As men and women enter their 30s, profound hormonal changes begin to take place in their bodies. If not addressed, these changes can lead to
- Decreased energy and diminished zest for life
- Loss of muscle mass and tone, with a concomitant increase in body fat
- Circulatory problems that can lead to heart disease and decreased libido
- And for men, a steadily enlarging prostate
Hormonal Imbalance in Men and Women
Hormones are the body’s chemical messenger system. They tell the various cells of the body what to do — and when — by attaching to specific receptor sites on individual cells. Adrenaline, for example, is produced in the adrenal glands and, at times of stress, tells the heart to speed up and blood vessels to narrow. Testosterone and the various estrogens, on the other hand, promote specific sexual characteristics.
Problems occur when the various hormones get out of balance. In previous reports, I’ve talked extensively about the need for both men and women to supplement with natural progesterone to counter the effects of estrogen dominance triggered by chemical estrogens in the environment. In this report, we will discuss the need for men and women to reestablish the proper levels of testosterone and the adrenal hormones in their bodies. And in connection with these issues, we’re going to find that we also naturally end up correcting nitric oxide and 5-alpha-reductase imbalances in the body. Since many of these imbalances start kicking in at around the age of 30, we call this the 30,000 mile tune-up.
The Testosterone Story
A growing body of evidence suggests that free testosterone levels drop as much as 40 percent in men between their early forties and early seventies. And for 10 to 15 percent of all men, those levels will dip below normal even as early as their thirties if they have to deal with stress, depression, personal life changes, or medications. This causes negative changes in body-mass composition and a decrease not only in sexual desire and performance but also in the competitive drive to succeed and accomplish something meaningful in life. In women, excessive estrogen in the body causes a reduction in testosterone levels, which leads to a similar decline in sexual desire and performance and a similar reduction in “life drive.” Both men and women need and produce testosterone in their bodies, although in differing amounts. Testosterone (in both men and women) is responsible for:
Pumping up energy levels
- Driving our desire to attack the day
- Firing the need to succeed
- Bonding us with our mates
- Fueling our sexual desires
- Elevating our levels of sexual satisfaction
- Building muscle
- Burning off fat
- Facilitating better circulation
Unfortunately, once we reach our thirties, available testosterone levels for both men and women begin diminishing with age. However, it’s not actual testosterone production that decreases as we age but, rather, the amount of free circulating (bioavailable) testosterone, as more of it gets bound to both albumin and a natural substance called SHBG (sex-hormone-binding globulin). SHBG plays the biggest role in testosterone binding when testosterone levels are low, while albumin plays the dominant role at higher levels.1 Cumming, D.C., S.R. Wall. “Non–Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin-bound Testosterone as a Marker for Hyperandrogenism.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab 61 (1985):873–876. The important point is that when testosterone becomes “bound” (particularly to SHBG when levels are already low), it becomes unavailable for use by the body. This means that although total testosterone levels may remain essentially unchanged as you age, only a steadily diminishing portion of that total is actually “available” to enter a cell and activate its receptor. And considering that as we age the amount of SHBG steadily increases, it’s easy to see that the level of bioavailable testosterone will only continue to decrease over time.
Oral Contraceptives, SHBG & Long-term Sexual Problems
And for women, the problem is compounded. Most women in modern society have, at some point in their lives, taken birth control pills. But one study showed that contraceptive use was associated with elevated SHBG levels and reduced bioavailable testosterone, even after discontinuing use.2 Panzer, C., S. Wise, G. Fantini, et al. “Impact of Oral Contraceptives on Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin and Androgen Levels: A Retrospective Study in Women with Sexual Dysfunction.” J Sex Med 3 (2006): 104–113. In fact, women that were taking contraceptives at the time of the study had SHBG levels four times higher than those seen in women with no contraceptive exposure. Even women who had stopped taking the Pill for six months were still two times higher in SBHG than the women who had never taken the Pill. In fact, even earlier research has shown that the increases in SHBG levels associated with oral contraceptive use are associated with a concomitant 40–60 percent decrease in free testosterone levels.3 Wiegratz I, Kutschera E, Lee JH, et al. “Effect of four different oral contraceptives on various sex hormones and serum-binding globulins.” Contraception. 2003 Jan;67(1):25-32. Keep in mind that, as we’ve already discussed, lower levels of free testosterone in women are believed to play a major role in weight gain, higher risk of heart attack, as well as sexual problems including decreased sexual desire, decreased arousal, decreased lubrication, and increased sexual pain.
Correcting Hormonal Imbalances in Men and Women
Fortunately, the use of herbs such as saw palmetto, wild oats, and nettles can reverse this process in both men and women, increasing free testosterone levels an astounding 105% on average, as well as repairing and rebuilding adrenal function!!
The Benefits of Correcting Hormonal Imbalances for Men
It is of great importance to have normally balanced free testosterone and estrogen levels for male health and wellness. Levels of these hormones that are too low or too high can have major negative effects on male health and fitness. SHBG does indeed play a role in maintaining this balance. On the one hand, excess estrogen levels in men, for example, are associated with cardiovascular disorders and insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, as well as obesity, strokes, prostate enlargement, male breast enlargement (gynecomastia), and even male breast cancer.4 Toke J, Czirják G, Bezzegh A, et al. “Effects and significance of estradiol in men.” Orv Hetil. 2014 Jun 8;155(23):891-6. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin plays a key role in maintaining balance by binding to excess estrogen and making it unavailable for use by the body–with one important exception that we’ll talk about later. On the other hand, low levels of estrogen in men are associated with osteoporosis and bone fractures, as well as lowered sex drive. When levels are already low, excess levels of SHBG can exacerbate the problem by binding to desperately needed hormones.
SHBG is a glycoprotein that is synthesized in the liver and released into the bloodstream. It binds to both estrogens and androgens. Specifically, estradiol and testosterone circulate in the bloodstream, and under normal conditions, about 98% of that is bound and unavailable for use by cells–mostly to SHBG and to a lesser extent serum albumin. Again, only a very small fraction of about 1-2% of those estrogens and androgens are normally unbound, or “free,” and thus biologically active and able to enter a cell and activate its receptor. Or to put it another way, the range for normal when it comes to unbound testosterone and estradiol is very small. If the body produces too little SHBG or too much testosterone and estradiol, then you have conditions conducive to the development of heart disease, diabetes, and prostate enlargement. On the other hand, if the body produces too much SHBG or too little testosterone and estradiol, then you have conditions associated with osteoporosis and lowered sex drive. In other words, SHBG, if it’s present at proper levels, determines the amount of free or bio-available sex hormones for cell use. The problem is that there are a number of conditions that throw those levels out of balance–with excess SHBG and low testosterone being, far and away, the more common occurrence. Some of these conditions include:
- Obesity, which leads to higher estrogen levels
- High blood sugar
- Exposure to chemical estrogens in the environment, which also leads to higher estrogen levels
- Too many estrogens in the diet, such as can be caused by high soy consumption
- Smoking
- Extreme weight loss
- Diets low in protein
- Damage to the liver such as might be caused by heavy consumption of alcohol, excessive diet, or even heavy metal toxicity
- Excessive conversion of testosterone to estrogen
And then there’s aging. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing everything else right (although obesity and high blood sugar seem to exacerbate the effects of aging); simply getting older increases the levels of SHBG in the blood and decreases the availability of free testosterone.5 Harman SM, Metter EJ, Tobin JD, et al. “Longitudinal effects of aging on serum total and free testosterone levels in healthy men. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Feb;86(2):724-31. And the same holds true for women, although to a lesser degree than seen in men.6 Davison SL, Bell R, et al. “Androgen levels in adult females: changes with age, menopause, and oophorectomy.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jul;90(7):3847-53. Then again, women have far less available testosterone, so a much smaller increase in SHBG levels can actually have a much greater impact on their free testosterone levels. We’ll talk more about the circumstances for women in a bit.
