You may be surprised to learn that the kola nut (aka kolanut) is the origin of the word “cola,” and the tree on which it grows is believed among some Nigerian tribes to be the first tree on earth. This nut is how the first cola recipe received its caffeine kick — along with real coca leaves. No wonder people thought it was “medicinal.” Today, your typical cola drink uses an artificial flavoring plus added caffeine, but you can still find real kola nuts being used in higher end sodas, in products like energy bars, and as a natural medicinal remedy.
The kola nut, also know as cola acuminate, is a caffeine-rich nut that is native to tropical Africa. In these regions, the nut is considered a symbol of hospitality and kindness. Though nearly tasteless on their own, kola nuts are often chewed before meals to help promote digestion and to help counteract possible ill effects from tainted drinking water.
Kola Nuts as a Natural Stimulant
As already mentioned, kola nut is a stimulant, containing 1.5% – 2% caffeine, plus kolanin and theobromine, which increases cerebral circulation. Theobromine is the alkaloid compound that can be found in chocolate and is thought to contribute a sense of alertness and well-being. This combination of caffeine and theobromine may be a contributing factor for the mild sense of euphoria that’s often reported after chewing the nuts. The net result is that the stimulating components of kola nut can be used to improve the mental energy and stimulate the sex drive without whipping the adrenals. Thus, the addition of a small amount of kola nut to formulas can stimulate and prolong sexual urges and intensity while revitalizing libido both in men and women without exhausting the adrenals. It is why you will see this ingredient used in Jon Barron’s Men’s Formula and Women’s Formula.
Kola Nuts as a Natural Infection Fighter
The kola nut may also help prevent and fight infections. Research published in the 2004 edition of “Phytotherapy Research” showed that kola nut was effective at reducing the growth and development of members of the mycobacterium species, the bacteria responsible for illnesses such as meningitis and tuberculosis.
Kola Nuts as a Natural Chest Cold Remedy
One of the oldest medicinal uses for the kola nut is as a natural remedy for chest colds. And modern research has shown that it is effective in this regard. The kola nut helps by enlarging the alveolar ducts and sacs (small air bags in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with the blood), as well as by improving the strength of the fibers in the lung tissue.
Kola Nuts for Natural Weight Loss
Kola nuts may even offer a natural weight loss benefit. In a study published in the Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences, it was found that a steady intake of kola nut by rats can actually reduce food intake, and therefore body weight, without altering water intake. This is thought to be due to the caffeine in the nuts reducing the rats’ appetites. Other studies have found that intake of kola nut can increase the body’s metabolic rate by as much as 118%, which means that it may help “burn off” calories more quickly. Kola nut extracts also contain nonsteroidal plant compounds that have the ability to induce death of cancerous prostate cells and may modulate prostate growth and function.
Additional Health Benefits of Kola Nuts
In addition to being a stimulant, kola nut can help increase oxygen levels in the blood and promote better concentration and a “clearing” of the head. Kola nut, like cayenne, also serves to “drive” other herbs into the blood.
How to Take Kola Nuts
Kola nuts are often ground into a powder. Because the whole nut stores caffeine much better than the powder form, it is recommended that the nut be ground right before use or preserved in tincture form. Kola nut powder can be added to coffee to increase the caffeine content, and can also be drunk in tea. The powder is also sometimes taken in capsule form.
how to keep whole kola nut?
Do you know how to keep longer the whole kola nut?
Thank you
kola nut preservation
Keep the nut submerged in a jar of water.
Kola Nut
Keep it moist in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and you can store it for years!
where does it grow?
to keep kola nut longer
I brought some kola nuts from Gambia wrapped in its own leaves sprinkled with some water and keep in vegetable cabinet in fridge. If you dont have the original leaves, wrap them in wet tissues and then in foil paper instead. Regularly maintain it damp with a few drops of water if drying.
How to keep kola nut longer.
Keep it in a very moist place.
