most serious health problems.
To learn more about the health benefits of a liver detox, see our main detox program, our click here to find out why you should do a liver detox.
Note: It is vital that you do a colon detox before doing the liver detox. When the liver dumps, it dumps through the bile duct and out into the colon. If the colon (the drain pipe if you will) is plugged, the waste backs up into the blood stream and can make you feel extremely ill. This is the reason that the “Miracle Doctors” always start with the colon detox. It’s the prerequisite for all the other cleanses in the body — and, of course, can also produce dramatic healings in its own right.
The 5-Day Liver Detox
This is the Liver/Gallbladder flush recommended by Dr. Richard Schulze — and is the one most people should opt for. It is done in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days.
First thing on rising, drink 8 oz of pure water to flush your digestive tract.
An hour later, in a blender, mix up 8 oz of any fresh squeezed citrus juice (fresh squeezed apple juice or grape juice with all the sediment will work too), one lemon, 1 clove of garlic (increase by 1 clove each day), 1 tbs. of olive oil (increase by 1 tbs each day), and a piece of ginger (about 1″ long) along with 8 oz of pure water
Drink it down and follow with a fresh juice chaser to clear your mouth.
Fifteen minutes after consuming this drink, follow with 2 cups of the liver/detox tea. It is also important to take 2 droppersful of the liver/detox tincture 3-6 times a day while on the 5-day cleanse — and continuing after until the bottle is gone.
The Liver Detox Diet
It is extremely beneficial to incorporate a 2-day raw food and 3-day juice-fast into your 5-day liver cleanse. However, for those who can make it, a five day juice fast is the best. Below are the directions, and you may want to follow along with our new downloadable detox diet chart in PDF format.
Liver Detox Day 1
During the morning (after your cleansing drink and stopping one hour before lunch), eat all the live FRESH fruit or vegetable juice you want. Beet juice is especially good. Do not mix your fruit and vegetable juices together, and feel free to dilute your juices.
For lunch you can have more diluted juice, or a raw vegetable or sprout salad. Absolutely do not use bottled dressing. Make your own dressing from fresh olive oil and lemon or apple cider vinegar and any fresh herbs and spices you of your choice. If you are hungry thoughout the day, feel free to snack on fresh vegetables or juices.
For dinner eat fresh fruit or fruit juice or fruit smoothes.
Liver Detox Days 2-4
After your morning flush, drink diluted juices and herbal tea throughout the day — as much as you can drink. Try to consume 128 oz during the day.
Also recommended throughout the day is to consume cups of potassium broth. Potassium broth takes advantage of the fact that the outside of a potato is one of the highest plant sources of potassium. Take the peelings (1/4″ to 1/2″ including the skin) of several potatoes. Do NOT use the inside. Add other well chopped vegetables to taste including carrots (with skin), celery , whole beets (including greens), fresh parsley, and lots of onion and garlic (up to 50 cloves).
Simmer for 40-60 minutes in a covered pot using clean filtered water. Strain out the vegetables, cool and drink the broth. Refrigerate leftover broth in glass containers in the refrigerator for use over the next two days.
Liver Detox Day 5
Same as Day 1
An Alternative Liver Detox (30 Day Cleanse)
For those who don’t want to do the full liver flush, there is a slow and easy version that will give you 70 to 80 percent of the benefit without the difficulty. As part of your daily diet, just eat one cup of raw, freshly grated beets mixed with olive oil and lemon juice for thirty days straight. Daily use of a liver detox tea is also required. Using one bottle of liver tincture is recommended.
What Can You Expect From The Detox
If you are so inclined (and you should be) you should examine what you deposit in the toilet. Look for “stones.” The bile from the liver gives some stones their pea green color. But also look for black stones and red ones and brown one. And look for stones with blood inside them. (Note: Oftentimes, the olive oilis converted into little “soap beads” in the intestinal tract, and many people confuse these little beads with actual stones.) If you do not notice anything, it does not mean it is still not working.