Note: when it comes to the prostate, the issue gets a little more complicated–such that you can easily have prostate enlargement no matter which way the hormonal balance shifts. The problem is threefold. First, SHBG binds not only testosterone, but all of the male sex hormones including dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Second, SHBG has an affinity for prostate tissue, which means it tends to concentrate androgenic hormones in the prostate.7 Jiang H, Chen Z. “Studies on sex hormone-binding globulin in the prostate.” Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2004 Jun;10(6):443-4, 448. Third, it doesn’t stop there. To make matters worse, SHBG binds all of the estrogens, including estradiol (one of the “active” estrogens found in both men and women). Normally, as we’ve already discussed, this binding serves as a storage system for excess hormones, but in men there is an additional problem. Since SHBG has an affinity for prostate tissue, it, in effect, serves to bind estrogen to cell membranes in the prostate, and estrogen does the same thing to prostate tissue that it does to female breast tissue: it stimulates it. This causes an increase in PSA secretion — a prime factor in future prostate problems, including cancer. The problem is compounded by DHT, which also gets bound to the prostate and which also stimulates the growth of prostate tissue.
Fortunately, there are herbs that work together to reverse this binding process, thereby reducing the likelihood of prostate problems. In addition, some herbs, such as saw palmetto, have been proven to help the prostate in two additional ways. First, they inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which causes testosterone to be converted into DHT–and it’s the DHT form of testosterone in particular that stimulates the growth of prostate tissue along with estradiol. And second, saw palmetto in particular has been proven to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissue.
The Benefits of Correcting Hormonal Imbalances for Women
As we’ve already mentioned, women are far more vulnerable to testosterone level changes than men. The reason is simple: they have so much less testosterone to work with. When even a small amount of their available testosterone gets bound to SHBG, the results are profoundly disruptive:
- Loss of energy
- Loss of will to do anything
- Loss of motivation
- Loss of interest in spouse and loss of libido
- Loss of fulfillment from sex
- Loss of muscle and significant increase in body fat — a prime reason women start to gain so much weight as they move into their 40’s
- A significant increase in the risk of breast cancer — since bound SHBG is no longer available to lock up excess estrogens.
Regular use of a women’s testosterone balancing formula can help to significantly reverse and/or prevent all of the above conditions. In fact, women are likely to feel the benefits of a testosterone balancing formula more profoundly than men.
The Sexual Benefits Associated with Optimizing Testosterone Levels
Let’s be clear: more energy, improved muscle to fat ratios, and better health are the primary reasons for optimizing the androgenic hormones in the body–but they’re not sex. Sex is the great motivator, and testosterone balancing formulas work naturally in both men and women to enhance sexual desire, sensation, and performance. The effect on human sexual appetite is powerful. Once levels build up in the bloodstream, both men and women can feel a boost in sexual desire. Both men and women can experience an increase in frequency of orgasms while taking wild oats & nettles, while many women experience a dramatic 68% increase in multiple orgasms. Many men also report multiple orgasms while taking a wild oats and nettles combination.
The Adrenal Hormones
In a related problem, by the time we are 30, most of us have seriously depleted our body’s ability to respond to stress. Stress is normal to be sure, but the continual stress of modern living — from high pressure jobs, fighting traffic, worrying about world events, etc. — keeps us in a constant state of “heightened response” that eventually wipes out our adrenal reserves. The net result ranges from high blood pressure and impaired immune function to chronic fatigue and digestive problems.
The standard response is to increase consumption of artificial stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine or alcohol — and even overeating. These “solutions” are, in fact, no solution at all. Although they may temporarily mask the symptoms of adrenal exhaustion by providing an artificial “boost,” they serve to further exhaust the adrenals leading to irrevocable harm to the body.
Fortunately, there is a class of herbs known as adaptogens that naturally helps to rebuild adrenal function and restore hormonal balance. Foremost among the adaptogens is ginseng. Ginseng has been shown to:
- Increase stamina
- Revitalize the body
- Increase life span
- Counteract chronic fatigue
- Improve resistance to stress
- Improve sexual function in both men and women
- Enhance immune function
Both men’s and women’s formulas should contain wild crafted organic ginseng or eleuthero root.
The Bottom Line: Balance Hormones
Every single man and woman over 30 should seriously consider putting their bodies on an ongoing hormonal balancing program. In addition to using progesterone crème to help balance progesterone and estrogen levels, both men and women should use testosterone balancing herbal formulations for that 30,000 mile tune-up. (The reference to 30,000 miles is a way of saying that most people need to start thinking of regular tune-ups beginning around the age of 30 since nowadays that’s when things start getting out of balance for most people–although as more xenoestrogens keep getting released into the environment and as stress levels keep increasing, that marker will probably keep dropping.)
The Formulas
Now that we have some background, let’s take a look at the particular herbs we will find in tune-up formulas for both men and women.
Men’s Formula: American ginseng root, Tribulus terrestris seed, Muira puama bark and root, Nettles herb, Catuaba bark, Saw palmetto berry, Damiana herb, Fresh wild oat seed, Turmeric root, Kola nut seed.
Women’s Formula: Wild yam root, Damiana herb, Eleuthero root, Licorice root, Sarsaparilla root, Saw palmetto berry, Muira puama bark and root, Fresh wild oat seed, Kola nut, Ginger root, Tribulus terrestris seed, Nettle herb, Mucuna pruriens seed.
As you may have noticed, although the two formulas are different, they share a number of herbs in common–although in different amounts. This should not be too surprising since we’ve discussed how both sexes need to address many of the same issues such as SHBG and adrenal exhaustion in common. With that said, let’s look at the herbs in the two formulas in three different groupings: (1) herbs they share in common, (2) herbs particular to the men’s formula, and (3) herb’s particular to the women’s formula. (Note: as we cite study after study, you’re going to find that most of the studies were conducted with men, not women–even when the benefits are applicable to both sexes. Sorry about that, but the simple truth is that medical research, as unfair as it is, has an inherent bias towards men–at least when talking about these herbs).
Herbs for Balancing Hormones Shared in Common
Saw Palmetto Berry (Serenoa Repens)
Some studies show that saw palmetto is as effective in treating symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia–BPH) as the drug finasteride without side effects, such as loss of libido. And some studies even suggest that saw palmetto may actually shrink the size of the prostate gland. On the other hand, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that saw palmetto was no better than a placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.8 Bent S, Kane C, Shinohara K, et. al. “Saw Palmetto for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.” NEJM. 2006; 354:557-566. That said, the number of studies that say palmetto works far outnumber the ones that say it doesn’t.9 “List of references supporting the assessment of Serenoa repens (W. Bartram) Small, fructus.” European Medicines Agency. 24 Nov 2014. (Accessed 20 Jun 2015.) It’s also worth noting that other studies have shown that saw palmetto, when used in combination with lycopene and selenium, can reduce prostate enlargement and growth by 43.3% in treated animals.10 Letteria Minutoli, Domenica Altavilla, et al. “Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins in experimental benign prostatic hyperplasia: effects of serenoa repens, selenium and lycopene.” J Biomed Sci. 2014; 21(1): 19.