Kola nut
Where can the kolanuts be purchased?
Here in Nigeria surplus of Kolanuts
Kolanuts are seen in all nooks and crannies of Nigeria, sold by Hawkers.
Health is the greatest wealth
Too much of intaking of colanut is not good, it lead to sleepnessless.
kola nuts is also the solution to Ebola disease Rise in Africa. bitter cola can cure EBOLA.!!!!
Medicine researchers can try it and see.
Kola nut certainly has some
Kola nut certainly has some antiviral properties, although it is not primarily known for that. And there have been some studies in African research centers that indicate that at least in a laboratory environment, that kola nut can inhibit Ebola. But there have been no human or even animal studies that have verified it’s efficacy in vivo. And many things that look promising in the lab never bear out in life. For now, if you’re living in a village in Africa and you come down with Ebola and there is nothing healthcare workers can offer you, kola nut is certainly an option. But I think we would have to say that the research, although interesting, is unproven at this point.
Why tho?
I think kola nuts are a very great plant or fruit for the body.
Baseline of health
But some people say colanut is not good because they believes its is the one that leads to skin rashes and some other bacteria infections. Please let hear from you all about this if you also experienced this
Kola Nut
In Ghana, Hausa and Muslims really enjoy kola even though it not sweet. My grand mum was not exception. She had a lot of kola nut trees in her farm and we use to pick them up when it falls from the tree for her. I have personally been studying the Hausa and Muslims, and could see that they live longer that other tribes and religion. I think kola has some contributions to their longevity
The Ghana kola nut person
Have you ever thought of were is kola nut much? what tribes own more of it .. Thats how people like cause religion and tribe conflict or war. I really wish you drop your phone number here I would have like to tell you something. Crazy Mother F**ker.
I also observed that Hausa people live longer than other tribes.
I’m amazed that, even in this
I’m amazed that, even in this 21th century, many pple are still as crude, in thought, as imbeciles…i.e to adore long live, if ever it is true of Hausas, over impact.
Can kolanut cure any sickness in the body if it can cure ebola then it can cure HIV/AIDS
You lunatic
You idiot. That kind of comment that kola can cure aids or hiv is exactly the reason they are pandemic in africa.
Response to the above comment
It isn’t necessary to refer to the person as a lunatic or idiot for simply asking a question. They did not say that it WOULD cure such a condition. They asked if it would and then stated that IF it would cure one condition then it would definitely cure the others. What makes them an idiot or lunatic? Asking a question to be certain is intelligent.
Thanks for that. I also wonder why some folkes could easily look down on others and think that they are rather intelligent than everyone.
To comment
By telling someone that is an idiot it’s a real dirty language that must not be heard amongst ladies and gentle men of this country, please we need to totally change from that our dirty mind set.
kola nut
Thanks I would also try kola nut
I believe kola nut can help
I believe kola nut can help solve problems with regards obesity.
i beleive that as well
i beleive that as well
Please can hypertensive person take kola nut? Am asking this because we know kola nut contains caffeine.
Thank you.
I am asking the same question
I am asking the same question, please is it good for hypertensive patient?
High levels of caffeine can
High levels of caffeine can definitely increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure by increasing the resistance in the peripheral veins. In a study reported in the journal Hypertension, researchers gave an average dose of 260 milligrams caffeine to 182 men with varying risks for high blood pressure, from low-risk through those diagnosed with hypertension. Results showed caffeine increased blood pressure in all groups, and caffeine produced higher blood pressure in those with higher risk for hypertension. ( Theobromine, the other key phytochemical found in kola nut produces more mixed results, notably: Natural dose theobromine cocoa did not significantly change either 24-hour ambulatory or central systolic blood pressure compared with placebo. (
It should be noted that kola nut is a minor ingredient in both Jon Barron’s Men’s and Women’s formulas, and the amount of caffeine found in either is far, far less than that used in either study.