During the course of a cleanse, it’s not uncommon to pass some 2,000 of these stones. Be glad. The more you pass, the healthier you become. You may also find untold numbers of tiny white cholesterol “crystals” mixed in with the waste.
The Liver Detox Tea & Tincture
The use of an herbal tea and tincture along with the flush is essential.
The Detox Tea
The tea helps with the flushing process itself, but also helps minimize any discomfort or nausea. The key herb in the tea is dandelion root, one of the strongest herbal lipotropics known. That is to say, it flushes fat deposits from the liver. Other herbs that you will find in a good detox tea include things like: ginger, clove, cinnamon, burdock root, and horsetail.
Incidentally, some of the other herbs used in a good liver/detox tea (such as uva ursi, parsley root, and juniper berries) are also extremely beneficial to the kidneys.
Two cups of the tea should be consumed fifteen minutes after drinking your citrus and olive flush. But several cups can and should be consumed throughout the day. In fact, consuming the liver/detox tea as a regular part of your diet is a pleasant and tasty way to continually optimize your health. (Feel free to sweeten the tea with honey or real maple syrup as desired.)
The Liver Detox Tincture
The tincture is crucial in that it contains herbs that help the liver to rebuild and regenerate itself. A secondary benefit is that it will significantly reduce the liver’s release of LDL cholesterol. The key herbs include milk thistle, dandelion root, the perennial herb picrorhiza kurroa (sometimes called kutkin, or “Indian milk thistle), and artichoke or beet leaf.
The liver/detox tincture is also a good place to include the antiparasitic herbs such as wormwood and black walnut. Along with the garlic that you are taking with the liver flush, this will drive virtually any parasite from your body.
Take 2 droppersful 3-6 times a day (depending on your level of illness and your level of discomfort) until the entire bottle is gone.
Cleansing Your Blood
There are actually several ways to cleanse your blood. One of the most effective is to take digestive enzymes between meals or before bed. Within a matter of minutes the enzymes enter the bloodstream and begin cleaning the detritus out of the blood and stimulating the immune cells to consume Circulating Immune Complexes in the blood. This can make a significant improvement in your overall health.
But what we’re talking about here is something different. We’re talking about using herbal blood cleansers to remove toxic residues from the blood so that it is inimical to cancer and tumors. The great blood cleansing herbs are: red clover, burdock root, chaparral, poke root, and sheep sorrel. These are the herbs you will find in the famous blood cleansing formulas such as the Hoxey formula, the Essiac formula, and the Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze formulas. These herbs can literally “drive” tumors out of the body.
The best way to take this type of formula is as an herbal tincture, which concentrates the herbs up to 30 times. Take 4-12 droppersful a day (depending on need) in juice. Take rest days as needed, but finish the entire bottle. Repeat as often as needed.
Liver Tea
- Dandelion root
- Burdock root
- Cinnamon bark
- Cardamon seed
- Licorice root
- Fennel seed
- Uva Ursi
- Juniper berries
- Ginger root
- Clove buds
- Black peppercorns
- Horsetail herb
- Orange peel
- Parsley root
- Fenugreek seed
- Sassafras root bark
Liver Tincture
- Milk thistle seed
- Black walnut hulls
- Dandelion root
- Picrorhiza kurroa
- Oregon grape root
- Ginger root
- Artichoke leaf
- Gentian root
- Wormwood leaf
- Garlic
- Fennel seed
Blood Cleansing Tincture
- Red clover
- Chaparral
- Burdock root
- Poke root
- Yellow dock root
- Goldenseal root
- Oregon grape root
- Bloodroot
- Mistletoe
- Periwinkle flowers
- Lobelia seeds
- Sheep sorrel
- Cayenne
Still interested in more information on Liver Detoxification and Blood Cleansing? Review the following Newsletters:
My galblader was removed 4
My galblader was removed 4 weeks ago. I’m still wants to throw up all day. I need a good plan to detox my colon and liver. Help!!