But remember, we are not talking about the use of saw palmetto in a prostate formula, but in a hormone balancing formula for both men and women, and here the results are more consistent. For example: one study using a saw palmetto based formula found that supplementation produced significant decreases in serum DHT from baseline and a concomitant increase in total serum testosterone.11 Fru Angwafor, III and Mark L Anderson. “An open label, dose response study to determine the effect of a dietary supplement on dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol levels in healthy males.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008; 5: 12. And at higher doses, the formula produced a significant decrease in serum estrogen levels. How does saw palmetto accomplish this? It functions as a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. 5-alpha reductase is present in small amounts in muscle tissue. It plays the key role in converting testosterone to DHT. If too much testosterone is converted, this decreases lean body tissue, muscle size, muscle strength, and sexual function in both men and women. Conversely, inhibiting the action of 5-alpha-reductase, increases all of those things. It’s a big deal. In fact, studies show that saw palmetto inhibits both forms of 5-alpha-reductase with no reduction in the ability of prostate cells to secrete prostate-specific antigen.12 Wadsworth TL, Worstell TR, et al. (May 2007). “Effects of dietary saw palmetto on the prostate of transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate model (TRAMP).” Prostate. 2007 May 1;67(6):661-73. , 13 Scaglione F, Lucini V, Pannacci M, et al. “Comparison of the potency of different brands of Serenoa repens extract on 5alpha-reductase types I and II in prostatic co-cultured epithelial and fibroblast cells.” Pharmacology. 2008;82(4):270-5. , 14 Abe M, Ito Y, Oyunzul L, et al. “Pharmacologically relevant receptor binding characteristics and 5alpha-reductase inhibitory activity of free Fatty acids contained in saw palmetto extract.” Biol Pharm Bull. 2009 Apr;32(4):646-50. , 15 Habib FK, Ross M, Ho CK, et al. “Serenoa repens (Permixon) inhibits the 5alpha-reductase activity of human prostate cancer cell lines without interfering with PSA expression.” Int J Cancer. 2005 Mar 20;114(2):190-4. But there’s more. In addition to inhibiting the creation of DHT (again, beneficial to both men and women), saw palmetto acts as a phytoestrogen and appears to interfere with the ability of DHT to bind to the androgen receptor, thus relaxing smooth muscle tissue.16 Di Silverio F, Monti S, Sciarra A et al. “Effects of long-term treatment with Serenoa repens (Permixon) on the concentrations and regional distribution of androgens and epidermal growth factor in benign prostatic hyperplasia.” Prostate. 1998 Oct 1;37(2):77-83. , 17 Plosker GL, Brogden RN. “Serenoa repens (Permixon). A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic efficacy in benign prostatic hyperplasia.” Drugs Aging. 1996 Nov;9(5):379-95. (Note: when we talk about 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, it is not just about prostate benefits, although many studies focus on that. Controlling 5-alpha-reductase is beneficial to both men and women as it keeps free testosterone at normal levels as we age.)
In addition to all of the benefits that have already been discussed, it is worth mentioning that saw palmetto has been proven to inhibit — and in some cases even reverse — both male and female pattern baldness.18 Prager N, Bickett K, French N, Marcovici G. “A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.” J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Apr;8(2):143-52.
Nettles herb (Urtica dioica)
The lignans (plant-based polyphenolic compounds) found in stinging nettle appear to interfere with the ability of SHBG to bind to androgens and estrogens. A 10% water/alcohol extract can decrease binding of DHT to SHBG by up to 67%.19 Gansser D, Spiteller G. “Plant constituents interfering with human sex hormone-binding globulin. Evaluation of a test method and its application to Urtica dioica root extracts.” Z Naturforsch C. 1995 Jan-Feb;50(1-2):98-104. , 20 Schmidt K. “Effect of radix urticae extract and its several secondary extracts on blood SHBG in benign prostate hyperplasia.” Fortschr Med. 1983 Apr 21;101(15):713-6. The inhibition appears to be dose dependent.21 Hryb DJ, Khan MS, Romas NA, Rosner W. “The effect of extracts of the roots of the stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on the interaction of SHBG with its receptor on human prostatic membranes.” Planta Med. 1995 Feb;61(1):31-2. Even isolated lignans found in nettles extract retain this potency, inhibiting and even displacing DHT from SHGB by 60% (secoisolariciresinol), 73% (enterofuran) and 95% ((-)-3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran).22 WHO Monograph of Selected Herbals volume 2.” WHO
A large clinical trial of 558 patients showed that stinging nettle extract is able to reduce urinary complications associated with an enlarged prostate.23 Safarinejad MR. “Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.” J Herb Pharmacother. 2005;5(4):1-11. Urtica is also able to reduce the size of the prostate without affecting circulating testosterone levels. Similar to saw palmetto, this appears to be due to Urtica’s ability to act as a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Although the effect is less than that seen with the drug finasteride,24 Nahata A, Dixit VK. “Ameliorative effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in rats.” Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:396-409. it’s important to remember that the reason for its inclusion in this formula is because it inhibits conversion of testosterone to DHT. This keeps free testosterone levels up, which is beneficial to both men and women, while reducing prostate size, which is a bonus for men.25 Leonard S Marks. “5a-Reductase: History and Clinical Importance.” Rev Urol. 2004; 6(Suppl 9): S11–S21.
Tribulus Terrestris Seed
Tribulus terrestris, sometimes called puncture vine or puncture weed, is often used in bodybuilding supplements. The thinking is that it increases testosterone levels and, thereby, increases muscle mass. In the end, neither appears to be true.26 Rogerson S, Riches CJ, Jennings C, et al. “The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition during preseason training in elite rugby league players.” J Strength Cond Res. 2007 May;21(2):348-53. So why include it in these formulas? As it turns out, Tribulus has attained almost legendary status for its ability to enhance male and female sexual virility, but, interestingly, it does this in a way that’s totally independent of testosterone. Tribulus increases nitric oxide levels like Viagra–only safer–which leads to improved blood flow to the genitalia.27 Qureshi A, Naughton DP, Petroczi A. “A systematic review on the herbal extract Tribulus terrestris and the roots of its putative aphrodisiac and performance enhancing effect.” J Diet Suppl. 2014 Mar;11(1):64-79. The net result is an improved ability to get and maintain an erection.28 Jungmo Do, Seemin Choi, et al. “Effects and Mechanism of Action of a Tribulus terrestris Extract on Penile Erection.” Korean J Urol. 2013 Mar; 54(3): 183–188. And, for the exact same reasons, studies have shown that it is equally effective in dealing with female sexual dysfunction.29 Carlos RB Gama,Ricardo Lasmar, et al. “Clinical Assessment of Tribulus terrestris Extract in the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction.” Clin Med Insights Womens Health. 2014; 7: 45–50. Considering that Tribulus increases blood flow by increasing nitric oxide production, it should not come as a surprise that Tribulus is also beneficial when it comes to heart function. What may be surprising, however, is that its heart benefits go far beyond nitric oxide. Studies have shown that the saponins in Tribulus significantly suppresses the increase in cell proliferation induced by angiotensin II, significantly suppresses the increase in the intracellular production of H2O2 induced by angiotensin II, significantly inhibits the increase in intracellular free Ca(2+) induced by H2O2, and significantly inhibits the increase in phospho-ERK1/2 induced by angiotensin II. Or to put that in English, regular supplementation with Tribulus seems to play a major role in protecting against atherosclerosis.
But there’s more, and for that we need to talk briefly about angiotensin II, the effects of which Tribulus seems to counteract across the board. This is a bit technical, but the key points are not. Angiotensin II is derived from the result of the angiotensin-converting enzyme acting on angiotensin I. Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor (four to eight times more potent that adrenalin). Bottom line: angiotensin II induces arterial constriction and increases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure; Tribulus counteracts that.
That’s all positive, but here’s where we get to a key reason we include Tribulus in our formula. Angiotensin II acts directly on the adrenal cortex, increasing aldosterone secretion, facilitating norepinephrine/adrenaline release by direct action on the post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons.
What that means is that Tribulus is effective both in rebuilding sexual vitality and in protecting and rebuilding adrenal function.