Cloa Nut
I chew 2 cola nut a day. Thanks God, when Iwent to the Dr’s visit, my blood was taken for analyze and came up free of any disease or illness. The Dr was amazed and wanted to what was I doing to stay healthy with almost 50 years old ZERO illness detected.
Very effective in treating allergic reactions to food.
As a child and even as an adult one cup cola nut tea (1 teaspoon dried grated cola nut to a cup of boiling water; allow to simmer for about five minutes and cool to temperature as can be tolerated. Strain and drink, this has been a lifesaver to me and members of my family and for years. We are never without grated cola nut.
am impress about the fantastic work of kolanut
I used to chew my grandpa’s kola, but I didn’t know that kola can play a vital role in our health. Anyway, everything created by God is good, only its use is bad-too much of it.
stomach oser
I always dificat everything I eat immediately it entered to my stomach so pls can kola nut cure it
Please see a doctor pronto
Please see a doctor pronto
I’ll give it a try
I’ll give it a try
cola nut
I read several articles and one stated that consuming cola nut every day is not a good idea as it has a substance that can cause cancer. Apparently there is a higher incidence in esophageal cancer in those that chew it every day.
There is a chasm of
There is a chasm of difference in the quantities consumed when one is chewing it everyday vs consuming it as a minor component of a formula.
kola nut’s benefits
Does kolanut also help bring high blood pressure down?
High levels of caffeine can
High levels of caffeine can definitely increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure by increasing the resistance in the peripheral veins. In a study reported in the journal Hypertension, researchers gave an average dose of 260 milligrams caffeine to 182 men with varying risks for high blood pressure, from low-risk through those diagnosed with hypertension. Results showed caffeine increased blood pressure in all groups, and caffeine produced higher blood pressure in those with higher risk for hypertension. ( Theobromine, the other key phytochemical found in kola nut produces more mixed results, notably: Natural dose theobromine cocoa did not significantly change either 24-hour ambulatory or central systolic blood pressure compared with placebo. (
It should be noted that kola nut is a minor ingredient in both Jon Barron’s Men’s and Women’s formulas, and the amount of caffeine found in either is far, far less than that used in either study.
more importance of kolanut
kolanut is very important to our health and so needs to by taken for good health.
Does Kola nut inhence sexual life ? Thanks
benefits of kola nuts
In my research I discovered that kola nut can kill prostate cancer .I used it often .We thank God for that natural remedy .
Gud morn, is it true that the
Gud morn, is it true that the bark of Kola nut is good TTC person to be able to conceive.tnx
What types of food and beverages could I find kola nut on the ingredients? Could it be listed by another name on the ingredients list? I have an allergy to kola nuts and I don’t drink any pop/soda or instant coffee so I am struggling to figure out where I might have consumed it? Any help would be appreciated.
Can kolanut increase immune?
There are much stronger
There are much stronger herbal remedies for immune boosting. Check out:
Your info
Wow i love it!!!
Can KOLA nut kill antibiotics?
You mean kill harmful
You mean kill harmful bacteria? There are other remedies much more powerful. Read:
kola nut
I ve used kola nut to cure asthma and joint pains for years .
In my personal observation, people who chew cola nut live long.
I would not care about the many laboratory tests about cola if there truely were any. Cola is a tropical plant not common in many parts of the world. Let the indigenous people enjoy it the way they know best and what it does for them. I know too much of it can result in insomnia so a moderate consumption is not bad for me. Just watch your body about how much will be too much for you.
cola nut
Pls somebody tell me can I blend it and drink? Bcos it bitter.
can you blend it in a drink
yes you can , but not too often. kola nut might also react to other Medes or supplements. consumed. consult you Doctor.
it’s also good for food poison .
Can Kola nut clean toxins out
Can Kola nut clean toxins out of your system?
Can the garcinia cola help impotenen to perform?
I chew cola every tym i get it and i can tell u dat it a unique natural fruit
It Nice To Share An Idea.
