Chocolate & Mood | Natural Health Podcast

The Effects Of Chocolate

There are more than 600 chemicals in chocolate, and some of them influence the level of feel-good brain chemicals. Studies have shown that chocolate stimulates the release of dopamine, otherwise known as the “love” hormone, and serotonin, which eases pain. Listen to this health podcast for more information about the impact of chocolate on mood and the natural alternatives that are much healthier for you.

There are more than 600 chemicals in chocolate, and some of them influence the level of feel-good brain chemicals. Studies have shown that chocolate stimulates the release of dopamine, otherwise known as the “love” hormone, and serotonin, which eases pain. According to Professor Parker of the Blackdog Institute, who led a 2007 study of the impact of chocolate on mood, “The opioids are morphine-like and lower pain and that also flows through into mental well-being.” But the opiate effect of chocolate does not necessarily lead to bliss or even relief, a new study concludes. Listen to this health podcast for more information about the impact of chocolate on mood and the natural health remedies that are may be much better for your health.