Muira Puama Bark and Root (Ptychopetalum Olacoides)
Muira puama, also known as potency wood, is an herb that comes from a small bush in the rain forests of Brazil. It has been associated with enhanced erectile function and orgasm in aging men suffering the effects of fatigue or age-related complaints. While muira puama’s exact mechanism of action is unknown, it seems most likely that the plant sterols in muira contribute to the increased synthesis of testosterone.30 Rowland DL, Tai W. “A review of plant-derived and herbal approaches to the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.” J Sex Marital Ther. 2003;29(3):185-205. This is confirmed in several studies. In one study of 262 men suffering from poor sexual desire, more than 62% reported improvements with muira supplementation. In addition, 51% of the men with erectile dysfunction reported that muira was beneficial.31 Waynberg, J. “Aphrodisiacs: Contributions to the Clinical Validation of the Traditional Use of Ptychopetalum guyanna.” Presented at the First International Congress on Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, June 5–9, 1990 A second study looked at potential psychological benefits of muira in 100 male volunteers with low sexual energy and strength. In this study, researchers found that 62 of the 94 men who completed the study said their frequency of intercourse increased significantly; 32 out of 46 who reported weakened desire at the beginning of the study reported that their libido had been strengthened; 12 claimed that their morning erections had improved by the end of the study; and 52 out of 94 reported that muira puama helped them to reestablish stability of erection during intercourse.32 Waynberg, J. Male Sexual Asthenia–Interest in a Traditional Plant-Derived Medication. Ethnopharmacology, March 1995. (Accessed 22 Jun 2015.) And we were able to find one study that showed, as expected, that muira is equally effective in women.33 Waynberg J, Brewer S. “Effects of Herbal vX on libido and sexual activity in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.” Adv Ther. 2000 Sep-Oct;17(5):255-62.
And as with saw palmetto, muira puama has been shown to inhibit — and in some cases even reverse — baldness in both men and women, at least according to the indigenous people who use muira regularly.
Damiana Herb (Turnera Diffusa)
Studies have shown that, like Tribulus, the pro-sexual effects of damiana involve the nitric oxide pathway.34 Estrada-Reyes R, Carro-Juárez M, Martínez-Mota L. “Pro-sexual effects of Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) in male rats involves the nitric oxide pathway.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Mar 7;146(1):164-72. This can help relax the smooth muscle tissue of the corpus cavernosum, which means better erections and more sexual stimulation for both men and women.35 Hnatyszyn O, Moscatelli V, Garcia J, et al. “Argentinian plant extracts with relaxant effect on the smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum of guinea pig.” Phytomedicine. 2003;10(8):669-674. The corpus cavernosum, by the way, is the mass of erectile tissue forming the bulk of the penis and the clitoris. To put it in simpler terms, damiana functions as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.36 Estrada-Reyes, R., et al. “Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) recovers sexual behavior in sexually exhausted males.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jun 25;123(3):423-9. , 37 Arletti R, Benelli A, et al. “Stimulating property of Turnera diffusa and Pfaffia paniculata extracts on the sexual-behavior of male rats.” Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1999 Mar;143(1):15-9. And damiana has a long history of traditional use for menopause, which has since been supported by studies.38 Yakoot M1, Salem A, Omar AM. “Effectiveness of a herbal formula in women with menopausal syndrome.” Forsch Komplementmed. 2011;18(5):264-8.
Fresh Wild Oat Seed (Avena Sativa)
There are numerous studies, of course, that have demonstrated the ability of oats to help lower cholesterol and optimize heart health, but those studies are based on whole oats that included soluble, beta glucan rich, oat fiber. They have no relevance to the use of oat seed extract, which has no fiber in it. When you’re looking at oat seed extract, you’re looking at the active biochemicals in the extract–the avenacosides A and B39 Pecio L, Wawrzyniak-Szolkowska A, et al. “Rapid analysis of avenacosides in grain and husks of oats by UPLC-TQ-MS.” Food Chem. 2013 Dec 1;141(3):2300-4. –and, unfortunately, there are few studies available on those.
We know that wild oat extract works as a testosterone booster for horses, hence the expression, “Sow your wild oats.” But for humans, although there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence, there is little in the way of hard studies. Nevertheless, based on what we know, there is a reasonable explanation for how wild oat extract works. The chemical and molecular structure of the avenacosides closely resembles that of sex hormones. Theoretically then, these phytochemicals bind to SHBG, thereby reducing the amount of SHBG available to bind to actual sex hormones.
And lest you think the benefits of wild oat extract may all be psychosomatic and in your head, you may be right–just not in the way you think. One of the few studies actually done on herbal oat extract, as opposed to the fiber, was to assess whether or not oat extract could improve measures of concentration and attention. It did. The study concluded that oat herb extract may acutely improve attention and concentration and the ability to maintain focus in older adults with differing levels of cognitive status.40 Berry NM, Robinson MJ, Bryan J, et al. “Acute effects of an Avena sativa herb extract on responses to the Stroop Color-Word test.” J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul;17(7):635-7.
Kola Nut Seed (Cola Nitida)
Kola nuts contain caffeine, kolanin, and theobromine. All three chemicals are stimulants, but the amount contributed by the kola nut seed in these formulas is very low–just enough to improve the mental energy and stimulate the sex drive without whipping the adrenals. Thus, the addition of a small amount of kola nut to the formulas can stimulate and prolong sexual urges and intensity while revitalizing libido both in men and women without exhausting the adrenals.
Mucuna Pruriens Seed
Mucuna pruriens is the world’s most concentrated natural source of a compound called L-DOPA. L-DOPA is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine,41 Raina AP, Khatri R. “Quantitative Determination of L-DOPA in Seeds of Mucuna Pruriens Germplasm by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography.” Indian J Pharm Sci. 2011 Jul;73(4):459-62. and dopamine works as one of the best natural human growth hormone (HGH) releasers by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase its production of HGH. High levels throughout life of the body’s own natural growth hormone (not hormones from the synthetic injections) is known as a major key for human longevity.
Dopamine also increases the production of other hormones such as testosterone. In that regard, it should be noted that any increase in testosterone triggered by Mucuna pruriens never throws the endocrine system out of balance; Mucuna merely “improves” levels which tend to decrease over time in the average person. Not surprisingly, most of the studies on Mucuna’s ability to raise testosterone were done on males,42 Mahajan GK, Mahajan AY, Mahajan RT. “Efficacy of aphrodisiac plants towards improvement in semen quality and motility in infertile males.” J Complement Integr Med. 2012 Feb 17;9:Article 6. but the effect is just as notable in females.
And finally, Mucuna pruriens also functions as an aphrodisiac–one that is very potent at increasing libido for both men and women.43 Lucia Raffaella Lampariello, Alessio Cortelazzo, et al. “The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens.” J Tradit Complement Med. 2012 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 331–339.
Herbs Particular to the Men’s Hormone Balancing Formula
American Panax Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)
Ginseng is a one of the most widely used adaptogenic herbs. That is to say, it tends to balance out the body–boosting functions where needed and calming the body down where needed. It is a great herb to use to help the body recover from stress. The two main varieties are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). They contain essentially the same bioactives called ginsenosides–of which more than 30 have been identified44 Mark A Moyad and Kwangsung Park. “What do most erectile dysfunction guidelines have in common? No evidence-based discussion or recommendation of heart-healthy lifestyle changes and/or Panax ginseng.” Asian J Androl. 2012 Nov; 14(6): 830–841. –some relaxing and some stimulating. The difference is that American and Korean ginseng vary slightly in the ratios of those ingredients. American ginseng tends to contain more of the relaxing Rb1 group of ginsenosides (which we use in the men’s formula), whereas Korean ginseng is higher in the more stimulating Rg1 ginsenosides (which we use in the women’s formula).