God Said To Adam, Eat All FRuit In The Guarden Except That At The MIdel, Every Thing Created By God Is Good And Helpful To Human.
i dont nomally gets sick
i like taking fruit and vegetable and i take more water can you advice me
Purchasing Kola Nuts
Anyone know where I could buy whole, fresh Kola nuts online to be shipped to the US?
Kola Nut
By accident, I stumbled on Kola eating. Have been doing it regularly now for months. i found out I wake up, every morning strong and ready to go. No stretching no booting ala computer. Just up and go and I am above 60. In fact, it was because of what i experienced that drove me to search for more facts on Kola, which brought me to this site. I can confirm that Kola has positive health effects but I do not know if it has side effects.
I’m married in Gambia,my wife often chews Kola nuts,being an ex smoker I suffer from medium COPD.
Would the Kola nut be benificial to my lung problems,thanks.
There are natural remedies
There are natural remedies that are way more effective for lung health. I highly recommend reading this article:
I used different drugs to cure cough but it did not work untill i tried bitter cola.With my own experience, bitter cola is very good for the body.
Kola nut
As a young boy can i start chewing kola nut
I think kola nut has some
I think kola nut has some wonderful antibacteria. Right now i have just finished one kola nut after reading about it on goggle. I am feeling wonderful right now. I was tested positive to protozoa, it seams no medication is working. Pls pray for me. Thank u.
the use of kolanut shoul be encourage, but some tradition still believe that kolanut are evilly used
Am really impressed with this
Am really impressed with this information. I thought, I was causing serious problem for myself, by secretly chewing my dad’s kola nut.
side effect
Despite all the good aspect,it should be noted that cola increases the heart beat so anyone with hypertention and high blood pressure should be very CAREFUL as how to use cola or seek doctor’s advice before taking cola. And better still it is highly recomended for those with low heart beat.
Cola but herbs issues must be taken seriously, it can save dizzi
Cola but can save dizziness, state of unconsciousness in liquid drink.
Kola nut benefit
Kola nut fight prostate cancer snd increase libido
Kola nut medicinal importance
I am a hausa man by tribe, and I used to take Kola for long time, but I experienced some discomfort in my chest, when I went to the hospital l was told that I am suffering from ulcer, I should have to reduce much intake of Kola because it has high content of caffeine. I intend to stop, but what encourage me to continue is that: I was told about its function in regulation of insulin and glucagon in the body to prevent hypo or hyperglycemia. How sure is this?
exactly what i have been
exactly what i have been experiencing in my chest that led me to this site. When I told a Pharmacist what i have been feeling, even without telling him i take kola, he told me to abstain from it, i was stunned. As for the later u stated I can’t say much on it.
kola a real Anti-oxidant
kola is a very good antioxidant , and i believe as an antioxidant is capable of handling any irrelevant issues or infection or sickness in the body, because of what it is, kola its natural blessed by GOD to help humanity. In my homestead , kola its very important , because “kola” does a lot of things both this world and underworld!!! believe it ,no sh***t
Kola nut
Eating too much Kola nut can it caused harm to the human body? If so what can be the solution to this.
Benefits of COLA nut.
Chewing COLA nut makes u go for hours not feeling hungry or tired. During my school days, we chew COLA nut. It makes us sit for hours, studying.
I think colanut enhance matting
Don’t abuse it
Colanut for Xport
I have several tones of kola nut for export. Need a buyer ASAP.
BLack cola
Is there diffirent between the actual cola nut and the black cola?
Cola nut
Cola nut is good for an elderly person,not advice for children under age.
Does Kola Nut Boost The
Does Kola Nut Boost The Immune System?
Nigerians are idiots.
Does kola nut have hydration properties?
It never occur to me that little things we neglect have lots of benefits.
In Jamaica we call it “bizzy
In Jamaica we call it “bizzy” and we use it to counteract poison.