DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)
7/1/2020Let’s talk about DMAE and anti-aging. DMAE is a key ingredient in most anti-aging formulas because it can help increase...
Read MoreHerbal Remedies For Stress & Depression
8/1/2018For years, stress and/or depression have been suspected of increasing the risk of contracting numerous infectious diseases, not to mention...
Read MoreStress & Anxiety
8/1/2018In today’s fast-paced society, stress and anxiety are an everyday occurrence and can impact virtually every aspect of your health...
Read MoreWhat’s Really Behind All These Suicides?
6/21/2018Suicide rates in the US have escalated an astonishing 25 percent in the past 20 years. What’s up? Why are all...
Read MoreDepression and Dissatisfaction Among Healthcare Workers
11/16/2017Many reports claim that Doctors and Nurses have the best jobs in America. Yet no one is talking about the...
Read MoreRising Antidepressant Use
8/26/2017New research shows that approximately one in eight Americans are now using antidepressants.
Read MoreYour Computer Knows if You’re Depressed
8/19/2017Computers turn out to be great diagnosticians, correctly identifying depression 70 percent of the time. In contrast, mental health clinicians...
Read MoreHappiness and Your Health
7/29/2017According to new research, a strong case can be made for the positive effect of happiness on your well-being.
Read MoreThree Fast-Track Energy-Psychology Therapies
7/18/2017Tired of the idea of long, expensive psychotherapy sessions just to feel better or reduce anxiety? You are in luck!...
Read MoreCompulsive Buying Disorder
6/15/2017Did you know that one in every 20 adults has “Compulsive Buying Disorder?" Find out what it is, if you have...
Read MoreThe Power of Negative Thinking (and Four Ways to Stop It)
6/10/2017Research says that positive thinking is critical to health, happiness, longevity, and even to wealth. To do so, first you...
Read MoreWhy Everybody (Almost) is on Antidepressants
3/21/2017A recent study reveals that that one out of every six people in the US has taken psychiatric drugs, and the...
Read MoreHallucinogens Lessen Fear of Death
12/21/2016In the past few years, multiple studies on hallucinogenic drugs have been initiated to alleviate PTSD symptoms, to manage chronic...
Read MoreToo Much TV May Harm Your Fertility
12/13/2016Home entertainment options nowadays make just about everything accessible on our televisions. Between on-demand cable services, subscriptions to Netflix and...
Read MoreSoak Up the Sun This Winter
12/9/2016The days are getting shorter and most of us are not leaving work this time of year until it’s completely...
Read MoreElection-Based Stress
10/20/2016Election stress? More than half of all Americans are feeling some serious strain regarding the current election season.
Read MoreCold Showers, Hydrotherapy, To Overcome The Blues
8/10/2016Popular wisdom tells us to control passion by hopping in a freezing cold shower -- but research shows that icy...
Read MorePros and Cons of 5-HTP
7/30/20165-HTP (short for hydroxyl L-tryptophan) is a chemical that the body produces as it processes the amino acid tryptophan in...
Read MorePTSD and Blueberries
7/23/2016Most of us think of PTSD as an extreme condition affecting soldiers and those exposed to dramatic violence, and is...
Read MoreArguing Style Linked to Health Issues
6/7/2016Individuals who are prone to behavioral extremes such as outbursts of anger or shutting down emotionally during arguments are more...
Read MoreFacebook Blues
4/18/2015A recent study has found that the more time you spend on Facebook, the greater the chances that you'll develop...
Read MoreCatuaba Bark
2/25/2014Catuaba bark is the most well known aphrodisiac plant in Brazil and has a long history of medicinal use. Its...
Read MoreDaycare & Depressed Moms
7/2/2013Children of depressed mothers may have a lower risk of developing an emotional disorder themselves if they are placed in...
Read MoreMood, Music and Genre
5/25/2013Two new studies verify that music can play a powerful role in mood control.
Read MoreSpiking Suicide Rates
5/16/2013According to a recent study, suicide rates among middle-aged American men and women has risen dramatically in the past 10...
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