The first recorded use of ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction, reaches back five thousand years to ancient China, where it’s still popular as a natural aphrodisiac.45 Nair R, Sellaturay S, Sriprasad S. “The history of ginseng in the management of erectile dysfunction in ancient China (3500-2600 BCE).” Indian J Urol. 2012;28(1):15-20. A number of modern studies confirm its value in that regard.46 de Andrade E, de Mesquita AA, et al. “Study of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.” Asian J Androl. 2007;9(2):241-244. , 47 Chan SW. “Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra chinensis.” Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012;1:75-81. How does it work? The ginsenosides, along with all their other beneficial properties, have the ability to increase the synthesis of nitric oxide, which as we discussed with Tribulus and damiana helps relax the smooth muscle tissue of the corpus cavernosum in both men and women.48 Kim TH, Jeon SH, Hahn EJ, et al. “Effects of tissue-cultured mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) extract on male patients with erectile dysfunction.” Asian J Androl. 2009;11(3):356-361. In addition, Rg1 has been shown to increase serum testosterone levels as well as cyclic guanosine monophosphate in the corpus cavernosum itself.49 Jang DJ, Lee MS, Shin BC, et al. “Red ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction: a systematic review.” Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;66(4):444-450. , 50 Wang X, Chu S, Qian T, et al. “Ginsenoside Rg1 improves male copulatory behavior via nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway.” J Sex Med. 2010;7(2 Pt 1):743-750. , 51 Kim TH Another study showed that ginseng significantly improved penile rigidity, libido, and satisfaction among men with erectile dysfunction.52 de Andrade E
In addition to everything else, ginseng has been shown to work like saw palmetto and inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, thus helping to prevent prostate enlargement.53 Su Kang Kim, Joo-Ho Chung,et al. “Influence of Panax ginseng on Alpha-Adrenergic Receptor of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.” Int Neurourol J. 2014 Dec; 18(4): 179–186.
Turmeric Root (Curcuma Longa, Curcuma Mangga)
Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, which has a tough brown skin and a deep orange flesh. Turmeric has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. In this formula, its primary purpose is as a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor to protect against prostate enlargement.54 Agung Heru Karsono, et al. “Molecular effects of bioactive fraction of Curcuma mangga (DLBS4847) as a downregulator of 5a-reductase activity pathways in prostatic epithelial cells.” Cancer Manag Res. 2014; 6: 267–278. , 55 Suphrom N, Pumthong G, Khorana N, et al. “Anti-androgenic effect of sesquiterpenes isolated from the rhizomes of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.” Fitoterapia. 2012 Jul;83(5):864-71. It’s also protective against prostate cancer.56 Guo H, Xu Y, Fu Q. “Curcumin inhibits growth of prostate carcinoma via miR-208-mediated CDKN1A activation.” Tumour Biol. 2015 Jun 2. , 57 Agung Heru Karsono
Catuaba Bark (Erythroxylum)
An infusion of catuaba bark is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and central nervous system stimulant among the indigenous tribes. Research has shown that catuaba bark may enhance erectile strength by widening blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to the penis. Studies have also shown that it can increase the brain’s sensitivity to dopamine, which makes sex more pleasurable.
However, finding high quality Catuaba has become an impossible task. Not one batch of Catuaba that I tested in 2018 for use in Men’s Formula passed muster. It either showed as adulterated, the wrong species, or registered as non-existent for the crucial bio-markers of potency. For that reason, I replaced the Catuaba in this formula with Mucuna pruriens. It actually is the more powerful ingredient when it comes to all the important things (build muscle, burn fat, increase energy, amplify libido, etc.). It just doesn’t provide the instant stimulant effect that Catuaba does. But really, if that’s what you’re after, just have another cup of coffee.
Pygeum Africanum
You will find Pygeum Africanum used in many men’s formulas as a 5-alpha-redictase inhibitor. In fact, Pygeum bark has become so popular in herbal formulas that the trees from which the bark is harvested have been decimated. In response, Pygeum has been put on the endangered species list — and there are no environmentally safe farmed sources available. I still like Pygeum as an herb for use in men’s formulas, but will not use an herb from a truly endangered species. Instead I’ve replaced it with Turmeric root until such time as sustainable sources of Pygeum are once again available.
Herb’s Particular to the Women’s Hormone Balancing Formula
In addition to all of the other benefits you’re going to read about, some of the herbs in this formula have also been proven to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause and to inhibit the incidence of breast cancer.
Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea Villosa)
The rhizomes of D. villosa were discovered to be an important source of diosgenin, a phytoestrogen that acts on the mammary epithelium, as demonstrated in studies of ovariectomized mice. Diosgenin is a phytosteroid, structurally similar to DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). Studies have shown that serum DHEA level increase significantly within two hours of diosgenin injections.58 Sato K, Fujita S, Iemitsu M. “Acute administration of diosgenin or dioscorea improves hyperglycemia with increases muscular steroidogenesis in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic rats.” J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;143:152-9. As a weak phytoestrogen, wild yam extract also protects against the proliferation of human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells.59 Park MK, Kwon HY, Ahn WS, et al. “Estrogen activities and the cellular effects of natural progesterone from wild yam extract in mcf-7 human breast cancer cells.” Am J Chin Med. 2009;37(1):159-67.
But the primary reason for including wild yam root in the women’s formula is its ability to activate the nitric oxide system. Not only does this improve blood flow in the genitalia, as we’ve previously discussed, it also protects against tissue damage to the heart muscle in case of a heart attack.60 Badalzadeh R, Yousefi B, Majidinia M, Ebrahimi H. “Anti-arrhythmic effect of diosgenin in reperfusion-induced myocardial injury in a rat model: activation of nitric oxide system and mitochondrial KATP channel.” J Physiol Sci. 2014 Nov;64(6):393-400.
Note: you may see references to a study that found that D. villosa caused fibrosis in the kidneys and inflammation in livers of rats consuming D. villosa.61 Wojcikowski K1, Wohlmuth H, Johnson DW, Gobe G. “Dioscorea villosa (wild yam) induces chronic kidney injury via pro-fibrotic pathways.” Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 Sep;46(9):3122-31. This is not an issue in this formula. In addition to the fact that there is no evidence that Dioscorea has the same effect in humans, the dosage used in this study was massively, massively higher than seen in this formula–equivalent to 54 g (almost 2 oz.) per serving for a 150 lb. woman.
Eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus Senticosus)
Eleutherococcus senticosus is only distantly related to Korean and American ginseng, and it possesses entirely different, unrelated chemical constituents. Nevertheless, it is popularly called Russian or Siberian ginseng. The reason for this is, that despite its differences, Eleutherococcus has the same properties as true ginseng. Like true ginseng, Eleuthero is an adaptogen.
Studies confirm that Eleuthero achieves its beneficial stress-protective effect by regulating homeostasis throughout the body via mechanisms of action associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the regulation of key mediators of the stress response such as molecular chaperones, stress-activated c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase, forkhead box O transcription factor, cortisol produced in the adrenal glands, and nitric oxide (NO).62 Alexander Panossian, Georg Wikman, et al. “Adaptogens Stimulate Neuropeptide Y and Hsp72 Expression and Release in Neuroglia Cells.” Front Neurosci. 2012; 6: 6.
According to translations of the original Russian research, Siberian Eleuthero has the ability to increase endurance and the capacity to work by improving the ability of the liver and adrenals to regulate hormone levels, dispose of lactic acid, and regulate blood sugar.63 Farnsworth NR, Kinghorn AD, et al. “Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus): Current status as an adaptogen.” In: WAGNER, H.; HIKINO, H. and FARNSWORTH, N.R. eds. Economic and Medicinal Plant Research. London, Academic Press, 1985, p. 155-215 The net result is that Eleuthero helps relieve both physical and mental fatigue, as well as helping to reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue.64 Huang LZ, Huang BK, Ye Q, Qin LP. “Bioactivity-guided fractionation for anti-fatigue property of Acanthopanax senticosus.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Jan 7;133(1):213-9.
