Advice On Doing The Liver And Gallbladder Detox
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Detox 1: Colon Detox & Intestinal Cleanse
Detox 2: Heavy Metal Cleanse
Detox 3: Kidney Detox
Detox 4: Liver Detox
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Liver and Gallbladder Detox: Special Notes & Tips
Do not do the liver detox without cleansing the colon first. Colon detoxing is the foundation for the Liver Detox. If the intestinal tract is not functioning at 100% during the liver detox, many of the toxins being dumped by your liver will back up into your bloodstream, making you feel very unwell. Learn more.
Here are some important notes and tips concerning the Liver Detox:
Supplements & Medications
In general, the recommendation is to stop using supplements during the detox. Since most supplements, especially vitamin formulas, have to be processed by the liver, it makes sense to just give your liver a rest during the detox. Exceptions include, a colon corrective formula to keep things moving and digestive enzymes with your juice or salads to facilitate digestion, and you can also use probiotics if you want.
As for medications, you will want to talk to your doctor before doing the liver detox to see if there are any potential problems. For example, all of the garlic used in the program thins the blood. If you are taking blood thinning medication, that could cause problems. In general though, the rule of thumb is that if you are on medication, you will want to keep using it while detoxing. One other thing to watch for is that blood pressure tends to drop significantly during the detox — especially if you’re combining it with a 5-day juice fast — so you will want to watch any blood pressure medication you might be using.
Potassium Broth
Also recommended throughout the day is to consume cups of potassium broth. Potassium broth takes advantage of the fact that the outside of a potato is one of the highest plant sources of potassium. Take the peelings (1/4″ to 1/2″ including the skin) of several potatoes. Do NOT use the inside. Add other well chopped vegetables to taste including carrots (with skin), celery, whole beets (including greens), fresh parsley, and lots of onion and garlic (up to 50 cloves). As much as possible, do not add spices to the potassium broth. If you must, though, you can add a little “Bragg Liquid Aminos” or real Tamari sauce for flavor.
Moderate exercise every day will help make you feel a whole lot better – and will help keep things moving. Don’t over do it! Yoga is much better than going for a long run.
Taking the Liver Tincture and Blood Cleanser
To keep things simple, use 4 droppers of both the Blood Support™ and Liver Tincture™ three times a day during the flush (feel free to combine them in the same juice). That’s 12 droppers of each a day. Since each bottle contains about 60 droppers, that means you’ll finish the two bottles in 5 to 5 ½ days. There’s no way to make these tinctures taste good. They are very bitter. Put your 8 droppers in about 1 oz of juice (for this, bottled apple juice works fine) and shoot it down like a shot of bad whiskey. Then chase with a swig of plain juice to clean the palette.
Special Instructions For Diabetics
- If you’re diabetic or hypoglycemic, you’ll want to make a couple of adjustments.
- For your morning drink, you’ll want to shift away from the orange or grape juice version to more of a lemon juice drink. It will be much tarter, and you will need to dilute it more than you would the other versions.
- For the fresh juice you drink during the day, you will want to tend more to diluted pure vegetable combos (avoiding beet and carrot), and back off from the fruit juice based drinks.
An Alternative Cleanse
For those who don’t want to do the full liver flush that involves a 3 or 5 day fast, there is a slow and easy version that will give you 70-80% of the benefit without the difficulty. As part of your daily diet, just eat one cup of freshly grated beets mixed with olive oil and lemon juice for 30 days straight. Daily use of the Liver Flush Tea is required and one bottle of Liver Tincture is highly recommended. One bottle of Blood Support is also recommended.
Detox Reaction
Some people may experience a detox reaction, especially on the liver detox. There are three distinct categories of Cleansing Reactions:
- When any treatment or cleansing program causes a large scale die-off of bacteria, a significant amount of endotoxins (toxins within the bacteria itself) are released into the body. The more bacteria present, and the stronger their endotoxins, the stronger the cleansing reaction.
- When any treatment or detox causes the organs of the body (particularly the liver, which is a storehouse of drug and poison residues) to release their stored poisons and toxins, a cleansing reaction may occur.
- Any program, such as fasting or the use of weight loss herbs which causes a rapid breakdown of fat cells (which are a storehouse for toxins), can be accompanied by a detox reaction.
The healing crisis will usually bring about past conditions in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time. People often forget the diseases or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis. Reactions may include: increased joint or muscle pain, headaches, diarrhea, extreme fatigue and/or its opposite, sleeplessness, nausea, sinus congestion, fever (usually low grade) and/or chills, frequent urination and/or urinary tract discharges, drop in blood pressure, skin eruptions, including: boils, hives, and rashes, (note: skin eruptions are often misdiagnosed as allergic reactions, resulting in the premature cessation of the cleansing program), and cold or flu-like symptoms.
- You may think that you actually feel worse or that the cleanse is not working because of these reactions. Do not despair. These are all signs that your treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances. Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately — or within several days, or even several weeks, of a detox. Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days, but on rare occasions can last several weeks.
Easing Your Way through the Healing Crisis:
- Drink plenty of fresh water, juices, and herbal teas to flush the body of toxins.
- Use a colon stimulation formula to make sure that you are eliminating waste promptly. Symptoms frequently disappear immediately after a good bowel movement.
- Use psyllium seed husks or oat bran daily to absorb toxins and to help speed their transit through the system.
- On occasion, a good enema or colon irrigation can provide relief.
- Sometimes, rest is the best therapy.
- On rare occasions, a reduction of the dosage or temporary cessation may be required.
More Liver & Gallbladder Detox Tips:
- This flush is best done within 30 days of the Colon detox. Colon detoxing is the foundation for the Liver Detox because if the intestinal tract is not functioning at 100% during the liver detox, many of the toxins being dumped by your liver will back up into your bloodstream, making you feel very unwell. Learn more.