Kindly advise to cleans the
Kindly advise to cleans the Liver as well as Blood
cleanser How to cleans the Blood by the Ayurvedic or Plants sources
Thanks and regards
My sister and I both have
My sister and I both have acute intermittent porphyria and would be very interested in liver detoxing. I also have an irritated gall bladder in associated with porphyria attacks. Your site lists what herbs to add to a tincture but what do I use as a base for the tincture?
Rather than trying to make
Rather than trying to make your own tincture, you might want to try buying a tincture already made by a reputable company. For recommendations, check out
On a different note, although we cannot diagnose or prescribe for specific medical conditions, you might want to do some research on the internet about the possible advantages for someone suffering from porphyria of using alternative health methods such as coral calcium or alkaline drops or ionized water to raise body pH.
I have read your rules to
I have read your rules to clean the blood but i am 87 years old at this time very weak is there not a method not so strenuous for my age -thanks for your help .est regards
irene freeman
It sounds like you’re
It sounds like you’re actually talking about the liver detox, not the blood cleanse. And for those who don’t want to do the full liver flush, there is a slow and easy version that will give you 70 to 80 percent of the benefit without the difficulty. As part of your daily diet, just eat one cup of raw, freshly grated beets mixed with olive oil and lemon juice for thirty days straight. Daily use of a liver detox tea is also required. Using one bottle of liver tincture is recommended. And you will still want to soften any stones using the kidney flush beforehand.
If you’re actually looking for just a blood cleanse, that’s not as difficult when done by itself, and you can find information for that at It is just a daily tincture.
I have done a version of
I have done a version of liver flushing on and off for over 10 yrs. After caring for my mom and not being able to do as much of the flushing for a 4 yr period, I was having the beginnings of what I thought was pancreatic pain and my labs showed an increase of p. enzymes so I elected to have gb surgery since function had deteriorated to 7% down from 14% when Ii began flushing. Two years ago, raised P. E. and in the past 6 months symptoms like those before my surgery appeared so I researched and started doing flushing again. I just had a possible acute pancreatitis attack after the last flush when I resumed eating. I am wondering if the mild version of flushing you mentioned above would work for me. I know you cannot advise but is there a caution you are aware of?
When you say a “version” of
When you say a “version” of liver flushing, what does that mean? There are some intense liver detox protocols out there that Jon does not recommend. For those, we really can not comment.
Since she references the mild
Since she references the mild version mentioned above she clearly means this, which appears on your web page directly above her post, posted by your own organization:
“And for those who don’t want to do the full liver flush, there is a slow and easy version that will give you 70 to 80 percent of the benefit without the difficulty. As part of your daily diet, just eat one cup of raw, freshly grated beets mixed with olive oil and lemon juice for thirty days straight. Daily use of a liver detox tea is also required. Using one bottle of liver tincture is recommended. And you will still want to soften any stones using the kidney flush beforehand.”
hello me and my hubby have
hello me and my hubby have mrsa for the last 8 moths n is been very hard for us bcuz it comes n go and is very painful,so we been getting atibiotic witch it work for a mounth but then it comes again, so i was thiking maybe if we do a blood cleansing ,liver and colon detox it will help us get rid of mrsa,i hope it works and i have question ,do i need to buy all this teas and then mix them,or i can choose whitch one i want to use,or i can only use one tea for each thing i want to detox ,im confuse plz help
I would do a search on our
I would do a search on our site for MRSA and read the articles Jon has written about the topic–we have quite a bit of information already. One article is this one:
Regarding treatment of MRSA
Regarding treatment of MRSA infections, also check out info on website for product called pHenomenal water. Company owner’s son had MRSA infection that was cleared using this very stable high pH water. I have personally met owner, Shannon Brown, and his family and have used his product to reduce acidity in my body. Good luck!
I heard that there is a type
I heard that there is a type of honey that helps with MRSA – it’s called mankana honey. Good luck x
Would aoso like to know do I
Would aoso like to know do I have to by all the teas. Shops by us don’t sell all the teas.