And finally, in a placebo-controlled study, researchers reported supplementation with Eleuthero produced “a drastic increase in the absolute number of immunocompetent cells, with an especially pronounced effect on T lymphocytes.” In addition, the researchers observed a general enhancement of the activation state in T-lymphocytes.65 Bohn B, Nebe CT, Birr C. “Flow cytometric studies with Eleutherococcus senticosus extract as an immunomodulating agent.” Arzneim-Forsch Drug Res 1987;37:1193–6.
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
Studies have shown that supplementation with licorice and/or one of its key components, glycyrrhetinic acid, increases both DHEA and testosterone levels.66 Al-Dujaili EA, Kenyon CJ, Nicol MR, Mason JI. “Liquorice and glycyrrhetinic acid increase DHEA and deoxycorticosterone levels in vivo and in vitro by inhibiting adrenal SULT2A1 activity.” Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2011 Apr 10;336(1-2):102-9. The net result is that licorice can lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.67 Brown D. “Licorice root – potential early intervention for chronic fatigue syndrome.” Quart Rev Nat Medicine Summer:95-97, 1996. By enhancing cortisol activity, and improving the function of the adrenal glands, glycyrrhizin helps to increase energy, ease stress, and reduce the symptoms of ailments sensitive to cortisol levels, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. In fact, in the 1800s, licorice extract was used to treat neurasthenia, the condition now known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
As a side benefit, licorice has strong antiviral activity. For example, studies have shown that glycyrrhizin, dose dependently, inhibits the hepatitis C virus full length viral particle as well as the expression of the virus’ core gene both at RNA and protein levels.68 Ashfaq UA, Masoud MS, Nawaz Z, Riazuddin S. “Glycyrrhizin as antiviral agent against Hepatitis C Virus.” J Transl Med. 2011 Jul 18;9:112. (Note: there have been some studies that have shown that too much glycyrrhizin, as seen with the consistent, extreme overconsumption of true licorice candy, can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems in older adults. However, the amount of glycyrrhizin contained in this formula is far less than the amount found to be problematic.)
Sarsaparilla Root (Similax)
In a 2012 study, sarsaparilla root inhibited prostatic hyperplasia by reducing the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thereby improving the prostate gland morphology group.69 Jing Chen, Chao-Mei Xiong, Shan-Shan Song, et al. “Fraction of Macroporous Resin from Smilax china L. Inhibits Testosterone Propionate–Induced Prostatic Hyperplasia in Castrated Rats.” J Med Food. 2012 Jul; 15(7): 646–650. The overall results of this study suggest that sarsaparilla extract is effective at inhibiting prostate enlargement. So what does this have to do with women? It turns out the reason for this benefit is that one of the key saponins in sarsaparilla is diosgenin, the same saponin found in wild yam.
Not surprisingly, then, sarsaparilla has also been found to be useful in managing menopausal symptoms and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.70 Brian J. Doyle, Jonna Frasor, et al. “Estrogenic effects of herbal medicines from Costa Rica used for the management of menopausal symptoms.” Menopause. 2009 Jul–Aug; 16(4): 748–755. In addition, sarsaparilla contains several natural phytosterols (plant steroids) which are chemically similar to the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands, which accounts for sarsaparilla’s ability to be supportive and restorative to the adrenals, which is a primary reason for its inclusion in this formula.71 Challinor VL, Parsons PG, Chap S, et al. “Steroidal saponins from the roots of Smilax sp.: structure and bioactivity.” Steroids. 2012 Apr;77(5):504-11.
Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinale)
An adaptogen for the adrenals, ginger root helps modulate cortisol levels, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, burn fat, and increase energy and metabolic rate. Ginger also stimulates digestive enzyme secretions for proteins and fatty acids. In addition, studies have shown that ethanolic extracts of Z. officinale have significant adaptogenic activity against a variety of biochemical and physiological disturbances in different stress models.72 Lakshmi BV, Sudhakar M. “Attenuation of acute and chronic restraint stress-induced perturbations in experimental animals by Zingiber officinale Roscoe.” Food Chem Toxicol. 2010 Feb;48(2):530-5. The bottom line is that ginger root is supportive of adrenal function.
But another benefit for women is that ginger helps moderate heavy menstrual bleeding. As demonstrated in a 2015 study, the level of menstrual blood loss dramatically declined during three intervention cycles in a ginger-receiving group.73 Kashefi F, Khajehei M, Alavinia M, et al. “Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on heavy menstrual bleeding: a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial.” Phytother Res. 2015 Jan;29(1):114-9. The decrease in blood loss was “significantly more remarkable” than that of participants receiving a placebo.
Final Thoughts on Correcting Hormonal Imbalances in Men and Women
As we’ve discussed, problems occur when various hormones get out of balance. In this report, we explored what happens when testosterone and the adrenal hormones go awry–which begins happening as men and women enter their early 30’s. Correcting these imbalances using the right combination of natural herbs can result in:
- Increased energy and zest for life
- Augmented muscle mass and tone, with a concomitant decrease in body fat
- Improved circulation
- Increased libido and sexual performance
- And for men, although we’re not talking about a dedicated prostate formula, a slowing down of prostate tissue growth
Keep in mind that by calling this the 30,000 mile tune-up, we are making an obvious car analogy. Well, we can extend this analogy further by stating that like any car that you want to keep running as it gets older, it’s going to require regular, ongoing maintenance and tune-ups to keep running. Take care of your body by eating high quality natural foods, regularly flushing out accumulated toxins, and supplementing with the proper nutraceuticals and herbs on a consistent basis, and, like your car, you should be able to keep your body running trouble free for many years. Get sloppy in any aspect of that care, and you can expect your body’s engine to start knocking, your breaks to start squealing, and your tires to go bald and blow out, not to mention having to pay for hugely expensive service repairs such as valve jobs on your heart and cleaning out your fuel injection system. It’s your call. You can pay a little bit for regular maintenance by using a men’s or women’s formula and keep your body purring, or skip the maintenance and have your health insurance pay for regular emergency surgery to keep you going when everything starts breaking down. As the old Fram oil filter ads used to say, “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.”74
(Originally published 01/01/2004. Updated 05/08/2017.)
