What’s Really in Your Tap Water?
12/29/2018The Safe Water Drinking Act regulates 91 chemicals, but at this point, the US uses over 60,000 chemicals, and trace...
Read MoreHigh Sodium Diet Linked to AFib
12/20/2018It is worth the effort to cut back on table salt—at least the refined, easy pour brands. New research shows that...
Read MoreDoes Neighborhood Affect Longevity?
12/17/2018Research has found that the poorer the neighborhood, the greater the likelihood of early death, but what are the stress...
Read MoreDon’t Be a Member of the “Clean Plate Club”
12/15/2018Were you taught as a child to always clean your plate? If you’ve always been part of the “clean plate...
Read MoreStaying Healthy Through the Holidays
12/13/2018To help you make the most of the holidays, we’ve come up with a few tips to take you into...
Read MoreCBD for Eye Problems: Is it a Viable Treatment?
12/8/2018Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, affecting about three million in the US. Could marijuana or...
Read MoreGetting Bullied at Work Harms Your Heart
12/4/2018Feeling bullied at work? If so, it might be time to update your resume and move on. According to new...
Read MoreThree Surprising Health Benefits of Being a Grandparent
12/1/2018Find out the surprising health benefits of being a grandparent!
Read MoreTeenage Obesity Raises Pancreatic Cancer Risk
11/28/2018Links have been discovered between childhood obesity and cardiovascular disease. And now, there is another potentially deadly health problem connected with...
Read MoreWeightlifting for Your Heart
11/27/2018What do you do if you want to keep your heart healthy as you get older? Learn one activity you...
Read MoreCell Phones and Cancer—Yes, Again
11/17/2018New research suggests—yet again and despite assurances to the contrary that we have received over the years—that cell phone radiation...
Read MoreYour Vision and Books Versus Kindles Versus Computers
11/13/2018It’s so convenient to read a book on your Kindle, computer, or other device. But is it healthy? Is a...
Read MoreChoose Organic Foods for Cancer Protection
11/6/2018According to new research that suggests organic foods can help provide protection from cancer, that extra money may be well...
Read MoreCold Weather—More Heart Attacks
11/3/2018There is another reason to dislike the windy, wintry weather that will soon be upon us. New research suggests that...
Read MoreBig Family, Small Risk of Cancer
10/30/2018Did you grow up in a large family with several siblings? You might end up with a major, unexpected health...
Read MoreExercising Your Brain, It Matters
10/28/2018Keeping mentally active protects against dementia. Do crossword puzzles; listen to classical music; learn a new language; go back to...
Read MoreWhat Your Fingers May Reveal
10/27/2018When the pointer (index) finger is longer than the ring finger, research now says it could link to your sexuality...
Read MoreDrink Coffee to Prevent Rosacea
10/25/2018We’ve got good news for you if you suffer from rosacea: a new study suggests that coffee might actually help...
Read MoreHow Laetrile Works, B17
10/25/2018In most documented cases in which any benefits were associated with laetrile, the laetrile was used as part of a...
Read MoreUrinary Tract Infections, Kidney Health
10/24/2018Urinary tract infections are often difficult to get rid of and can easily spread to the kidneys. You need to...
Read MoreRadiation Therapy, What Comes After?
10/23/2018Whatever benefits radiation therapy may have in terms of treating cancer, it is profoundly damaging to the tissues, cells, and...
Read MoreRestless Legs Syndrome, Natural Alternative
10/22/2018Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to...
Read MoreRemoving Heavy Metals from Children
10/21/2018My grandson is four years old and has high levels of lead. Can he use something like a Metal Magic...
Read MoreNon-Toxic Nail Polish May Not Be So Safe
10/20/2018According to new research, even if you are careful and only stick with certain safe brands of nail polish, you...
Read MoreMissing Gallbladder, Lost Functions
10/19/2018If you had your gallbladder removed several years ago and just haven't felt the same since. What can you do?
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