Baseline Nutritionals carries
Baseline Nutritionals carries a complete Liver Detox package with the tea:
Just make sure you clean your colon before the liver detox or you risk getting very sick. I would read Jon Barron’s book about detoxing to undertand the entire process. We offer a free download at the top of this page.
Do some research about
Do some research about colloidal silver. I have been reading its very good for killing staph MRSA.
Jon Barron discusses
Jon Barron discusses colloidal silver frequently on this site. I would do a search for it on our site and see what he has to say…
Very informative
Very informative
The more I have learned about
The more I have learned about detox, the more blown away I have been! There is so much we can do for our bodies, without the help (or cost!) of “conventional” medicine. Rather than masking the problems, as conventional medicine does, the right detox products and processes make our bodies truly healthier and “younger.” Definitely amazing stuff.
Is there anything special I
Is there anything special I should do to detox my body from 2 large doses of the contaminated steroids?
Fungal meningitis tends to
Fungal meningitis tends to infect people with weakened immune systems and people who are taking steroids. Getting injected with contaminated steroids just ups the odds. You can’t actually “detox” pathogens out of your body. Detoxing doesn’t work like that when it comes to pathogens. But you can boost your immune system to help your body resist them, and you can take natural anti-pathogens to directly destroy them.
Question about Liver
Question about Liver/GallBladder Flush. Found one that requires an Epson salt drink on the last day, Do you recommend this step???
Not if you’re using a colon
Not if you’re using a colon corrective formula on a daily basis while detoxing.
I really need your help, I
I really need your help, I was born vegetarian, I had egg when I was child, I ve been a 99% vegan since 12 years old. I am 30 female. I ve never drink tea or coffee,coca cola,alcohol and never eat processed food, I drink green smoothies every morning(kale celery avocado…). BUT i always have really bad acne on my body and face. no one in my family has this problem, i do yoga every day, I’m not stressful at all. i took any blood test ever exist. but its 16 years that i have this problem just tell me why? i am really really sad now 🙁
Hi there!
Hi there!
Dont be sad. My son had facial acne which seemed to be getting worse. It all went way when he started to cleanse with pure raw honey! It worked. Simply wash face with raw honey as it was soap. Make sure to rinse well with water then pat dry. You can use raw honey to wash your face even if you dont have acne. It leaves skin smooth. Enjoy!
I am over weight I want to
I am over weight I want to loss the weight but sweet thing keep tempting me .I see your program has was of helping me and I think going to try it.
we have severre mold toxicins
we have severre mold toxicins losing our hair skin life. out three cats died. i also have cfsids daughter has CP brain damage mold has cause personality disorder. she won’t take anything now. i ordered oregenol and got termanic spice which this person told me that help health deteration. my kitties have goldenseal olive leaf, cranberry mix. heard cats can’t tolerate mold toxicins in liver. been trying to move from here for since 2008. fungus on my skin taking ant fungal med, liator pharmacy said no. do not take these. so i type in liver detox because my daughter needs help she refuses go to the doctor. we have the stove on for heat probably carbon monixide. lost muscle skin bone mass. i know that herbs are the best way to detox. have sores on my feet the fungus med only thing help it from traveling into my hip causing severe pain. please help. daughter probably eat beets, that was my grandmas remedy with vingegar. she has mold on her scalp i do too use vinegar to cleanse from skin. if my spelling not good neither computer having rough time.
An Alternative Liver Detox
An Alternative Liver Detox (30 Day Cleanse) where you mentioned to use freshly grated beets – do you mean beetroot?
I have Cushings disease, an
I have Cushings disease, an underactive thyroid, asthma and high cholesterol. Will detoxing affect my medication [I take T3] and would it really help these conditions please.
For obvious legal reasons, we
For obvious legal reasons, we cannot diagnose or prescribe for specific medical conditions—merely provide information.
