Five Detoxes & Timing Of Each Detox
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Detox Program: A Total Body Cleanse
Detox 1: Colon Detox & Intestinal Cleanse
Detox 2: Heavy Metal Cleanse
Detox 3: Kidney Detox
Detox 4: Liver Detox
Detox 5: Blood Detox
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The Five Full Body Detox Stages: Timing and Length
Our natural detox program is broken down into five detoxes (three phases), allowing you to detox and cleanse each organ and system thoroughly. It is important that you follow each step precisely, in consecutive order, for maximum benefit and to reduce discomfort by the time you get to the liver detox. Click on each detox below to get directions, ingredients, and frequently asked questions.
Note that each detox can be done by itself when you need special organ support, except the Liver Detox, which always requires the colon detox in advance. When doing the full body detox program, several detoxes can be combined:
How To Combine Detoxes & Timing:
Phase I: Colon Detox (Detox 1) and Heavy Metal Cleanse (Detox 2)
Length: 30 days
Phase II: Kidney & Gallbladder Detox (Detox 3)
Length: 4 days
Phase III: Liver Detox (Detox 4) and Blood Detox (Detox 5)
Length: 5 Days
What You Should Know About All Three Phases:
- The preparation for Phase I can last 1-7 days, depending on how long it takes you to build up to the correct amount of Colon Corrective. The Colon Regenerator will last approximately 25 days at one scoop per day. If you are using the Metal Magic during the detox, each bottle will last approximately 5 days.
- It is important to complete the colon detox before doing the gallbladder cleanse and liver detox. Why? Because when the liver and gallbladder purge, they dump into the intestinal tract through the bile duct. If the intestinal tract is not flowing smoothly, the purged bile and toxins will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This can lead to a cleansing reaction.
- TIMING: It is recommended to start Phase II and III within 60 days of doing the colon detox (Phase I). Once you start the kidney detox, especially if using as a preparation for the liver detox, make sure you start the liver detox within 30 days so the gallstones don’t get a chance to re-harden before flushing. It is best to start the liver detox promptly after kidney detox.
Jon’s Recommendation For Most:
- Twice a Year: a colon detox combined with a good heavy metal cleanse.
- Twice a Year: kidney detox, immediately followed by a blood and liver detox.
To make things easy, Jon Barron suggests that people do the detoxes on a seasonal basis — spring, summer, fall, and winter.
- Spring is the Colon Detox and Heavy Metal Cleanse.
- Summer is the Kidney Detox, Liver Detox, & Blood Detox.
- Fall repeats the Colon Detox and Heavy Metal cleanse.
- And winter, right after the holidays are over, is the perfect time for a repeat of the Kidney Detox and Liver & Blood Detox.
Note: if seriously ill, consult a physician before doing any detox. If familiar with detoxing, some physicians may recommend doing the complete series of detoxes immediately — back to back. Then, take one week off and repeat, and repeat again as long as they feel it is necessary.
About The Five Detoxes
The Colon Detox (Detox 1, Phase I)
Our colon detox is not just a fiber formula causing you to run to the bathroom, but much more. The ingredients will literally absorb and pull toxic, dead, fecal waste off the colon walls, kill parasites, reduce inflammation, and repair herniations and polyps. We are talking about enhancing each function from your mouth to your anus: digestion, nutrient transfer, waste processing, metabolic functions, toxic drainage, and boosting your immune system. It is vital that you do a natural colon detox before proceeding with the rest of the full body detox. When the kidney and liver detox, they dump toxic waste through the bile duct and out into the colon. If the colon (the drain pipe if you will) is plugged, the waste and toxins trying to escape get backed up into the bloodstream and can make you feel extremely ill. For complete colon health, this intestinal cleansing phase is crucial.
The Heavy Metal Cleanse (Detox 2, Phase I)
Many health ailments–headaches, exhaustion, and muscle cramps–are coming from heavy metal toxicity. It has been implicated in everything from increased risk of Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease to mental retardation and cancer. And, with today’s environmental pollutants, everyone around the globe is at risk. This detox can be combined with the colon detox.
The Kidney & Gallbladder Detox (Detox 3, Phase II)
As the incidence of kidney problems has soared to epidemic levels over the last ten years, the need for a dedicated formula for doing a regular kidney detox has become paramount. This kidney detox softens any existing kidney stones so they can pass through the bile ducts easily, without causing pain or blockage. Paramount to good care of the kidneys is reducing the toxic load they have to deal with, especially proteins and chemical contaminants which can build up in the kidneys, slowing their function, increasing acidity and raising blood pressure. However, the more important reason for doing a kidney detox in this Detox Program is that it softens gallstones, making the Liver Detox much easier.
The Liver Detox (Detox 4, Phase III)

The Blood Detox (Detox 5, Phase III)
The blood detox involves using herbal blood cleansers to eliminate systemic pathogens, remove toxic residues from the blood, stimulate the lymph system (which is essential for keeping your blood clean), and break down rogue cells to assist your immune system in minimizing the chances of malignant growths taking root in your body. The detox can be combined with the Liver Detox.
The new version is easier to
The new version is easier to read but it STILL doesn’t include the (in my view essential) advice to quit caffeine during the colon cleanse period – either that or maintain caffeine throughout the detox – and to do it in the spring. These two items make it a great deal easier, and missing them could be a detox-breaker for some people.
Why do you think someone has
Why do you think someone has to quick caffeine during the colon detox? I have done the colon detox 3 times now and ALWAYS have my morning cup of coffee, although just a bit later than normal, after the detox drink. Okay, so it is hard when doing the liver detox to suddenly cut it out, but you just get a headache for a day–not worth cutting it out for an entire month!! I just taper off a bit leading up to the liver detox. Also, I have done them at different times of year because apples are not at my farmers market in the spring or summer, they are out. And, I want to juice fresh, organic beets, also out in spring. So, everyone is different and I think what they did was perfect, it lets people have the option to do what works for them. I think you should let people have a little say on their own detox.
Can I do the metal detox
Can I do the metal detox after I finish the colon/intestine cleanse?
Yes you can. We combine them
Yes you can. We combine them together to enhance their cleansing effect and to make it more convenient. However, both detoxes can be done separately, or back to back.
So I see that there is an
So I see that there is an order in which the different cleanses should be done and certain times of the year. It is the summer and I have not implemented the spring cleanse. Should I still start off by doing phase 1 or do both phase 1 and 2 at the same time? Just want to know how to proceed. I’m totally sure that I need the liver cleanse, however it makes sense to do the colon cleanse 1st. Is there a way to do them all at once?
The time of year is just an
The time of year is just an easy guideline to suggest how to break up each detox. But, you can do them at any time of year. The order, however, is more important, especially the colon detox before the liver detox. Read through each detox in detail, and you will see you can combine 1 & 2 as well as 4 & 5. That is why we call it “three phases.”
I noticed it brings up the
I noticed it brings up the problem of protein. I’m beginning to lift weights and am taking more protein supplements. I actually am thinking about trying this detox so my body is better able to absorb all the vitamins and minerals for when I really get into working out and need all that I can get in my body. What’s a good muscle building replacement for protein?
Jon wrote a three-part series
Jon wrote a three-part series on protein, here is part 3:
What can you eat or not eat
What can you eat or not eat during the KGP Flush?
We have an entire section
We have an entire section dedicated to the Kidney Detox:
Detox 3: Kidney Detox
Hi Debra,
Hi Debra,
Here at the Baseline of Health Foundation, we don’t sell products. However, Baseline Nutritionals sells all of Jon’s recommended formulas and they also sell on Amazon! Just search for “Baseline Nutritionals” on Amazon to see the list of products.