- It is extremely beneficial to incorporate a 2-day raw food and 3-day juice-fast into your 5-day cleanse. However, for those who can manage it, a 5-day juice fast is ideal.
- Before starting the detox, make sure you read the instructions. It is recommended that you buy all your veggies for juicing and the potassium broth before you start so you don’t need to shop while on the detox.
- Make sure to buy only organic vegetables and fruits while detoxing, if possible. If it is not available, wash any produce you do use thoroughly before juicing or adding to your broth.
- Some underestimate the taste of the tinctures used for the Liver Detox. They are extremely bitter and, for most people, need to be shot like liquor to get them down. However, adding a little apple or pear juice to the shot can help. Also, taking a swig of juice after the shot can help cleanse the palate. Do not use thick juices that coat the mouth, as they make the taste of the tinctures linger. Diluting the tincture doesn’t work either, these are very strong herbs! It will just extend the amount of bad tasting liquid you need to drink.
- You may expect to feel extremely tired one day and full of energy the next. Try not to pack your schedule the week of the liver detox, and give yourself plenty of rest. You may find you need to nap in the middle of the day if you are moving lots of toxins. Even a 15 minute power nap when needed can make a huge difference.
- A tablespoon of psyllium taken with 8 oz of water or diluted juice at around 6pm along with some Colon Corrective will help keep everything moving. (Note: if allergic to psyllium, use oat bran instead. Do NOT use ground flaxseed during the liver flush as it contains a lot of oil, which nullifies the effect of the Morning Flush Drink.)
- Two packets of Sun Chlorella taken daily with your juice will help give you energy and aid in detoxing and elimination. Moderate exercise every day will help you feel a whole lot better and help keep things moving. But, don’t overdo it, yoga or walking can be better than going for a long run while detoxing.
- Hot baths or saunas can be nice to help move toxins out, but be careful of public places since you may have a strong garlic odor from the broth and the Morning Flush Drink.
- Some people love the Morning Flush Drink and say it tastes like an Orange Julius; others hate it and love the potassium broth. Everyone has different taste preferences. The point is to just do it and get through the program, even the parts you may not enjoy.
- Whatever you do, absolutely do not cheat by eating any fats whatsoever. Starving your body of fats all day produces bile build up in your liver and gallbladder. In the morning, you will have 1-5 tablespoons of olive oil (depending on what day of the flush you are on) in your Morning Flush Drink, which causes the liver and gallbladder to literally squeeze out accumulated fat, cholesterol, and toxins. Since any fat you consume during the day minimizes the purging action of the olive oil drink, avoid them.
- If you are so inclined (and you should be) you should examine what you deposit in the toilet. Look for “stones.” The bile from the liver gives some stones their pea green color. But also look for black stones, red ones and brown ones. And look for stones with blood inside them. (Note: Oftentimes, the olive oil is converted into little “soap beads” in the intestinal tract, and many people confuse these little beads with actual stones.) If you do not notice anything, it does not mean the detox is not working. How you feel at the end of the detox is more important than what you see. However, during the course of a cleanse, it’s not uncommon to pass some 2,000 thousand small stones. Be glad. The more you pass, the healthier you become. You may also find untold numbers of tiny white cholesterol “crystals” mixed in with the waste.
- In general, it is recommended to stop using supplements during the detox. Since most supplements, especially vitamin formulas, have to be processed by the liver, it makes sense to just give your liver a rest during the detox. Exceptions include: a colon corrective formula to keep things moving and digestive enzymes with your juice or salads to facilitate digestion. You can also use probiotics if you want.
- If you’re diabetic or hypoglycemic, you’ll want to make a couple of adjustments. For your morning drink, you’ll want to shift away from the orange juice version to more of a lemon juice drink. It will be much tarter, and you will need to dilute it more than you would the other versions. For the fresh juice you drink during the day, you will want to tend more to diluted pure vegetable combos (avoiding beet and carrot), and back off from the fruit juice based drinks.
- If you have read Jon Barron’s newsletters or his book, “Lessons from the Miracle Doctors”, you will find that he highly recommends performing twice yearly Liver Detoxes to counter the harmful effects of toxins and pollutants in our air, food, water, and beauty products.
- Remember, this is not an endurance contest. If you reach a point that you feel is unbearable, listen to your body and back off. You can always do the detox again later. On the other hand, if all you’re feeling is uncomfortable or “off,” stick with it. You will come out the other side.
Hi, Wondering if I can do the
Hi, Wondering if I can do the blood detox at the same time if I opt for the 30 day alternative liver cleanse (daily beets and tea). And should that be at the beginning of the 30 days or towards the end?
Absolutely! Remember to add
Absolutely! Remember to add the Liver Tincture along with the Liver Flush Tea. You can start the tinctures at the beginning and just spread it out more.
Hi, I wanted to do the
Hi, I wanted to do the alternative liver cleanse and needed clarification. I will also be doing the blood support and metal magic at the same time. My question is whether the tinctures should be stretched out to the 30 day timeframe of the alternative cleanse? In other words, instead of 4 droppers 3 times a day for 5 days of the liver and blood tinctures should it be 1 dropper 3 times a day for 30 days? Does it matter? Thank you so much for all the time you spend answering questions! I tried not to ask but didn’t see this answered anywhere on the site. John
These detoxes are broken down
These detoxes are broken down to allow your body to detox organ by organ. It sounds like you are trying to combine all of them in a 30 day cleanse? It may be easier to at least do the heavy metal detox first, follow those specific instructions, then the alternative liver detox. When you do that, all the instructions will be clear and it will not be such a shock to your system. If you have any further questions about the products, please contact Baseline Nutritionals’ customer support.