As for detoxing, you will want to check with your doctor. And you would want you doctor to monitor your hormone levels if you do decide to detox in case your medication dosage needs to be adjusted as your condition changes.
Hi, I use milk thistle
Hi, I use milk thistle supplements and was telling a friend who recently had liver damage from antibiotics that he should as well. Then he sent me this link:
Do you have an opinion on these claims?
Much opinion and no
Much opinion and no references! In fact, multiple studies (not just folklore) back the many claims for the benefits of milk thistle.
I am concerned about Phase II
I am concerned about Phase II detoxification. It seems Dr. Schulze’s Liver Detox does not have what is needed to support Phase II detoxification. Do you think it does? If so, what is in his supplements that would indeed support Phase II? (I did his 5 day bowel cleanse and was very sick from it and I have yet to recover from it in spite of doing it exactly the way he says. I’ve been told years ago I have trouble with Phase II detox in the liver. I really think I need to detox the liver, but I am cautious about Dr. Schultze’s liver detox because I don’t see the important nutrients to support it like L-glutamine, L-cystein, NAC, etc.)
As a rule, we do not comment
As a rule, we do not comment on other people’s programs. Jon knows Richard Schulze, has worked with him in the past and likes him. Jon also has great respect for Dr. Schulze’s cleansing programs and believes they are almost as good as his own…but just not quite.
hi im very much into
hi im very much into alternative practices and hope you can (safely) advise accordingly.To cut a long story short ive been through a huge emotional clea in the last 2 yrs.the downside id ive gained weight and have raised bp. ;not through what I shouldnt eat but lack of exercise because of being so low.Better now.i want to do a liver cleanse (fatty liver) but I know some of the ingrediants interact with bp tabs.i know if I can do this it will help on weight loss and also bp and other things.not getting help from gps….very anti do anything.hope you can offer me some good soud advice as id like to get my health better.
Is it possible by doing a
Is it possible by doing a liver and blood detox your eye colour can change. I went to an iradologist and was told my natural eye colour is blue wheny whole life they have been brown.??? I was told tk do his detox. Would it be recommended to do a separate colon cleanse for say a month and thereafter start a blood and liver detox?. Please help
Many babies are born with
Many babies are born with blue eyes that tend to be darker by the time they are 3 years old. Dramatic changes in color in adults, however, could be a warning sign of disease, so it is important to see an eye doctor if this occurs. But if your eyes have been brown since you were three, that’s unlikely to be the problem. You might want clarification from your iridologist. That said, it is very unlikely that detoxing will turn your eyes from brown to blue. However, detoxing can change the clarity of your eye color and change the character of any cholesterol rings you have around the edge of your iris.
And yes, if you’ve never detoxed before, you ALWAYS want to do an intestinal cleanse and a kidney flush before doing a liver/gallbladder cleanse. Doing the intestinal detox clears the channels for the purging of bile through the bile duct and into the colon. And doing a kidney flush softens any existing gallstones for easier removal.
i am 51 african american
i am 51 african american woman with lupus, i need to no what about me with the detox drops.
On the thirty day liver detox
On the thirty day liver detox it don’t say how much olive oil to use… I am very interested in using this detox method thank you
One to two tablespoons is
One to two tablespoons is fine. This is a low level detox—just a little bit of liver/gallbladder flush each day. But remember, you want to minimize all other fat intake during the day to maximize the purging effect, even at this level.
I am in Nigeria and I really
I am in Nigeria and I really want to try this but the problem is most of the herbs you mentioned I don’t know them or how to get them. Any help pls?
Most people just buy the
Most people just buy the formulas made by Baseline Nutritionals. You will get a better deal than trying to buy these rare ingredients separately.
Dear Sir.
Dear Sir.
I would like to ask about the liver cleansing.
Fyi, my Mom is diagnozed with liver cancer.
Then I heard that it will be helpful to do the blood cleansing (with machine) to clean the blood. I searched in the internet and I never heard about this. Please advise. If it is possible, then please advise what to do?