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↑26 | Rogerson S, Riches CJ, Jennings C, et al. “The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition during preseason training in elite rugby league players.” J Strength Cond Res. 2007 May;21(2):348-53. |
↑27 | Qureshi A, Naughton DP, Petroczi A. “A systematic review on the herbal extract Tribulus terrestris and the roots of its putative aphrodisiac and performance enhancing effect.” J Diet Suppl. 2014 Mar;11(1):64-79. |
↑28 | Jungmo Do, Seemin Choi, et al. “Effects and Mechanism of Action of a Tribulus terrestris Extract on Penile Erection.” Korean J Urol. 2013 Mar; 54(3): 183–188. |
↑29 | Carlos RB Gama,Ricardo Lasmar, et al. “Clinical Assessment of Tribulus terrestris Extract in the Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction.” Clin Med Insights Womens Health. 2014; 7: 45–50. |
↑30 | Rowland DL, Tai W. “A review of plant-derived and herbal approaches to the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.” J Sex Marital Ther. 2003;29(3):185-205. |
↑31 | Waynberg, J. “Aphrodisiacs: Contributions to the Clinical Validation of the Traditional Use of Ptychopetalum guyanna.” Presented at the First International Congress on Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, June 5–9, 1990 |
↑32 | Waynberg, J. Male Sexual Asthenia–Interest in a Traditional Plant-Derived Medication. Ethnopharmacology, March 1995. (Accessed 22 Jun 2015.) |
↑33 | Waynberg J, Brewer S. “Effects of Herbal vX on libido and sexual activity in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.” Adv Ther. 2000 Sep-Oct;17(5):255-62. |
↑34 | Estrada-Reyes R, Carro-Juárez M, Martínez-Mota L. “Pro-sexual effects of Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) in male rats involves the nitric oxide pathway.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Mar 7;146(1):164-72. |
↑35 | Hnatyszyn O, Moscatelli V, Garcia J, et al. “Argentinian plant extracts with relaxant effect on the smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum of guinea pig.” Phytomedicine. 2003;10(8):669-674. |
↑36 | Estrada-Reyes, R., et al. “Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) recovers sexual behavior in sexually exhausted males.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jun 25;123(3):423-9. |
↑37 | Arletti R, Benelli A, et al. “Stimulating property of Turnera diffusa and Pfaffia paniculata extracts on the sexual-behavior of male rats.” Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1999 Mar;143(1):15-9. |
↑38 | Yakoot M1, Salem A, Omar AM. “Effectiveness of a herbal formula in women with menopausal syndrome.” Forsch Komplementmed. 2011;18(5):264-8. |
↑39 | Pecio L, Wawrzyniak-Szolkowska A, et al. “Rapid analysis of avenacosides in grain and husks of oats by UPLC-TQ-MS.” Food Chem. 2013 Dec 1;141(3):2300-4. |
↑40 | Berry NM, Robinson MJ, Bryan J, et al. “Acute effects of an Avena sativa herb extract on responses to the Stroop Color-Word test.” J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul;17(7):635-7. |
↑41 | Raina AP, Khatri R. “Quantitative Determination of L-DOPA in Seeds of Mucuna Pruriens Germplasm by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography.” Indian J Pharm Sci. 2011 Jul;73(4):459-62. |
↑42 | Mahajan GK, Mahajan AY, Mahajan RT. “Efficacy of aphrodisiac plants towards improvement in semen quality and motility in infertile males.” J Complement Integr Med. 2012 Feb 17;9:Article 6. |
↑43 | Lucia Raffaella Lampariello, Alessio Cortelazzo, et al. “The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens.” J Tradit Complement Med. 2012 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 331–339. |
↑44 | Mark A Moyad and Kwangsung Park. “What do most erectile dysfunction guidelines have in common? No evidence-based discussion or recommendation of heart-healthy lifestyle changes and/or Panax ginseng.” Asian J Androl. 2012 Nov; 14(6): 830–841. |
↑45 | Nair R, Sellaturay S, Sriprasad S. “The history of ginseng in the management of erectile dysfunction in ancient China (3500-2600 BCE).” Indian J Urol. 2012;28(1):15-20. |
↑46 | de Andrade E, de Mesquita AA, et al. “Study of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.” Asian J Androl. 2007;9(2):241-244. |
↑47 | Chan SW. “Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra chinensis.” Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012;1:75-81. |
↑48 | Kim TH, Jeon SH, Hahn EJ, et al. “Effects of tissue-cultured mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) extract on male patients with erectile dysfunction.” Asian J Androl. 2009;11(3):356-361. |
↑49 | Jang DJ, Lee MS, Shin BC, et al. “Red ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction: a systematic review.” Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;66(4):444-450. |
↑50 | Wang X, Chu S, Qian T, et al. “Ginsenoside Rg1 improves male copulatory behavior via nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway.” J Sex Med. 2010;7(2 Pt 1):743-750. |
↑51 | Kim TH |
↑52 | de Andrade E |
↑53 | Su Kang Kim, Joo-Ho Chung,et al. “Influence of Panax ginseng on Alpha-Adrenergic Receptor of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.” Int Neurourol J. 2014 Dec; 18(4): 179–186. |
↑54 | Agung Heru Karsono, et al. “Molecular effects of bioactive fraction of Curcuma mangga (DLBS4847) as a downregulator of 5a-reductase activity pathways in prostatic epithelial cells.” Cancer Manag Res. 2014; 6: 267–278. |
↑55 | Suphrom N, Pumthong G, Khorana N, et al. “Anti-androgenic effect of sesquiterpenes isolated from the rhizomes of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.” Fitoterapia. 2012 Jul;83(5):864-71. |
↑56 | Guo H, Xu Y, Fu Q. “Curcumin inhibits growth of prostate carcinoma via miR-208-mediated CDKN1A activation.” Tumour Biol. 2015 Jun 2. |
↑57 | Agung Heru Karsono |
↑58 | Sato K, Fujita S, Iemitsu M. “Acute administration of diosgenin or dioscorea improves hyperglycemia with increases muscular steroidogenesis in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic rats.” J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;143:152-9. |
↑59 | Park MK, Kwon HY, Ahn WS, et al. “Estrogen activities and the cellular effects of natural progesterone from wild yam extract in mcf-7 human breast cancer cells.” Am J Chin Med. 2009;37(1):159-67. |
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Thank you for the natural
Thank you for the natural remedies, totally appreciate them ,have to say these remedies will definitely serve me big time, please keep updating..You are a great help indeed. Chris Harris
I am curious about the
I am curious about the natural health benefit from the moringa leaves.Many claims have been made, if you can kindly express your input. Thanks
I’d like to know more about
I’d like to know more about the Moringa leaves as well. I just read that it is some sort of fantastic “superfood”. I’d like to know the real deal and can always count on Jon to give it to us straight 🙂
The information on Moringa
The information on Moringa that has been appearing on the View and Dr. Oz is both true and misleading. For example: a typical claim for Moringa is that it contains 15x more potassium than bananas, 26x more iron than spinach, 17x more calcium than milk, 10x more vitamin A than carrots, 15x more fiber than wheat and 2x more protein than egg. Sounds exciting, until you factor in serving size. If you get dried moringa leaf powder, a typical dose is just 800 mg.
But a typical glass of milk weighs in at 240,000 mg. That means that although moringa is more efficient, a typical glass of milk contains 300 mg of calcium VS just 1.9 mg in a serving of moringa powder, and some of that calcium is bound up and unusable as calcium oxilate. As for vitamin A, a typical carrot contains 8.3 mg of vitamin A. 800 mg of moringa contains .004 mg of vitamin A.
You get the idea. Moringa is a great food, but less than advertised when used as a supplement.
I cannot tell you how the
I cannot tell you how the information in your book has been so helpful.Is wild oat seed available by itself. I would like to tell you Saw Palmetto has worked very well for my husband who has been taking it for many years and at 85 no prostate cancer. He had enlarged prostate, operated on successfully and after reading your article on hormones his chronically low testosterone is probably the cause but no Doctor ever informed him of this.
please tell me that what are
please tell me that what are symbol which shows the that there is a change in body in females after 35
Hi there
I am a 32, female. I
Hi there
I am a 32, female. I have never had period pains in my life but in the past 7months I have been having restlessness when ovulating. Cramps on my lower abdormin, tummy blowting and looking pregnat. I am told it is due to hormonal changes. But is that all there is to it???
Just concerned.
Hi Lebo,
I would just read
Hi Lebo, I would just read some of the articles in our “Women’s Health” topic under “Health Topics” above: You should also check out the article on progesterone creme.
I’m a 31 year old mother of
I’m a 31 year old mother of two. I recently had a baby a year ago, the past three months I have been having severe cramping before & during my period. I usually have a fairly light flow but the past three have been very heavy. I’m just concerned because I been in a lot of discomfit & wondering if it’s to do with hormonal change or body changing in my 3o’s?
Hi Candace:
You might find
Hi Candace: You might find this article interesting
I just read the article
I just read the article hormonal changes file 30's & natural alternative remedies and I thank greatly from my heart for the information you share with all of us struggling with all the changes came from your getting older. I need to know more about it, because I have 32 years of age, I recently completed a process of graduation from a masters degree and internships for 3 years with a lot of stress and gained a lot of weight during these years. Besides, I didn't exercise over this years and now I find it so difficult to regain the same energy and motivation. For now, I wonder if the herbs you mentioned in the article are available in a single supplement or have to take them separately?, Even if there are specific measures to eat them? I would appreciate very much your answer.