There are indeed a number of
There are indeed a number of blood cleansing machines. This one, for instance was developed by the medical community for cleaning viruses and bacteria out of the blood. And this one was developed years ago within the alternative health community for doing the same thing but with UV light rather than filters—and may have some applicability for cancer. But to know which one in particular your “resource” was referring to, you will have to ask them.
I have been diagnosed with
I have been diagnosed with mild lupus (pain in joints/muscles, fatiugue, DVT on L lge,) blood in bowels as well as abnormal level in liver
do you think a detox will benefit me?
My two cents, I don’t see how
My two cents, I don’t see how a detox could hurt you or anyone with any sickness for that matter. With less toxins in your body, the easier it is for your body to heal itself.
i’av itp sometimes on high
i’av itp sometimes on high dosage of prednisone what can i use to cleanse my system and what? My body is slugish did all my test one my result is my liver is fatty..i’m also due for an angiograpy soon but my platlet a bit low i’m on the prednisone now i dont sleep,tired xhausted what do recommend…should i take all these blood,liver,kidney cleanser or wait untill off meds..ur advice means alot to me..thnx
During the liver cleanse, are
During the liver cleanse, are you able to eat as many vegetables as you want or is it only as much juice as you want? If you can eat veggies, can you also eat fruit??
Jon Barron’s cleanse allows
Jon Barron’s cleanse allows you to eat as much RAW vegetables as you want on the first and last day. However, it is actually easier to just juice because you can only eat so many raw carrots and celery, etc. You have to be careful of fruit on a detox since it can spike your blood sugar. Read more here:
i have no gallblader for
i have no gallblader for 20yrs and a fatty liver is the 30 day liver cleanse safe and do i need to do the colon cleanse first.
Yes, you will still want to
Yes, you will still want to do the colon cleanse first. Check out.
Hello, would it be ok to do
Hello, would it be ok to do the liver detox, the blood detox, and the kidney detox (the whole program pretty much) if I don’t really have any symptoms and the blood work doesn’t show I have any liver problems? I hardly ever drink, never smoked, generally lead a good lifestyle, although I do enjoy bacon and cooking in bacon fat )))) could I do the 5 day detox without damaging something I don’t believe is broken? I simply want to flush out my system to improve my well-being, and be proactive in prevention of anything occurring. Any advise I’d appreciate. Thank you )))
The detoxes are actually
The detoxes are actually designed for prevention. You should read Jon Barron’s book, “Lessons From The Miracle Doctors” that explains the Baseline of Health Program and how to stay healthy in today’s toxic environment. You simply can not avoid toxins.
How often can you do a liver
How often can you do a liver cleanse? Can you do one a couple of weeks after the first one?
Jon has suggested: “if
Jon has suggested: “if seriously ill, consult a physician before doing any detox. If familiar with detoxing, some physicians may recommend doing the complete series of detoxes immediately — back to back. Then, take one week off and repeat, and repeat again as long as they feel it is necessary.” The complete series of detoxes is emphasized to make sure you do the colon detox & kidney detox before doing a liver detox.
Is the lemon used with or
Is the lemon used with or without the skin?
If my colon is fairly clean
If my colon is fairly clean from probiotics, then can I do the
liver cleanse before the colon detox?
If you are having regular
If you are having regular bowel movements as the result of probiotic supplementation, that moves you in the right direction. However, probiotics alone do not guarantee that you have drawn waste out of any bowel pockets you might have or that you have pulled toxins out of the endothelial tissue lining your intestinal tract. So, the answer to your question is that you could “probably” get by without a colon detox—but you are likely to do a whole lot better if you actually do a formal intestinal detox before the liver detox.
I need to detox my liver from
I need to detox my liver from years of daily alcohol intake. The last time I stopped drinking cold turkey I had a gran mal seizure. I am panicked now because I just gained 30 pounds in less than 2 years and I haven’t changed my diet. My belly is huge and my face is so puffy.