Hi Yani,
Luckily, Baseline
Hi Yani,
Luckily, Baseline Nutritionals sells a formula exactly like this, look for "Women's Formula." You can find the link on our products page.
Blog very meaningful and
Blog very meaningful and handy to us all because it is providing a good discussion about the hormonal changes of human body which is so important to know. Knowing about this matter through this blog I am so pleased and can say that you have done a good job at all.
What nettles are we talking
What nettles are we talking about for women? Nettle leaves or root? Nettle root extract is generally marketed at men, The same applies to saw palmetto.
Is it really safe for me (48 year old woman) to take these and in which amounts?
We’re talking about the
We’re talking about the entire herb, although mostly the above ground parts. Nettles used as a tonic of the female system goes back to the Native American women who used it throughout pregnancy and as a remedy to stop hemorrhaging during childbirth.It is considered one of the best all round women’s tonics. It also plays a role in reducing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, which makes it useful in moderating hair loss in women. And finally, nettle is particularly effective when used in combination with saw palmetto.
As to amounts, it depends on who is doing the formulating, how it’s mixed with other herbs, and what quality herbs you’re using. Here is a link to Jon Barron’s version of a women’s formula.
What is jons opinion on maca
What is jons opinion on maca and holy basil (tulsi)?
When doing a search on the
When doing a search on the site, Jon states, “Royal Peruvian Maca powder is also very good for balancing the hormones.” For holy basil, all I found is that Jon discusses this about holy basil: “Also, an extract made from holy basil (AKA tulsi leaves) can be used to bring down fever quite effectively.” – See more at:
I have high cortisal from
I have high cortisal from stress and I have weight gain, like 8 lbs. How do I deal with high cortisol and get my weight off?? I have exercised but not much results happen. I want my energy to return. I am in my 60’s. Please help me with this. I have read about ginseg. But my weight is a problem.
before deciding how effective
before deciding how effective these formulas can be, can you tell me what testing should be done to find out which hormone levels are low/high? And, after taking the formula how long a period of time should I wait to be retested?
Keep in mind, these formulas
Keep in mind, these formulas aren’t adding any hormones to your body. They’re merely allowing your body to maintain the proper balance of the hormones you already have. It’s like taking a vitamin pill. You don’t need to be tested. If you want some kind of testing, base it on symptoms. If you feel drained from too much continual stress, if you feel like you’ve lost the edge or that you don’t feel like attacking the day you did when you were 20, if the thought of sex is just less appealing than it was a few years ago, or if it’s harder to maintain body tone doing the same exercise you’ve always done—then it’s worth trying the formula.
Is this women’s formula safe
Is this women’s formula safe to take in addition to bioidentical hormones including progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone which I already take?
The progesterone and estrogen
The progesterone and estrogen shouldn’t matter, but the testosterone might. The women’s formula won’t add to your total testosterone level, but it could make more of what you have bioavailable, which means the testosterone you’re now taking could be too much. It sounds like you’re under a doctor’s care. You should run it by them.
What about excessive or
What about excessive or unwanted hair in women? Isn’t that a sign of hormonal imbalance when women get excess facial hair or unwanted hair in other areas? And does balancing the hormones by taking herbs such as in this product address this problem?
The herbs in this formula don
The herbs in this formula don’t add testosterone, they merely free up bound testosterone—but they also inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Bottom line: several of the herbs in this formula, such as wild yam and saw palmetto have traditionally been used to reverse hirsutism.
I had a total hysterectomy 6
I had a total hysterectomy 6 six years ago at the age of 40. Since then, I have been on a roller coaster trying to get myself balanced. I can’t find any naturepath/homeopathic doc that will go the extra mile and help me.
My legs feel like bricks and feel like I’m going to fall down when I walk. Also, my eyes are very heavy as well as brain fog bad, extremely tired all the time as well. My ears crack/pop too. Will the Women’s Formula help with any of this? Is there a section on this blog that you can direct me more to so I can read more on my case of symptoms. Thanks!
The women’s formula helps
The women’s formula helps restore testosterone balance, which can indeed help bring back the zest for life. You might also want to talk your physician about supplementing with a bio-identical progesterone creme to help bring your estrogen levels back—without the dangerous negative side effects associated with synthetic progesterone and estrogen. Unfortunately, once you’ve had a hysterectomy, your body loses the ability to naturally and automatically regulate itself.
Wendy, it sounds like classic
Wendy, it sounds like classic adrenal fatigue/insufficiency symptoms you’re describing.
try an otc adrenal cortex glandular. 200mg pill or capsule 2x a day. it should resolve all your issues. also, add some lugol’s or iodoral iodine to your daily diet.
Eleuthero root Why do u not
Eleuthero root Why do u not include this in the men’s formula
People often think that the
People often think that the more ingredients you have in a formula, the better, but as Jon has pointed out on a number of occasions, that simply isn’t true—mathematically speaking. The more ingredients you use in a formula, the less you can include of each ingredient. Put 50 ingredients in a 500 mg capsule and you have 10/1000 of a gram for each ingredient. Looks great on the label—but has almost no effect on the body. Tinctures are not capsules, but the principle is the same. So, quite simply, Jon determined that American Ginseng worked better than Eleuthero in the men’s formula. There was no need to use both—and thus include less of each. American Ginseng provides many of the same benefits as Eleuthero, but carries specific benefits for men—and by using only one of the two, he was able to provide a more meaningful dose of that ingredient.
If you’re interested, Jon talks about how you design a formula in his book, “Lessons from the Miracle Doctors.” But for a quick summary, check out:
The article reminds me that
The article reminds me that there is a known relationship between SHBG, albumin and total testosterone. A dr. once told me you can “figure” your FREE TESTOSTERONE level from some computation involving the three elements (unless it was just two, maybe just the SHBG and total T?). Can someone please reveal this? I am newly concerned at age 60 about what my FREE T. level may have become. THANKS!
You might want to check out
You might want to check out this article. It explores testosterone in detail, including how it’s measured and calculated—not to mention, the problems inherent in those calculations.
Hello Jon Barron, I would
Hello Jon Barron, I would like to share a story with you!
September 26th, 2016, I was diagnosed with Mantel Cell Lymphoma, stage 4 cancer. November 7th, 2018, I was diagnosed cancer free. Through the help of Bob Wright, Ty Bollinger, Cancer, Johanna Budwig, and yourself; I reached a healthy state which cancer could not flourish in. Thank You!!!
Furthermore, my significant other (since May of 2016, we’ll call her Liz), had ACDF – Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery on 3 regions, C3 to C6 (December 8th, 2017). We are just now learning that this surgery has affected her thyroid as hyperthyroidism with 2 spots on left lobe and 1 mass on right lobe. In your Newsletter: (The Endocrine System: Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland) you stated – “Graves’ disease, a specific form of hyperthyroidism, is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies mimic the effects of TSH but are not constrained by the negative feedback system for turn-off and control;”. For me, it makes sense that because of the foreign objects in her neck there are colonies of antibodies in and around her thyroid playing a role as described above. Because there are no specific cases about thyroid problems that match Liz’s I am challenged on what sets of natural protocols are best, or not. Would you please provide any additional information, articles, reports that would help me put Liz on the right track to a healthy thyroid?
Thank You guys for your commitments towards God’s intent: God created food/nature and medicine to be as ONE
For obvious legal reasons, we
For obvious legal reasons, we cannot diagnose or prescribe for specific medical conditions—merely provide information. With that in mind, you might want to check out this article.